RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
Trump vs Clinton in Florida.

Hillary rally in Florida has more empty seats than people attending,head count under 1,000.

Trump rally has 30,000 voters in the building & a mile long line waiting to get in .

Fake ass CNN proclaims Clinton wins Florida :lol:

CNN will not report truthfully.

Meanwhile at Hillary's rally with hundreds of paid students & scripted child actors protestors demanded to know why Hillary attacks & stalks the victims of her serial rapist husband,I posted a thread about it but it was taken down in 3 minutes or less :lol:

every liberal with the smallest amount of power in america is working overtime to burry the vast amount of negative Clinton news While Trump sets a new record for the largest event in Florida history :bigjoint:
what are you going to do once you get booted forever from RIU?

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
pathetic, delusional, desperate.
wow,sounds like Hillary's pathetic rally in Florida where she couldn't even pay enough voters to fill the room.

Meanwhile the Florida Trump rally set a new all time state record for having over 30,000 in the building & another 10,000 listening outside .

CNN proclaims Hillary wins Florida,I was also thinking desperate & delusional :lol:


Well-Known Member
wow,sounds like Hillary's pathetic rally in Florida where she couldn't even pay enough voters to fill the room.

Meanwhile the Florida Trump rally set a new all time state record for having over 30,000 in the building & another 10,000 listening outside .

CNN proclaims Hillary wins Florida,I was also thinking desperate & delusional :lol:
did you miss the news from over a year ago where hillary plans to hold small events?

or did you miss the florida poll numbers?

Screenshot 2016-10-13 at 8.16.13 PM.png

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
did you miss the news from over a year ago
I miss all MSNBC ,CNN & fox news you watch because its all fake.

claiming small events as planned yet still needing to bus in students paid $15 an hour to attend,then pay child actors to ask rehearsed questions & listen to prepared answers,yup those polls :lol:

you've been labotomized by propaganda into a goose stepping zombie if u believe, da newz !

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
how many punches to the throat do you think it would take to kill you?

i bet i could do it in one shot.
well your just a big ole tough talker online,threatening to kill a senior citizen,oh your real tough l:lol:

so your a social justice warrior who's entire day is made up of pushing equal rights,yet you stalk & verbally assault females online,now you threaten to kill a senior citizen lmfao .

Your a weak one alright .


Well-Known Member
are you naked too & flexing in the mirror as you dream :lol:
i'm sitting on the couch, eating tacos.

if i were you, i'd be looking over your shoulder constantly. i might not leave the house. knowing that some anti-american jihadist psycho knows where you live, what you look like, and may have notified others that you have a neo-nazi tattoo and a vulnerable throat is a terrifying thought.


Well-Known Member
you are correct,I am old,weak & no match for somebody 40 years younger than me,people like u who'd punch a senior citizen in the throat is why I have a cpl & carry a 357 with magnum loalds,the only thing that keeps young thugs like you from fucking with me is fear & common sense :lol:

I can see the headlines .

Senior citizen attacked by insane social justice warrior,senior citizen has excellent marksmanship & places dual 180 grain magnum loads in the 10 ring,maniac pronounced DOA .

That's why you limp wrists hate citizens having legally carried sidearms,I love my cpl,you wouldn't lay a finger on me :bigjoint:
You'd shit yourself just from a dirty look.