The definitive guide to destroying PM and keeping it away!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I continue to see lots of PM (Powdery Mildew) questions and problems.
I feel it is time for a complete guide on how to not just control PM but, how to finally defeat it and how to keep it from coming best we can.

You should all understand that PM is not an "IF", It's a "when"......

Lets start with what PM is.
Thanks Wiki

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that affects a wide range of plants. Powdery mildew diseases are caused by many different species of fungi in the order Erysiphales, with Podosphaera xanthii (a.k.a. Sphaerotheca fuliginea) being the most commonly reported cause. Erysiphe cichoracearum was formerly reported to be the primary causal organism throughout most of the world. Powdery mildew is one of the easier plant diseases to identify, as its symptoms are quite distinctive. Infected plants display white powdery spots on the leaves and stems. The lower leaves are the most affected, but the mildew can appear on any above-ground part of the plant. As the disease progresses, the spots get larger and denser as large numbers of asexual spores are formed, and the mildew may spread up and down the length of the plant.

Powdery mildew grows well in environments with high humidity and moderate temperatures. In an agricultural setting, the pathogen can be controlled using chemical methods, genetic resistance, and careful farming methods. It is important to be aware of powdery mildew and its management as the resulting disease can significantly reduce crop yields. Greenhouses provide an ideal moist, temperate environment for the spread of the disease.

Now then lets start with simple things first.

PM is brought into your op by the spores coming in on air, your clothes or pets you allow outside and into your op.....It can be spread into your op in a house room by any ventilation such as heating and cold air return vents. Anyway air gets into your op! Once the house born op has PM. It has deposited spores through out the ventilation system and the rest of the house. You are now going to have a real pain in the ass cleaning job because the best course will be to clean the whole house! We will cover these things later.

You NEED to understand that once you "see" it on a plant. You now have it through out your grow, by way of the spores the PM puts out to colonize other plants. If you have 2 separate area's that are connected and have any form of air flow between them, including a doorway. That area is now infected with spores also!
You will need to treat the plants in that area - even if you don't "see" PM growing on the plants. It's there. It's just waiting to have the right conditions to attack.

In veg it is far easier to control and kill then in any week over 4 in bloom. Once you have PM in bloom. It is going to be next to impossible to completely kill off due to the nooks and crannies in your buds that this nasty shit LOVES to hide in! You can "see" it on many places but, at this point in bloom. It is in many places in the bud that you will not "see".

Lets start with simple ways to prevent PM.

For operation (grow area) exposure.
Do not come in from working outside on gardens or plants and then work in your op.
Do not allow anyone else in the op!!! (You should know better anyway)
Do not allow any pets in the op. (I know this one can be hard.)
Do not bring into your op, outside sourced clones NO MATTER WHERE OR WHO THEY CAME FROM! Until they have been properly treated for molds and pests!

Make up some HTG or GREEN CURE (more on just what these are later) and dip EVERY single outsourced clone you get in it up to the media surface. Spray the media and the pot with the solution.
Do the same with a pyrethrin concentrate for killing off any pests on the plant and water with a BT product to get any Fungus gnats in the soil.

Do your working in the op after taking a shower and putting on clean clothes IF AT ALL POSSIBLE!

USE AN INCOMING AIR FILTER!!!!!! This is the single most important factor in any stand alone building grow!!!

The use of Silica as a supplement (or built into the soil for water only organic runs) will help the plant repel PM!

If you are setting up a new area or even a new stand alone building. No matter if the equipment is used or new. SANITIZE the WHOLE thing and EVERY SURFACE with a bleach sanitizing solution, BEFORE you bring in your plants! This means EVERY SURFACE, including tables, nutrient bottles, simply EVERYTHING, fans, AC units - EVERYTHING YOU SEE = SPRAY IT and let it dry!

If you are in a room in a house be SURE to block off any air flow into the room from vents, as in heating and cold air returns! You will need to heat and cool this room by it's self for the best results in avoiding PM!

AIRFLOW ,, maintain space between plants and have fans that are moving the air lights on AND off!

Humidity ,,, Keep you RH at or slightly below 50%....very low RH of less then 40% really doesn't help that much. It's a balancing act.

Temps.....Keep temps from swings over 10F lights on to off.....Once PM is eliminated you may have that swing on to off swing increase if your a manipulator of coloring through temps swings. But as a rule. the bigger the swing, the better the chance of PM taking off.

IF, you have a power outage and it lasts for even an hr....if spores are present....your going to be hit and hit HARD with PM!
Spray with a preventive or killing spray right after the power comes back on and get the whole plant and the media surface......LOOK for emerging PM at 2 and especially 3 days after the outage! You should have done a prevent spraying already - but you might have missed some! LOOK carefully!

1 part bleach to 9 parts water


Serenade "organic" garden disease control - This will not only kill PM and many other "molds". It also acts as a pretty fair PM prevention spray.....This stuff works by putting live Bacillus subtilis on the leaves that as it lives it creates a pH environment that the PM spores can not live on.
This effect lasts about 2 weeks at a time.
I have a personal problem with Serenade = It stinks like old gym socks! The smell returns anytime the plant is wet down for weeks!

AACT tea - Home made! When you run a simple AACT tea. Remove enough to fill your spaying needs at 18hrs of brew time.....This works EXACTLY the same way as Serenade for far less the cost and for far LESS SMELL. In fact, I don't really smell anything from this when done properly.

AACT TEA FORMULA simple bio tea:

2.38% by volume compost or vermicompost (EWC) per gallon = .38 cups or around half a cup max or about 2 cups in 5 gallons max.

0.5 to 0.75% molasses by volume per gallon = 1.28 to 1.92 tablespoons per gallon. 0.75% is the maximum I use. It is a good bacterial and fungal food.

0.25% (max) Alfalfameal by volume per gallon = 0.64 tablespoon or half a tablespoon.

PLEASE NOTE: I have given you a formula to be able to prepare any amount appropriate for you, down to 1 gallon.....this is for 1 gallon.

You may take a 1 1/2 or 2 gallon container and an aquarium pump with air stone and place the stone into the container (try to have a small diameter container)...Pour in the ingr. and fire up the air pump. Best results will be with the temp of the liquid at 68-70F. Bubble this for 18hrs.
STRAIN through something to remove the solids (use this as a top dress for soil run plants - synthetic or organic) and the liquid be able to run through your sprayer.

Spray down the entire plant with these above spray's.

The next post/section will go on to killing PM on plants



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KILLING PM I JUST FOUND part 1 Veg and early bloom plants.

There are sooo many products and methods available to kill PM and other molds that it would be next to impossible to cover them all here. So for the sake of what we do and what we do with it.....I will NOT list ANY CHEMICAL FUNGICIDES!
I shall focus on "natural" methods of PM control/killing!

You now have a problem! We need to nip it in the bud FAST! The first step is to kill the PM you see.
There are many PM killing substances out there.....Lets cover the best and shoot a few down too.

Geranium, Rosemary, Thyme, or any Herbal/spice oil or extract -
These things do work. Some better then others.....Geranium oil is one that works nicely, but I have a problem with putting ANY oil or spice herbal extract on my plants.
It's an oil! It smells! It adds flavors that don't belong!
I can not tell you about how many times that growers have come into my Disp. to attempt a sale and be turned away because I or an employee can simply smell anything from the Geranium to Cinnamon on the product! BLEECH!

Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate) -This is possibly the best known of the home-made, organic solutions for powdery mildew. Although studies indicate that baking soda alone is not all that effective, when combined with horticultural grade or dormant oil and liquid soap, efficacy is very good if applied in the early stages or before an outbreak occurs.

Use this recipe to make your own solution—mix one tablespoon of baking soda with a teaspoon of dormant oil and one teaspoon of insecticidal or liquid soap (not detergent) to a gallon of water. Spray on plants every one to two weeks. I don't like oils or soaps on my plants - not a good choice in my book! It also can "burn" your plant if made too strong.

Potassium bicarbonate – Similar to baking soda, this has the unique advantage of actually eliminating powdery mildew once it’s there. Potassium bicarbonate is a contact fungicide which kills the powdery mildew spores quickly. In addition, it’s approved for use in organic growing.
GREEN CURE is the store brand that everybody use's. Instructions say to mix between 0 and 2 TBL spoons to a gallon - DO NOT GO OVER 1 TBL A GALLON! This will burn your plants badly if you do!I do not find this as effective for prevention as it does not "do" anything but kill on contact.

Mouthwash – If it can kill the germs in your mouth, certainly the fungal spores of powdery mildew are no match. And that’s the premise. Generic, ethanol based mouthwash can be very effective at control. Tests using one part mouthwash to three parts water worked for well for Jeff Gillman, Ph.D and Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota, Department of Horticulture. Just be careful when mixing and applying mouthwash as new foliage can be damaged. Alcohol on my plant? I don't - It's up to you if you want but, the best is yet to come.

Vinegar – Similar to mouthwash, the acetic acid of vinegar can control powdery mildew. A mixture of 2-3 tablespoons of common apple cider vinegar, containing 5% acetic acid mixed with a gallon of water does job. However, too much vinegar can burn plants but at the same time, higher concentrations (above 5%) are more effective. Like everything above it changes the pH of the leaf surface to work.

Sulfur and Lime/Sulfur – Direct contact by sulfur prevents disease spores from developing. When mixed with hydrated lime, the solution will penetrate leaves for even greater effectiveness. A widely available version of this combination includes copper sulphate and hydrated lime, known as Bordeaux mix. However, all of these solutions can burn plant tissue and is damaging to microorganisms in the soil and harmful to beneficial insects. It is also considered moderately toxic to mammals and humans. Use sparingly and with caution if at all. NASTY, NASTY STUFF! NOT RECOMMENDED AT ALL!

SULFUR burners are on my same list here! They do work but they put a NASTY film or residue on EVERY surface in the room, not just your plants! It does go a long way to overall room control in the long run.
I will give you an alternate method for room control in part 3 later that while more labor intensive is a FAR better choice!

Milk – The latest player in the fight against powdery mildew is milk. It’s not clear yet why it works so well, but it is believed that naturally occurring compounds in the milk are at work to combat the disease while also boosting the plant’s immune system. One experiment showed good results by applying a weekly dose of one part milk to two parts water. I don't care for putting animal products on my plants as it contains animal fats. Animal fats ROT and as they do that, they smell bad! Animal fats are acidic and are another possible way that milk works.....BLAH - avoid if you can! NOT a viable choice for late bloom!

Water – Ironically, dry conditions and high humidity are the most favorable conditions for powdery mildew to form. But straight water is its enemy because it washes off the spores before they have time to embed. However, water isn’t something that I promote for control because wet foliage is friend to many other plant diseases. If you’re going to try this option, do so early in the day so foliage has time to dry out quickly.

Neem oil – This is a readily available organic option to disease and pest control. Neem oil is extracted from the neem tree, native to India. This is an effective disease control and a broad spectrum, natural insecticide that is kinder to beneficial insects and mammals. As for controlling powdery mildew, results vary but it is not the best option. Results are usually moderate at best. Another OIL again! BLAH!

HORSETAIL GRASS (Shavegrass) TEA (winner, winner chicken dinner!!)- This is, in my book, the best and most effective killer of PM I have ever tried! It is CHEAP to buy and a pound of dry HTgrass will last you forever if you employ prevention methods!
HTG is a strong natural fungicide! It is 100% organic! The plants LIKE it as it also has a nice minor foliar nutrient effect!

View attachment 3550549
This is the package. As you can see it's $12.20 a pound for this. It is available at this link:

To prepare the tea:
bring to a boil 1 1/3 cups of the HTG to 1 gallon of water. Turn off the heat and let it steep for around 5-10 min.....Cool, strain and fill your sprayer.
YOU CAN INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF HTG if it is not as effective as it should be.....

Spray down the entire plant. Top to bottom and the underside of leaves.....Spray the media surface and the pot.

The Seranade and the AACT are effective here too... Same personal feelings apply

Even with many choices for control, prevention is still the best medicine, not only with powdery mildew, but with other diseases as well.

In the next post we move on to part 2 covering later bloom control..
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ATTEMPTING control in late bloom:

In short - YEAH RIGHT!
You are NOT in most cases going to eliminate PM on later (especially bulking/bulked) buds! The reason is simple. There are way to many nooks and crannies for the mold to hide in.....You may get periods of what "looks" to be PM free but it's there and it's going to come back...
I know this is a bad thing to have to deal with but, you can get a pretty good control going by using the HTG tea as you can use it directly ON the day of harvest without adverse effect to the plant or the results.

Next I am going to cover sanitization of your grow op for after finding PM. Let me note here that you should wait till these blooming plants are DONE BEFORE attempting to sanitize the op as the hidden PM will be putting out spores and simply re-infecting the op!

It would be a good place for me to bring up and link you too a method by Jorge Cervantes on "washing" the PM off your plants you harvest that have been effected. I have NOT tried this.....I HAVE seen it done by others and have been surprised by how effective it was.....If you have plants in late bloom with a PM problem. This maybe your answer for harvesting and using the plants!!!

NOW FOR THE FUN PART: You must now sanitize the grow to get rid of the PM or your only going to have it repeatedly return!

You have now (hopefully) picked a substance to use to kill the PM off your plants.

The whole process to no PM in your grow op goes like this.

Spray down the whole plant, top bottom and the media surface and entire pot surface.
Now move each plant as you complete them. To an area that you KNOW has no PM.

When that area is clear. You must now sanitize the WHOLE area/room or building in use. We are going to use the Bleach sanitizing solution I gave you earlier in the prevention section! You MUST hit every surface of EVERYTHING in the op. Walls, ceilings, floors, tables, shelves, bins, nutrient containers, vents, EVERYTHING and don't forget UNDER anything like those containers and stand alone shelves!

If you skip this part for ANY reason - you WILL get PM back!

Every now and then - like once every run as you clear out the op for the next group of plants - give the room a quick once over AGAIN!

This is how I kill PM and REMAIN PM FREE!
I have been PM free for 9 years running !

Good luck and don't give up!
This WILL work if you are focused and detailed!

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Nice summary doc!

I like Actinovate instead of Serenade just because it much more affordable for larger grows. Similar bacteria solution, but both better as a preventative.

I've successfully beat back pm in flower with a daily spray, rotating through Green Cure, diluted H2O2, and Actinovate. On larger plants you won't hit every square inch of plant in any one spray, so going everyday gives you a shot to cover everything over time.

I have done the h2o2 wash at harvest as well, and it works, but you will lose some trichs to the rinse process. With the rotation above I did not need to rinse buds at harvest.

Anyway you slice it, pm sucks. You can beat it with organic safe methods, but you will be working harder!

Any dispensary buds testing with Eagle 20 in Colorado are now being destroyed by the state.
Nice summary doc!

I like Actinovate instead of Serenade just because it much more affordable for larger grows. Similar bacteria solution, but both better as a preventative.

I've successfully beat back pm in flower with a daily spray, rotating through Green Cure, diluted H2O2, and Actinovate. On larger plants you won't hit every square inch of plant in any one spray, so going everyday gives you a shot to cover everything over time.

I have done the h2o2 wash at harvest as well, and it works, but you will lose some trichs to the rinse process. With the rotation above I did not need to rinse buds at harvest.

Anyway you slice it, pm sucks. You can beat it with organic safe methods, but you will be working harder!

Any dispensary buds testing with Eagle 20 in Colorado are now being destroyed by the state.

Great reply BUG!
Thanks for the further intel. (I forgot Actinovate - you see what happens when you remain PM free!)

I still like the HTG as my only source of action during bloom BUT hearing from you with a working alternative gives folks another choice!


Great reply BUG!
Thanks for the further intel. (I forgot Actinovate - you see what happens when you remain PM free!)

I still like the HTG as my only source of action during bloom BUT hearing from you with a working alternative gives folks another choice!


I've never tried the HTG but on your recommendation I'll pick some up for next season. We got off super easy this year in my neck of the woods with very dry and sunny flowering weather. PM risk was low and I only sprayed a few times when cold damp conditions came in.
Great reply BUG!
Thanks for the further intel. (I forgot Actinovate - you see what happens when you remain PM free!)

I still like the HTG as my only source of action during bloom BUT hearing from you with a working alternative gives folks another choice!


Good shit man, I didn't know that about horsetail, and I've had some for yrs.
I have noticed that an aloe and silica spray works too.
But the AACT works like magic.
One of my friends and his wife, said to me last night after seeing this.....
Mix the Green Cure at 1.5 TBL per gallon into the HTG and you get better "wetability" for heavy trich covered plants !

He said he found it has a weaker surface tension and actually gets down into tighter places better. Like actually between the trich's and to the leaf surface to do a better job on the real snow like trichome covered strains!

I'll buy that for a dollar!

Tip-o-the hat to Goofey and Fuck'in Goofey for the heads up!

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One of my friends and his wife, said to me last night after seeing this.....
Mix the Green Cure at 1.5 TBL per gallon into the HTG and you get better "wetability" for heavy trich covered plants !

He said he found it has a weaker surface tension and actually gets down into tighter places better. Like actually between the trich's and to the leaf surface to do a better job on the real snow like trichome covered strains!

I'll buy that for a dollar!

Tip-o-the hat to Goofey and Fuck'in Goofey for the heads up!


MAKE THAT 1/2 TBL per gallon of HTG!!!!!!
I use 2 Tbs/gal of Green Cure. No worries.
I have used 2 tbs/gal as well and it was very effective. Burns pistols and turns em brown like right now though lol
I used it in week 2 of flower and PM never popped back up again. Buds bounce back shortly after with new growth like it was never sprayed. Got me through my run until I could harvest and scrub down the grow room properly. Actually @ttystikk I believe you're the one that told me about it. :clap: