Cheapest nutrients?

I could get 5lb of V+B for 100 bucks, 16lb of Maxibloom for 80 bucks, but for that same hundy, I can get 25 pounds each of Jacks hyrdro 5-12-26 and 15-0-0 calnit, that's the best price hands down (with an additional $50 garnered for shipping, I should clarify).
Yeah I'm with that. MB is 5-15-14 so the other looks close to me . I might try it out next nute reup. MB is running like a champion right now. Plants look like they are on speed.
Just like many enterprises, the equation is -- GARBAGE IN = GARBAGE OUT! Go ahead with the cheapest chemmy heavy metal fertilizer you can find, and you'll end up with crappy results. The penny-wise and pound-foolish approach won't get you suitable results. I'll add that more expensive isn't always better. Take Advanced Nutrients products for example -- lots of water and hype and not much else. I'd make a recommendation, but there are so many variables -- there is no universal fertilizer that works for each different application. I've seen a simple solution that works for many if you're looking for EASY + GOOD (IMHO can't have easy, good and cheap all in one package) try growing in coco/coco blend and fertilize with Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow and Bloom formulas supplemented with Liquid Karma for foliar feeding.
Just like many enterprises, the equation is -- GARBAGE IN = GARBAGE OUT! Go ahead with the cheapest chemmy heavy metal fertilizer you can find, and you'll end up with crappy results. The penny-wise and pound-foolish approach won't get you suitable results. I'll add that more expensive isn't always better. Take Advanced Nutrients products for example -- lots of water and hype and not much else. I'd make a recommendation, but there are so many variables -- there is no universal fertilizer that works for each different application. I've seen a simple solution that works for many if you're looking for EASY + GOOD (IMHO can't have easy, good and cheap all in one package) try growing in coco/coco blend and fertilize with Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow and Bloom formulas supplemented with Liquid Karma for foliar feeding.
Heavy metals are regulated in fertilizers in general and my state like many have their own level guidelines that ALL fertilizer products have to meet in order to be sold here. Regardless, I am growing in new peat every grow. Heavy metal problems result from build up season after season. It is not going to affect me nor what I produce. How about some $numbers with your "EASY + GOOD" but not cheap?
Have you read my posts here? My 1.5lb pail lasted 2 grows with the jacks...but I only add about 1/2 tsp per gallon every water. I don't think Jack's has too many detractors here. Consistent and proven company.

I have a bug spray from Jack's. Good stuff, works like a charm and is dirt cheap. I've never tried the fertilizer for the simple reason that I still have MG around.
Heavy metals are regulated in fertilizers in general and my state like many have their own level guidelines that ALL fertilizer products have to meet in order to be sold here. Regardless, I am growing in new peat every grow. Heavy metal problems result from build up season after season. It is not going to affect me nor what I produce. How about some $numbers with your "EASY + GOOD" but not cheap?

Regulations vary heavily depending if fertilizers are intended for ornamentals or edibles.
Can I get any recommendations on the cheapest nutrient setups for a indoor soil grow? Looking to go as cheap/efficient as possible.

Experience with the nutes used/suggested preferred.

Home made worm castings, dissolve in water, job done! nuff sed! Agro-chemical grown weed will wreck yer lungs, fertiliser residue inevitably builds up in the plant fibres and if yer young and healthy, not much problem, if yer old, craggy, bin smokin every day fer 35yrs, it will kill you, slowly! I don't use any 'fertiliser' or pesticides, my bud is renowned as 'best in the manor' and despite my fragile asthmatic chest, I can smoke it till the cows come home with no adverse effects, 2 days on 'gangsta grown weed' leaves me a respiratory cripple, gasping for my first breath in the mornin.
Just this old fool's 'ha'pence worth'
Home made worm castings, dissolve in water, job done! nuff sed! Agro-chemical grown weed will wreck yer lungs, fertiliser residue inevitably builds up in the plant fibres and if yer young and healthy, not much problem, if yer old, craggy, bin smokin every day fer 35yrs, it will kill you, slowly! I don't use any 'fertiliser' or pesticides, my bud is renowned as 'best in the manor' and despite my fragile asthmatic chest, I can smoke it till the cows come home with no adverse effects, 2 days on 'gangsta grown weed' leaves me a respiratory cripple, gasping for my first breath in the mornin.
Just this old fool's 'ha'pence worth'
Since I have taken to growing my own and curing my own I KNOW that the smoothness comes from the cure.
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Since I have taken to growing my own and curing my own I KNOW that the smoothness comes from the cure. You are pushing bullshit my friend.
Meh, in your opinion. I'm just an old fart who converted a 1000 plant full hydro system to fully bioenergetic AND hit better numbers, yeah bad curing makes fer bad weed, but you can't polish a turd my friend.
Meh, in your opinion. I'm just an old fart who converted a 1000 plant full hydro system to fully bioenergetic AND hit better numbers, yeah bad curing makes fer bad weed, but you can't polish a turd my friend.
Again...been smoking as long and often as you...and have been smoking mainly the same strains for pushing 30 years. The guy, whose crop I still help harvest, runs water-soluble chemicals just iike me and I now have been growing the same strains he has for 6 years. His "cure" consists of hanging until he thinks they are dry enough and freezing until sale...which could be tomorrow. Same strain, same techniques pretty much, produces similar smells and taste but is harsh as fuck compared to mine...which are slow dried and jar/cured for sometimes over a month but seldom less than that. It is pretty sweet to dry bong a hit and just smile without coughing. So what you call inevitable, I call an old wives tale told by the same people who say worm castings are all you need.
Again...been smoking as long and often as you...and have been smoking mainly the same strains for pushing 30 years. The guy, whose crop I still help harvest, runs water-soluble chemicals just iike me and I now have been growing the same strains he has for 6 years. His "cure" consists of hanging until he thinks they are dry enough and freezing until sale...which could be tomorrow. Same strain, same techniques pretty much, produces similar smells and taste but is harsh as fuck compared to mine...which are slow dried and jar/cured for sometimes over a month but seldom less than that. It is pretty sweet to dry bong a hit and just smile without coughing. So what you call inevitable, I call an old wives tale told by the same people who say worm castings are all you need.
In your opinion.
Then I shouldn't eat any veggies and ban all products from clay soil regions due to natural heavy metals in the clay soil which is X times more metals than bag nutes have?
Maxsea + epsom salts. Maxsea may seem pricey but a bucket can last FOREVER for just an indoor. Little goes a loooooong way.
Not so bad. Found 1.5lb container for <$20. It says elsewhere that it should be applied at a rate of 1/2-1/3 tsp. per gallon which is what I do Jacks. So for me and my 6 plants it too would probably last a couple grows. Might have to give it a try at some point.
Not so bad. Found 1.5lb container for <$20. It says elsewhere that it should be applied at a rate of 1/2-1/3 tsp. per gallon which is what I do Jacks. So for me and my 6 plants it too would probably last a couple grows. Might have to give it a try at some point.

You need two buckets. There's a triple 16 for veg and a 3-20-20 for flower.
If you're low on funds or just want to test something out, nectar for the gods give out a sample of all but 2 of their advanced line. The entire line does my ladies wonders. Cost 28 bucks to ship and comes in a few days
I have a bug spray from Jack's. Good stuff, works like a charm and is dirt cheap. I've never tried the fertilizer for the simple reason that I still have MG around.

Jack's makes a bug spray? For spider mites? Where? Help a brother out.

I use Jack's Bloom Booster and like it. GrowMau5 did a test with a high end nute brand and Jack's. The expensive brand beat Jack's by like 1/10th of an ounce.
General Hydroponics Maxi Bloom + Maxi Gro + Koolbloom or you can just use the Maxibloom all t he way through, but I prefer toe trio.
Pickup some Cal Nit + Epson Salt for Cal mag and your set for a very long time ( Ebay is a good source for this and local drug store for Epson).
Also JR Peters are great but have to spend a bit more but end up with more nutrients.
Dont buy bottled crap. Waste of money mate.