Assange doesn't have shit.



Malcolm Wrightson Nance
Malcolm Wrightson Nance is an American career cryptologic senior chief petty officer, author, scholar and media commentator on international terrorism, intelligence, insurgency and torture

Malcolm Nance legit as fuck, more Philly than Iverson, talking about Assange and his sopping wet puss.

How Hackable Is The Election?
Fruit bats AND fruit flies, yep. Also attracts pussy grabbers:

Blue shirt dude has a modified Eddie Munster hair doo. You fucking tell me Trump draws the werewolf younguns?

If they're manufacturing content aren't they just doing the same thing as you?

someone must have ripped your asshole wide open.

i am not manufacturing content when i point out that you are a racist who called obama a gay kenyan muslim homo. i am simply reminding you of your own racist beliefs.
someone must have ripped your asshole wide open.
i am not manufacturing content when i point out that you are a racist who called obama a gay kenyan muslim homo. i am simply reminding you of your own racist beliefs.
Then produce it boy.
Go fetch.
If your recent 'avatar' is intended to incite further hatred towards you, it's succeeding. Imagine how it feels to be a person of color and have your rancid ass hanging around the site? Your imminent banning can't come soon enough.
any true patriot would agree.
Youre mistaken.

I agree that revealing the massive spy apparatus on all personal communication data in USA is sickening and I applaud that it's come to light.

But there is far more to it and there are persuasive arguments and alternative response strategies that merit consideration.

Listening to that Nance interview is very informative. He is an intl respected intelligence expert with loads of field experience and he is a real as can be. He has several talks online.
that's great but they're still heroes. if you value our constitution, you value those people.
OK I hear that but it's an overly simplistic interpretation. Assange has an ax to grind, thats not heroic. Ending up in exile suggests that he might have played his hand differently. Nance presents him as tool.

I'd prefer to not cast it in B&W and be aware of the complexities and appreciate the insight of an intelligence professional.