Well-Known Member
do any of your "libertarian" buddies also support private prisons? maybe the guy with the 'heil hitler' tattoo?
You are just sad. When I realized my "buddy" had an HH tattoo I told him to fuck off. You know this full well but still virtue signal on these boards with that lie.
you want prisons to be a for profit, private enterprise?
jesusfuck, that is about as anti-libertarian as you can get.
you are a deeply conflicted individual.
You really think any prison is 100% private? Cops, DA's and judges would have no reason to keep em full.. bringing the owner profit.. it's all a fucked up sickening business
I don't want prisons to be private at all. I said Johnson was a rabbit pellet and the only pro pot candidate. Which is a fact, and what the OP asked for.