RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

So, you have the chance to insult my naked wiener but instead you attack ferguson? You are weird, dude...
No, I attacked the stimulus for erectile response, but I still thought it was the meager worm of the Buckold.

That is wasn't the member of the posting member is even more disturbing.

The politics section has turned into a homosexual trysting site.

It all makes sense now.
The immediate dick attacks trolling for proof otherwise.
The immediate label of homophobe or racist when they realize you're not going to.

Sorry boys. I didn't understand.
Thanks for being polite,the sjw's who run this site like Buck truly don't realize how fast the anti sjw movement is growing,Americans have seen enough of these horrible radicals with no ethics & already outnumber them,most are like buck all tucked in nice n tight in white suburbia & don't see the hundreds of thousands at Trump rally's who despise them .

I slapped a few early sjw's around in the 1960's so I know 1 on 1 their cunts,they will end up just like the Hippy's did in the 70's,where Americans simply had enough & stomped them down .

Somebody told me you were OK once.

boy, were they wrong.
Funny how Buck stopped posting his BLM BS when BLM was burning down Charlotte. Not that I agree with cops 100% especially when they shoot innocent people and dogs.
Sorry for leaving you hanging, but I have been busier than Trump at a fuck shit up conference tonight. Yea, definitely totally funny. Except that it is not. Responding to a BLM statement with a comment like "all lives matter" is like telling Susan G. Komen to chill out on all the pink shit on account that all cancer sucks. That last part is true, but, it ain't really the fucking point.
No, I attacked the stimulus for erectile response, but I still thought it was the meager worm of the Buckold.

That is wasn't the member of the posting member is even more disturbing.

The politics section has turned into a homosexual trysting site.

It all makes sense now.
The immediate dick attacks trolling for proof otherwise.
The immediate label of homophobe or racist when they realize you're not going to.

Sorry boys. I didn't understand.

I know exactly what your saying,every time buck posts I'm reminded of Clint Eastwood & the bad ass chief 10 bears talking about the double tongues words not holding iron .

the sheer manliness wisdom of that scene is lost on social justice warriors like buck the double tongue who's words don't carry the iron of men .

your doing fine Buck ,when I joined riu a decade ago I was a 35 year democrat,the longer you posted the more I saw what's hijacked the democratic party,just 18 months ago 90% of america was oblivious to what a social justice warrior is,now 90% is aware of you guys & you created the millions of angry trump rally goers,every mob attacking a family & wanting to burn them alive drives voters away,every female chased,cornered & eggs smashed in her face by 70 sjw's like you causes more voters to flee the party as I did,every mob chasing 10 year old kids down & beating them up makes Americans despise social justice warriors more & more.

People are seeing the horrific rottenness social justice warriors operate by & its galvanizing Americans against you until you wind up a shit stain memory exactly like the radical Hippy's I grew up with.
That would be a great story were it not for the fact that everything you post is full of shit.
Sorry for leaving you hanging, but I have been busier than Trump at a fuck shit up conference tonight. Yea, definitely totally funny. Except that it is not. Responding to a BLM statement with a comment like "all lives matter" is like telling Susan G. Komen to chill out on all the pink shit on account that all cancer sucks. That last part is true, but, it ain't really the fucking point.

Are you high or do you usually post rambling, inane nonsense? Carry on.

I am very sorry to hear that. Even if those guys had a sick relative - I would never say anything bad.

Hillary? She is a mass murdering neocon like the Bushes, Bill and O. How many millions have they killed in their phony wars? I have no sympathy for her. Her fingerprints are all over Libya, Syria, Waco and other places.
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When will Satan call them all home?

Waco ,that's a new one explain.