How much would you pay to bang Ariana Grande?

Check her ID first. Cant be expired either. Wouldn't want to end up on Megan's law and banned from being near any schools or chucky cheese's
So you're telling me, if Ariana Grande was naked next to you in bed and she says "I will let you do anything to me for 1 dollar" you would turn it down?
I'll rape her ass for one dollar. But i wouldn't pay more than that
I don't understand all the hate? It's a matter of 1 and 0 people. Lot more 1s than 0s.

She is def a 1 in my book, and so are some of your moms.
Hot as she is I wouldn't pay a dime for it. Just can't be a whore-monger no matter how horny I am. If she took money for sex that would make her a whore but I'm not calling her a whore until she does.

As for being anorexic she's not even close to that unless you're a chubby chaser and there's nothing wrong with that if it's what floats yer boat. ;) Chubby people need love too!

When I drove cab in the late 70s I knew every working girl on the strip in Calgary. Many asked for me to be their pimp because they knew and trusted me but no way I would do that. Not that I think it would be wrong to do that but it did not fit my version of right. I had often helped the girls when they were in trouble even to taking a tire iron to beat down a rig pig with a buck knife. I still have that Buck 119 and it hangs off my belt every time I head out in the bush on a fishing trip.

I had a full year relationship with a single mom working girl. I had been driving her around for a couple years and knew she didn't do anything without rubbers plus she didn't work the streets. Top shelf lady. Hookers, cab drivers and other night crawlers from downtown would eventually end up on 4th street SW north of 17th ave to eat at the few restaurants open in Cow Town all night back in the day. 4 Brothers was about the biggest, most popular and most importantly, the most tolerant of deviant behaviour. :lol:

That's where I got to know Debbie better than what I had come to know of her after at least a couple dozen rides in my cab. Just a few blocks away from 4 Brothers a bit west on 17th ave I was cruising east thinking about calling in to dispatch to get the peeps to meet up. On the corner of College ave I think I saw her being manhandled by some fat, greasy looking fuckwad. I hung a right and stopped at the corner. Got out and asked, What's up Deb?

Dude looks over and tells me to gtfo and I tell him that's not gonna happen. Reach back into the cab and pull out my tire iron and walk very purposely toward him. I was a wild looking Scotsman back then with my ass length red hair and monster moustache and could do crazy better than the crazies so he backed off right away and no blood was shed. I'm a much older version of that dude now! :lol:

She got in the cab with me and we went right over to 4 Brothers. No shrinking violet her so we grabbed a table and we got into ordering some grub. After that when she wanted to head home around 4am she would seek me out for the cab home. We would head up to NE Calgary to her mom's and she'd sneak in to grab the kid then go up another few miles to her place in a new cut-n-paste neighbourhood. After a few times I got invited in for a nightcap. You'd think that what I got was the wildest, kinkiest sex anyone ever experienced but it was the most loving, trusting relationship I've ever had. There was some wild and kinky stuff going on but it was different if you grok the vibe.

She was clean from speed for 5 years and almost done a psyche major at uni then moving to BC to pursue a PhD at UBC. What's not to love eh. :)

Can't forget the queens from the Parkside Continental just a few blocks south of 17th ave and 3 blocks from where I lived! Only place to find fares after the regular bars closed any weeknight. Big tippers and rarely any problems even when they were all pissed up.

A few more stories there but it's time for another toke and it's my b-day!

Hot as she is I wouldn't pay a dime for it. Just can't be a whore-monger no matter how horny I am. If she took money for sex that would make her a whore but I'm not calling her a whore until she does.

As for being anorexic she's not even close to that unless you're a chubby chaser and there's nothing wrong with that if it's what floats yer boat. ;) Chubby people need love too!

When I drove cab in the late 70s I knew every working girl on the strip in Calgary. Many asked for me to be their pimp because they knew and trusted me but no way I would do that. Not that I think it would be wrong to do that but it did not fit my version of right. I had often helped the girls when they were in trouble even to taking a tire iron to beat down a rig pig with a buck knife. I still have that Buck 119 and it hangs off my belt every time I head out in the bush on a fishing trip.

I had a full year relationship with a single mom working girl. I had been driving her around for a couple years and knew she didn't do anything without rubbers plus she didn't work the streets. Top shelf lady. Hookers, cab drivers and other night crawlers from downtown would eventually end up on 4th street SW north of 17th ave to eat at the few restaurants open in Cow Town all night back in the day. 4 Brothers was about the biggest, most popular and most importantly, the most tolerant of deviant behaviour. :lol:

That's where I got to know Debbie better than what I had come to know of her after at least a couple dozen rides in my cab. Just a few blocks away from 4 Brothers a bit west on 17th ave I was cruising east thinking about calling in to dispatch to get the peeps to meet up. On the corner of College ave I think I saw her being manhandled by some fat, greasy looking fuckwad. I hung a right and stopped at the corner. Got out and asked, What's up Deb?

Dude looks over and tells me to gtfo and I tell him that's not gonna happen. Reach back into the cab and pull out my tire iron and walk very purposely toward him. I was a wild looking Scotsman back then with my ass length red hair and monster moustache and could do crazy better than the crazies so he backed off right away and no blood was shed. I'm a much older version of that dude now! :lol:

She got in the cab with me and we went right over to 4 Brothers. No shrinking violet her so we grabbed a table and we got into ordering some grub. After that when she wanted to head home around 4am she would seek me out for the cab home. We would head up to NE Calgary to her mom's and she'd sneak in to grab the kid then go up another few miles to her place in a new cut-n-paste neighbourhood. After a few times I got invited in for a nightcap. You'd think that what I got was the wildest, kinkiest sex anyone ever experienced but it was the most loving, trusting relationship I've ever had. There was some wild and kinky stuff going on but it was different if you grok the vibe.

She was clean from speed for 5 years and almost done a psyche major at uni then moving to BC to pursue a PhD at UBC. What's not to love eh. :)

Can't forget the queens from the Parkside Continental just a few blocks south of 17th ave and 3 blocks from where I lived! Only place to find fares after the regular bars closed any weeknight. Big tippers and rarely any problems even when they were all pissed up.

A few more stories there but it's time for another toke and it's my b-day!

Thanks for the story bro, I enjoyed it.
Hot as she is I wouldn't pay a dime for it. Just can't be a whore-monger no matter how horny I am. If she took money for sex that would make her a whore but I'm not calling her a whore until she does.

As for being anorexic she's not even close to that unless you're a chubby chaser and there's nothing wrong with that if it's what floats yer boat. ;) Chubby people need love too!

When I drove cab in the late 70s I knew every working girl on the strip in Calgary. Many asked for me to be their pimp because they knew and trusted me but no way I would do that. Not that I think it would be wrong to do that but it did not fit my version of right. I had often helped the girls when they were in trouble even to taking a tire iron to beat down a rig pig with a buck knife. I still have that Buck 119 and it hangs off my belt every time I head out in the bush on a fishing trip.

I had a full year relationship with a single mom working girl. I had been driving her around for a couple years and knew she didn't do anything without rubbers plus she didn't work the streets. Top shelf lady. Hookers, cab drivers and other night crawlers from downtown would eventually end up on 4th street SW north of 17th ave to eat at the few restaurants open in Cow Town all night back in the day. 4 Brothers was about the biggest, most popular and most importantly, the most tolerant of deviant behaviour. :lol:

That's where I got to know Debbie better than what I had come to know of her after at least a couple dozen rides in my cab. Just a few blocks away from 4 Brothers a bit west on 17th ave I was cruising east thinking about calling in to dispatch to get the peeps to meet up. On the corner of College ave I think I saw her being manhandled by some fat, greasy looking fuckwad. I hung a right and stopped at the corner. Got out and asked, What's up Deb?

Dude looks over and tells me to gtfo and I tell him that's not gonna happen. Reach back into the cab and pull out my tire iron and walk very purposely toward him. I was a wild looking Scotsman back then with my ass length red hair and monster moustache and could do crazy better than the crazies so he backed off right away and no blood was shed. I'm a much older version of that dude now! :lol:

She got in the cab with me and we went right over to 4 Brothers. No shrinking violet her so we grabbed a table and we got into ordering some grub. After that when she wanted to head home around 4am she would seek me out for the cab home. We would head up to NE Calgary to her mom's and she'd sneak in to grab the kid then go up another few miles to her place in a new cut-n-paste neighbourhood. After a few times I got invited in for a nightcap. You'd think that what I got was the wildest, kinkiest sex anyone ever experienced but it was the most loving, trusting relationship I've ever had. There was some wild and kinky stuff going on but it was different if you grok the vibe.

She was clean from speed for 5 years and almost done a psyche major at uni then moving to BC to pursue a PhD at UBC. What's not to love eh. :)

Can't forget the queens from the Parkside Continental just a few blocks south of 17th ave and 3 blocks from where I lived! Only place to find fares after the regular bars closed any weeknight. Big tippers and rarely any problems even when they were all pissed up.

A few more stories there but it's time for another toke and it's my b-day!

Damn thats what i call a good sativa or crack. Thats the story of your life in one message way to go pops!!
Maremmas but they are also called Abruzzese dogs. They are herding dogs to protect sheep and goats. The adults will give a coyote or wolf a real bad day.

My father in law in central Alberta had a dog that looked like that. Was told that it was a Pyrenees sheep dog? Could extend and retract it's claws like a cat and lived among his Dorset sheep. Only had it a year and it scored 4 coyotes and 1 wolf before it was two. Very friendly to us humans but didn't seek our company.

Damn thats what i call a good sativa or crack. Thats the story of your life in one message way to go pops!!

Barely a chapter. Tried crack a few times about 8 years ago but never got into it. Did a lot of coke back in the day tho and way too much acid in my early to late teens. Last time I did 'cid was a grad party after my first year doing environmental chemistry at BCIT when I was 33. Want to get back into 'shrooms but would take a pass on acid now.

Last August I went to Kelowna, BC to help my 89yo mom move out of her house. Took a couple days to cruise out to the coast to visit my boys. Stayed at #1 son's place the Fri night then headed across the Fraser from Mission to hunt down #2 son who has been living rough for the last 15 years or so. Tweaker he is and we tracked him to a small tent city in a park in Langley. Wasn't there at the time but a guy who swore he was Ross' best friend said he was living there. I went back the next afternoon on my own and hooked up with him. Took him and that best friend out for beers and dinner then hung out with all the speed freaks til about midnight. Hardly anyone wanted to smoke my pot but I had a snort of meth then later took a hot hit off a pipe. Brought a little bit back in a coke flap and just had a tiny bit in my little pot pipe now. Hell ya! lol

I grew up in Richmond on Lulu Island in the middle of the north arm of the Fraser River from '54 - '74. Right across from south Vancouver. Was 14 when I smoked my first joint and a week later did my first cap of Purple Haze and hung around Stanley Park all day instead of being at the "free school" I was going to in downtown Van. Got into snorting/smoking heroin then spending most of that summer wasted on Tuinals that one of the girls at school gave me after her boyfriend did a B&E on a drug store and wanted to get rid of stuff like that that didn't sell well with the junkies. Years later mom asked me about that summer and I told her the truth. Good thing we were drinking rum at the time or she would have ripped me a new one! :lol:

Clifford Olsen was our neighbour just two doors over. I could throw a rock from our back yard over the next door neighbours house and put it right in the box of Cliffs old mans dump truck. Not every time and once it overshot the box, punched thru the kitchen window and busted a dinner plate in the sink. Old man Olson stormed over when he got home and my old man chased him out of the yard. The screaming and shouting coming from their house at all hours of the night and day helps to understand why Cliff ended up the way he is. He is 14 years older than me but my mom befriended him when he was a kid so he never broke into our house later when he was into that. Mom used to tell me, "You'll grow up to be like Clifford if you don't smarten up!" I was driving cab in Calgary when the news came out about him. First chance I got I phoned my mom and said, "I sure turned out like Cliffy eh!" We laugh about that to this day. :)

Another small chapter from the book, A Life Well Wasted©.
