Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
and linked it to trump being a liar
Is Trump not a tremendous liar? He's a great liar. The very best of all liars. People say. Trust me

The Politifact link covered both candidates. Put another way,

Trump: 12 % of statements rated "completely true"; Clinton: 65% of statements rated "completely true"

While you are 100% naive


Well-Known Member

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
You will never change the system for as long as you support it.

where is their incentive to change?
what I quoted above echo's the exact thoughts of 95% of Trump voters,we want the current corrupt bought n paid for establishment crushed,so far Trump is the only person saying he will do exactly that,starting with prosecuting Hillary Clinton & working his way thru all top level government .

I don't give a fuck if he lives the lifestyle of a playboy or an ogre I just want america brought out of corporate ownership its been sold too.

All the leftists complaining about Russia interfering with an election never say a peep when George Soros & his neocon pals rig elections & crash entire economies,that's what the average Trump voter wants stopped immediately .


Well-Known Member
Is Trump not a tremendous liar? He's a great liar. The very best of all liars. People say. Trust me

The Politifact link covered both candidates. Put another way,

Trump: 12 % of statements rated "completely true"; Clinton: 65% of statements rated "completely true"

While you are 100% naive
naive, from someone who supports, publicly, a lying corrupt politician, is quite a compliment.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
what I quoted above echo's the exact thoughts of 95% of Trump voters,we want the current corrupt bought n paid for establishment crushed,so far Trump is the only person saying he will do exactly that,starting with prosecuting Hillary Clinton & working his way thru all top level government .

I don't give a fuck if he lives the lifestyle of a playboy or an ogre I just want america brought out of corporate ownership its been sold too.

All the leftists complaining about Russia interfering with an election never say a peep when George Soros & his neocon pals rig elections & crash entire economies,that's what the average Trump voter wants stopped immediately .
I also understand this viewpoint

...but I could never support him


Well-Known Member
what I quoted above echo's the exact thoughts of 95% of Trump voters,we want the current corrupt bought n paid for establishment crushed,so far Trump is the only person saying he will do exactly that,starting with prosecuting Hillary Clinton & working his way thru all top level government .

I don't give a fuck if he lives the lifestyle of a playboy or an ogre I just want america brought out of corporate ownership its been sold too.

All the leftists complaining about Russia interfering with an election never say a peep when George Soros & his neocon pals rig elections & crash entire economies,that's what the average Trump voter wants stopped immediately .
Allow me to add some more conspiracy theories to your list:


Well-Known Member
bottom line is if you don't go along with these guys and hillary,you are a racist,a homophobe and a misogynist.but to see some true women haters in action,just scroll back a few pages.


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Desperate Trump Trots Out Conspiracy Theories



A Sinking Trump Could Take the Republican Congress Down With Him
Here are the signs that Democrats could win congressional majorities.
PEMA LEVYOCT. 14, 2016 2:43 PM



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