Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
^ See how mad the sheep get when proof slaps them right across the face? The revert to name calling and other childish nonsense lol

DNC chair promised to be Clinton's 'biggest surrogate' before primaries began

just keeps getting better and better lol

HILLARY DELETED OWN EMAILS & DOCS. "Hillary took it upon herself to review them and delete documents" HIGHLY ILLEGAL!

Maybe they can get Bernie in there while Hillary is crash and burning
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How are you even able to function with so few neurons firing in succession? Are you able to feed/dress yourself, or?


Well-Known Member
By EMILY SCHULTHEIS CBS NEWS October 12, 2016, 7:14 PM
More questionable footage of Trump's comments on women

"As Republican nominee Donald Trump’s campaign still works to move past a recently released 2005 tape of his lewd remarks about women, more and more footage of similar comments made by Trump is surfacing.

In an “Entertainment Tonight” Christmas feature in 1992, Trump looked at a group of 10-year-old girls and said he would be dating one of them in ten years. At the time, Trump would have been 46 years old."


I'm gonna fucking throw up....who the fuck looks at a TEN-YEAR-OLD KID and thinks/says such a thing ??

Death in prison or from anal cancer would suit Karma.
Funny how a foul-mouth such as you can point fingers


Well-Known Member
Bro, reality check. You are a silly bitch. There is no way i even consider the toxic shit "statements" that make your ass lubricate. You are a fucking laugh to me. Refuting your "statements" NO Providing reality checks for your fantasies, dreams and non existent character YES.
Clearly they were statements. Clearly you are unable to refute them. Random insults don't qualify as a "reality check". You are devoid of morals and intelligence. You deserve the leader you hope to elect.


In this news environment, the pursuit of pleasure is more gratifying and reliable to an audience than the patient search for a rational apprehension of what really happened, and how to think about what happened.
Are you blind as a bat? Clinton was going for the pussy and she moved his hand away.... lmao


Well-Known Member
"Foul" language equates to PEDOPHILIA - ?!

Ohhhhhh, Red....you are FAR more damaged than I'd assumed....w-o-w.....your posts are literally making me sick at this point.

I've gotta disengage/heave.
Your unsourced claims are without merit.
Sadly, your claims of illness are false. You don't leave your seat in front of your computer to defecate, let alone heave


Well-Known Member
Vegas ignores you/knows you're irrelevant/doesnt't care.

Next President of the United States of America
Odds as of October 9 at Bovada

  • Hillary Clinton -425
  • Donald Trump +325
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Well-Known Member
They cannot refute anything we provide, because it's undeniable. The refuse open their eyes, because their sheeplelitus prevents them. I even offered up $500 via paypal.
bro whats the bet i'm game for all you got, test me

my eyes are staring you down bitch, speak up or get cleaning enema's penetralia.
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