New Member
My name is Steve and my friend and I are looking to move to Oregon to grow medical marijuana. We are looking for one to five acres. Eventually we would like to split into two lots. At first though I am looking to license as a grower for myself and three others, my understanding is that is the limit. I am looking towards Jackson County since they do not restrict me from having the 18 plants- 6 mature 12 seedlings. Seeing as the size of the lot and Oregon Land Use laws it seems I will be in the county. Also it looks like I am restricted to Exclusive Farm Use or Forest Land. Seeing as we are looking to build a cabin on the land EFU is out. As far as the Forest Land I am being told I have to take a Land Use Exam and then I can apply to build a cabin but approval is not guaranteed. We are looking obviously to save as much money and headache as possible.
On a side note I own a construction company in Houston and can build my own cabin and grow room. If there is an area where this is possible rather than having to hire contractors that would be awesome. I have no issues building to applicable codes, filling any neccasary paperwork and attains required permits if needed but want to build myself. In Texas in the county, outside the city, you can build whatever you want as long as your zoned properly with minimal permits and codes. If there is an area like this any info would be greatly appreciated.
We both are experienced growers so that whole side we already grasp. We definently welcome any pointers and would be glad to share any knowledge that could help someone but the point of this post is land procurement. We have been researching this for two months and I have spent days talking to government agencies. I figure posting here would get me straight to the source.
I read a bio on the guy who started this forum, I didn't catch his username, but I would like to thank him personally for the efforts to unite the marijuana movement in Oregon and by proxy the rest of the nation. I would also like to thank all users who take time to help with this matter.
On a side note I own a construction company in Houston and can build my own cabin and grow room. If there is an area where this is possible rather than having to hire contractors that would be awesome. I have no issues building to applicable codes, filling any neccasary paperwork and attains required permits if needed but want to build myself. In Texas in the county, outside the city, you can build whatever you want as long as your zoned properly with minimal permits and codes. If there is an area like this any info would be greatly appreciated.
We both are experienced growers so that whole side we already grasp. We definently welcome any pointers and would be glad to share any knowledge that could help someone but the point of this post is land procurement. We have been researching this for two months and I have spent days talking to government agencies. I figure posting here would get me straight to the source.
I read a bio on the guy who started this forum, I didn't catch his username, but I would like to thank him personally for the efforts to unite the marijuana movement in Oregon and by proxy the rest of the nation. I would also like to thank all users who take time to help with this matter.