Nebraska Growers! GBR!


Well-Known Member
I'm a Nebraskan transplant. Just opening up this thread to trade tips and info with other people here in the cornhusker state since I left behind The Lone Star state. Also looking for any info/tips on growing outdoors here. Plan on doing some gorilla grows next year.
Just moved 3 months ago bro... I lived in Lincoln last 30 years (mostly). It's a nice place, but I'm not looking back, hehe. Outdoors is a crap-shoot a lot of places from my understanding. A lot of stray hemp (it's everywhere) pollinates your crops and the humidity can be a real freaking pita.

Good luck man, I'm REALLY missing my wages right now. Nebraska is typically pretty comfortable living.
Just moved 3 months ago bro... I lived in Lincoln last 30 years (mostly). It's a nice place, but I'm not looking back, hehe. Outdoors is a crap-shoot a lot of places from my understanding. A lot of stray hemp (it's everywhere) pollinates your crops and the humidity can be a real freaking pita.

Good luck man, I'm REALLY missing my wages right now. Nebraska is typically pretty comfortable living.
Yea man Nebraska is cheap as fuck to live in!
You know that wild life safari going towards Omaha? My buddy went through there and saw a lot of marijuana plants, I'm guessing it's that type of thing you're talking about haha. Man that sucks. The part of Texas I'm from I'm used to humidity. But we have a longer growing season than Nebraska does.
What state ya move to if you don't mind me asking?
Know anyone still here get them on here! I'm a pretty laid back person that likes to just vibe and chill. Plus it'd be nice to find someone to trade clones/genetics with
I was pretty quiet when I was back home, hell I never felt truly comfortable (I wish to share, I just adore ganja), so I only had a couple of grows. I up and moved to Colorado, the last remaining member of my family to hold-out in The Good Life state. Rest are also in Colorado or in Arizona now.

I couldn't stand Omaha and avoided it like the plague most of the time. The Henry Doorly Zoo is fantastic, definitely check it out though. The big cats exhibit is due for a renovation, but overall it's consistently top 5 or 10 rated zoo in the country. I had a couple of co-workers over the years that grew or had friends growing, but we tried to be pretty hush about it generally.

Hope Nebraska treats you well, it certainly did me.
I was pretty quiet when I was back home, hell I never felt truly comfortable (I wish to share, I just adore ganja), so I only had a couple of grows. I up and moved to Colorado, the last remaining member of my family to hold-out in The Good Life state. Rest are also in Colorado or in Arizona now.

I couldn't stand Omaha and avoided it like the plague most of the time. The Henry Doorly Zoo is fantastic, definitely check it out though. The big cats exhibit is due for a renovation, but overall it's consistently top 5 or 10 rated zoo in the country. I had a couple of co-workers over the years that grew or had friends growing, but we tried to be pretty hush about it generally.

Hope Nebraska treats you well, it certainly did me.
Yea I got lucky when I got here, people I work with and met are pretty 420 friendly and open about it. And my boss could care less as long as you can work haha. That's one thing I like about being up here, I'm closer to Colorado than I was in Texas. I loved Colorado before they ever legalized bud.

Omaha does suck, worked a job there for 3 months, and saw the police helicopter fly over cherry hills at least once a week. I like the work and some of the people, (Shout out to Bogies!) but for the most part couldn't care less about the town. Lincoln though, if I look like I need help someone stops and asks!! Only thing is y'all don't wave to everybody like we do in Texas so it's got me looking crazy!

And Nebraska has treated me well so far, y'all are definitely welcoming to people from out of state! If ya come back for a game holla at me and we'll grab a beer at Yowies and smoke a blunt with the bartender I know and get hooked up!
Yea I got lucky when I got here, people I work with and met are pretty 420 friendly and open about it. And my boss could care less as long as you can work haha. That's one thing I like about being up here, I'm closer to Colorado than I was in Texas. I loved Colorado before they ever legalized bud.

Omaha does suck, worked a job there for 3 months, and saw the police helicopter fly over cherry hills at least once a week. I like the work and some of the people, (Shout out to Bogies!) but for the most part couldn't care less about the town. Lincoln though, if I look like I need help someone stops and asks!! Only thing is y'all don't wave to everybody like we do in Texas so it's got me looking crazy!

And Nebraska has treated me well so far, y'all are definitely welcoming to people from out of state! If ya come back for a game holla at me and we'll grab a beer at Yowies and smoke a blunt with the bartender I know and get hooked up!
DUDE! The waving thing died off about 10 years ago, maybe 12-15. I used to love that about this place, and found it annoying at times as well, haha. Head out to rural Nebraska and be prepared for every damn passerby to wave at ya, it's refreshing though after being in the city.

When I come back, which is probably not for awhile, I'll definitely hit ya up bro.
DUDE! The waving thing died off about 10 years ago, maybe 12-15. I used to love that about this place, and found it annoying at times as well, haha. Head out to rural Nebraska and be prepared for every damn passerby to wave at ya, it's refreshing though after being in the city.

When I come back, which is probably not for awhile, I'll definitely hit ya up bro.
Dude ! Nothing makes a Texan feel more at home than strangers waving and being nice, that's just us!

And I do head out to waverly, or branch oak, northe platte if I get really homsick! Bro, if Big Red keeps doing well, you know you're gonna HAVE to come back to watch them haha
Man you get around Nebraska more than I did, lol. I also worked 6/7 days a week so did very little besides that. Then again you get complacent with what you know, shit I've been all over the North East part of Colorado trying to familiarize and doing job interviews in the 3 months I've been here.

Now I'm up here getting sucked into the Broncos and Rams. I'm thinking of getting a Husker N sticker for my car to irritate the locals, but I dislike shit on the exterior.
Man you get around Nebraska more than I did, lol. I also worked 6/7 days a week so did very little besides that. Then again you get complacent with what you know, shit I've been all over the North East part of Colorado trying to familiarize and doing job interviews in the 3 months I've been here.

Now I'm up here getting sucked into the Broncos and Rams. I'm thinking of getting a Husker N sticker for my car to irritate the locals, but I dislike shit on the exterior.
Haha well my job keeps me traveling around. So some of those trips are work trips. Worked 7 days a week when I first got up here so I feel ya.

Yea I feel you on that. I've wanted to put an A&M sticker on my truck but I don't know if anyone is still mad about the ol' big 12 days haha.
Nebraska sucks! partner is fighting a case right now from that hellhole. He got pulled over for "following too close" while passing thru Nebraska. They searched his car and found $33,000 cash & took it. They charged him with 2 felonies & then offered him a deal for 1 reduced charge of attempt to traffic & 6 months in jail.....for money!!! they never found anything else.....only money & they want to throw him in prison for it....after they stole it!!! Yeah Nebraska is a great place!!! do not go there!
Nebraska sucks! partner is fighting a case right now from that hellhole. He got pulled over for "following too close" while passing thru Nebraska. They searched his car and found $33,000 cash & took it. They charged him with 2 felonies & then offered him a deal for 1 reduced charge of attempt to traffic & 6 months in jail.....for money!!! they never found anything else.....only money & they want to throw him in prison for it....after they stole it!!! Yeah Nebraska is a great place!!! do not go there!

Unfortunately no state in this current day is immune to civil asset forfeiture.. This can happen and does everywhere.


From a pro-libertarian website, but the data points are valid. Some police departments are heavily funded on asset forfeiture, taking cash, cars and some cases homes.
Unfortunately no state in this current day is immune to civil asset forfeiture.. This can happen and does everywhere.


From a pro-libertarian website, but the data points are valid. Some police departments are heavily funded on asset forfeiture, taking cash, cars and some cases homes.
Nebraska has private prisons....they do this as a business
it's not the asset forfeiture, it's the jail time for money's a crime in Nebraska to have more than $9,999 in cash
Could you please show me that law/statute? I cannot find it.

I'm not sure so I don't want to proclaim with any certainty, but to me it just sounds like asset forfeiture.
I'm not going to go to any great lengths to defend the State's actions, they're reprehensible and and absolutely heinous.

Just want a more complete picture here.
My partner took the plea deal for 6 months & got out on a appeal after 30 days. We are fighting all charges now & asking for the money back. already spent $20,000 on lawyers .....
My partner took the plea deal for 6 months & got out on a appeal after 30 days. We are fighting all charges now & asking for the money back. already spent $20,000 on lawyers .....
Jesus christ that is terrible man. I'm sorry first of all, I should have said that before.