Votes: 3 27.3%

    Votes: 8 72.7%

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do any of your "libertarian" buddies also support private prisons? maybe the guy with the 'heil hitler' tattoo?

You are just sad. When I realized my "buddy" had an HH tattoo I told him to fuck off. You know this full well but still virtue signal on these boards with that lie.

you want prisons to be a for profit, private enterprise?

jesusfuck, that is about as anti-libertarian as you can get.

you are a deeply conflicted individual.
You really think any prison is 100% private? Cops, DA's and judges would have no reason to keep em full.. bringing the owner profit.. it's all a fucked up sickening business

I don't want prisons to be private at all. I said Johnson was a rabbit pellet and the only pro pot candidate. Which is a fact, and what the OP asked for.
BTW when ya'll are done stroking each other off about prisons, which you, not I brought up; ask yourself if legalizing pot will increase or decrease the prison population.
BTW when ya'll are done stroking each other off about prisons, which you, not I brought up; ask yourself if legalizing pot will increase or decrease the prison population.
Heavily decrease.. which trump who is pro private prisons won't like.. I honestly don't know anything about Gary's stance. Watched a couple interviews and he was just too stupid to take any interest in
gary johnson won't win! I actually like some of his policies but he started campaign too late and has been all but completely overshadowed, fact is openly supporting the legalization of marijuana is political suicide. Not by the people, but by other politicians. It's a little club and when you piss them off they all act like some mean little high school girls. I know many that said Johnson was a great Governor, but stopped taking him seriously after he supported legalization.

LOL, a few years ago I worked for a politician running for senate in California, his campaign dinners had more cocaine then scarface! He didn't even care if he won, he got to party like a rockstar either way.

The only way we will see real change is to stop electing career politicians that think they know better than the people. Sorry, they are elected by us to serve our will not the other way around! That's true for both sides! Shit was fucked up before bush, before obama, and will still be fucked up after whoever wins the next election. We need to change things from the ground up! but that won't happen if every time you open you mouth you spit acid at those that don't agree with your ideals (again both sides!).
You are just sad. When I realized my "buddy" had an HH tattoo I told him to fuck off. You know this full well but still virtue signal on these boards with that lie.

I don't want prisons to be private at all. I said Johnson was a rabbit pellet and the only pro pot candidate. Which is a fact, and what the OP asked for.
Not really, i just asked about TRUMP or HILLARY because i know johnson dont even have a chance