I have a drug test tomorrow need help with proper way to flush system..


Well-Known Member
Why do you think it makes you go on a binge?
No clue what your talking about..ever

And you've been here this long.
Yiuve gotta be a troll or mentally impaired
Oh, you're right. What was I thinking? Nobody ever goes on a meth binge. In fact, I just made up the whole concept. I was pretending like meth was a highly habit forming stimulant like cocaine, but of course it's really equivalent to a cup of Starbuck's.


Well-Known Member
Thays not what you said..

This what you said

"But you must be the one guy who can take a hit of meth and not go on a week long binge."
Which also frankly is offensive to responsible drug users

Meth isn't exactly euphoric. Much less so than coke or mdma.

A lot of people smoke it every now and again to get things done or a fuck marathon. Its not like it leaves the desire to keep hitting it like coke does.

Again your speaking on something you have no experience with.

I've dine/do alot of coke. But hate meth, it's shitty

Not to say I've never done it


Well-Known Member
I have had too many friends and relatives whose lives have been wrecked by meth addictions,, so I am a bit prejudiced. I would discourage anyone from dabbling with it. The price that you pay isn't always in money, honey. Wishing you well.


Well-Known Member
Uh oh knocking it but never tried it party foul
Non non non..

This is a man made drug!

Oh yeah sign me up for all these things below too.
  • addiction
  • psychosis, including:
    • paranoia
    • hallucinations
  • repetitive motor activity
  • changes in brain structure and function
  • memory loss
  • aggressive or violent behavior
  • mood disturbances
  • severe dental problems
  • weight loss
Sounds fun right.

P..S the long term effects would seem to outweigh the temporary high, but that's just me.
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Well-Known Member
Yea man made drugs are horrible!

I'll stick to coke morphine and weed

But desoxyn - pharma methamphetamine is some people's flavor
he come Down on M
I walking about him smoking once a year
your honor its because im a coke guy. You have your Coke heads then you have your methods heads. Meth is ok what is just my cut. Furthermore your honor I see no debth of beauty in a method high. It is primal and the comedown is brutal.


Well-Known Member
he come Down on M

your honor its because im a coke guy. You have your Coke heads then you have your methods heads. Meth is ok what is just my cut. Furthermore your honor I see no debth of beauty in a method high. It is primal and the comedown is brutal.

But is it what caused the govt to inject you with a neurotoxin and monitor your thoughts?

Is the real question

These guys don't know shit about meth or other drugs. That much is clear

But I wanna hear about the other stuff Ryan ;)
I could write a book about what happened to me. Basically the feds thought I was the threat to exposing a ring of electronic harassment. I don't to make the mods paranoid so if you really want to know PM me. I should start a thread about it. You're talking to a former TI
I have an attorney that is willing to take my case when I have further testing done. I'm looking atmalicious attack that was senseless and had no moral fiber. I am worthEasily a 30 million dollars without effort. The feds don't want this out. Obviously the feds really don't want this out