Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
see how they added their own spin to his twitter?.. how can you KNOW they arent doing that with the emails?
DavidKratos92 said:
I was locked up because some guy tried to steal my Lamborghini. Went up to him and socked him on the jaw. Sent him to hospital and he was in a coma for weeks. Told police it was self defence but he said i used too much force.

Kratos sounds like 2anonymous remember that freak?


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Donald Trump at a rally on Wednesday. AP Photo/ Evan Vucci
All The New Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Donald Trump That Surfaced Today

Oct 13 2016, 12:16 AM

At Sunday's debate, moderator Anderson Cooper pressed Donald Trump on comments he made in leaked footage fromAccess Hollywood in 2005, including that, due to his fame, he could "grab" women "by the pussy." Trump, in response to Cooper's questioning, said that he had never actually performed acts like those he bragged about in recording.

But Wednesday brought a torrent of disturbing allegations from a variety of sources (in response to which the Trump campaign will reportedly focus even more on Bill Clinton's past), with the incidents in question ranging across multiple decades:






Well-Known Member
DavidKratos92 said:
I was locked up because some guy tried to steal my Lamborghini. Went up to him and socked him on the jaw. Sent him to hospital and he was in a coma for weeks. Told police it was self defence but he said i used too much force.

Kratos sounds like 2anonymous remember that freak?
he kinda does actually lol.. but kratos has the same name on other sites. i think it is someone who (all politics aside) is actually retarded


Well-Known Member

Donald Trump at a rally on Wednesday. AP Photo/ Evan Vucci
All The New Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Donald Trump That Surfaced Today

Oct 13 2016, 12:16 AM

At Sunday's debate, moderator Anderson Cooper pressed Donald Trump on comments he made in leaked footage fromAccess Hollywood in 2005, including that, due to his fame, he could "grab" women "by the pussy." Trump, in response to Cooper's questioning, said that he had never actually performed acts like those he bragged about in recording.

But Wednesday brought a torrent of disturbing allegations from a variety of sources (in response to which the Trump campaign will reportedly focus even more on Bill Clinton's past), with the incidents in question ranging across multiple decades:


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Thats fucked up. Isnt it like the sexual criminal who seeks out roles that enable a pretext to be around objects of his pathological desire.

"Early voting could hand election to clinton well before nov.8"


Well-Known Member
They cannot refute anything we provide, because it's undeniable. The refuse open their eyes, because their sheeplelitus prevents them. I even offered up $500 via paypal.
Yours is a matter of belief. There is no proof in any of the shit you say about Bill or Hill regarding rape, crimes, their foundation. Yet a lie is a better tool to smear an opponent because it puts them on the back foot by forcing them to deny. The best lies have no evidence one way or the other. Clever tactic but not very smart.

Chance of winning: Clinton 87%; Trump 13%. Ahhhhaaaahaaaaahaaaaahhhhaaaahhhhaaaaaaa It isn't working -- is it? Some of the people were fooled but not most of them. Which is why Trump is losing. All he has are smears and lies. He is the least fit candidate for the office of prez ever.

And to take the comedy even higher, he is now quoting complete passages of Russian propaganda lies copied directly from Sputnik, a Russian house organ.

Another scary clown sighting. LOL

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Bill Clinton's half black son speaks out about the decades of neglect & non support inflicted against him by bills racist wife Hillary Clinton .

Hillary's racist ass can't be trusted.

The social justice warriors will rush to claim "Alex Jones tinfoil hat " and make fake laugh comments,meanwhile intelligent people look at the person speaking & their words as credible or not,I find this young mans evidence to be highly credible .


Well-Known Member
Bill Clinton's half black son speaks out about the decades of neglect & non support inflicted against him by bills racist wife Hillary Clinton .

Hillary's racist ass can't be trusted.

The social justice warriors will rush to claim "Alex Jones tinfoil hat " and make fake laugh comments,meanwhile intelligent people look at the person speaking & their words as credible or not,I find this young mans evidence to be highly credible .
images (90).jpeg


Well-Known Member
Bill Clinton's half black son speaks out about the decades of neglect & non support inflicted against him by bills racist wife Hillary Clinton .

Hillary's racist ass can't be trusted.

The social justice warriors will rush to claim "Alex Jones tinfoil hat " and make fake laugh comments,meanwhile intelligent people look at the person speaking & their words as credible or not,I find this young mans evidence to be highly credible .

So a test was done and found he wasn't Bill's son. The reaction? Its not the answer wing nuts want so they just ignore it.

So, I'll give you a gratuitous "fake laugh comment". Not towards your story because the guy might actually believe his story and be troubled by it. I'll give the fake laugh comment to you directly. aaaahhhhhaaaaaahaaaahaaaaaaaahhhhaaa. Made up shit. And even the wing nut press won't take it up. Except Alex Jones, but he'd lick shit off the floor for a story. And does, frequently.

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