Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
She's in the hospital undergoing infusions to stop the legions on her brain from continuing to spread like wildfire,she's taking the 1st infusion of the same meds I listed Hillary's state Dept was inquiring about for Hillary ,she has an 8% chance of getting a brain infection from the infusion killing the legions on her brain,then becoming infected & killing her within 72 hours .

Feel better now ? last night I could have taken video of her writhing in agony that you could laugh at,you should have accepted my offer because I would a posted it for you & waited for the horrible comments to flow,I'm sure you'll be happy is Tue infiusions kill her .
You ever hit her? Tell the truth, fucker!


Well-Known Member
I've just earned an obscene amount of money tonight.

I would have liked a debate but had to settle for a slagging match.

Outnumbered...but you were too easy

Try harder next time pls
Dont squander it. 100 bucks can go a long way in Struggleshire.

Focus on priorities. 1 get prescription filled 2 rehire carer 3 splurge on that GED prep class.
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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
She's in the hospital undergoing infusions to stop the legions on her brain from continuing to spread like wildfire,she's taking the 1st infusion of the same meds I listed Hillary's state Dept was inquiring about for Hillary ,she has an 8% chance of getting a brain infection from the infusion killing the legions on her brain,then becoming infected & killing her within 72 hours .

Feel better now ? last night I could have taken video of her writhing in agony that you could laugh at,you should have accepted my offer because I would a posted it for you & waited for the horrible comments to flow,I'm sure you'll be happy is Tue infiusions kill her .

These could be your wife's last hours and you're spending them online whining, sad

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
You are the one making the claims. OK, so I won't ask for reputable sources if that's what is stopping you. Go ahead, post the sources for the shit you posted about Bill Clinton's rape history. I promise I won't laugh so hard that I hurt myself.

OK so your an extremely young person who became politically aware under Obama I see,we both know how the link game plays out,I post a link,you claim irreputabke source,even though its a 60 minutes source video you call the link a " you tube vid",then proclaim a fake victory & post sillyness .

let me know if I left anything out,if your too young to have lived it it'll just be another game you play,funny shit you guys think your "winning " by denying history.

I'm half drunk & have to be at hospital early so I'm bowing out for the night ,I'm not up for games tonight .


Well-Known Member
She's in the hospital undergoing infusions to stop the legions on her brain from continuing to spread like wildfire,she's taking the 1st infusion of the same meds I listed Hillary's state Dept was inquiring about for Hillary ,she has an 8% chance of getting a brain infection from the infusion killing the legions on her brain,then becoming infected & killing her within 72 hours .

Feel better now ? last night I could have taken video of her writhing in agony that you could laugh at,you should have accepted my offer because I would a posted it for you & waited for the horrible comments to flow,I'm sure you'll be happy is Tue infiusions kill her .
Blame yourself. when you skull fucked her the "legions" of satan were released


Well-Known Member
Wait, enema_mouth the HEINOUS misogynist (seriously, scan his posts if you've got the stomach, this guy's angry) is married? My condolences, that poor woman.

I'm thinking that your yard/basement might need to be exhumed....


Well-Known Member
Ahhh...now I thought (earlier) you were referring to 'conspiracies' when I said I'd play.

I don't know enough about BC and his dirty deeds (except Lewinsky of course) and unlike others, if I don't know much about something, I don't say much about it
Umm, well it's completly OK to break into a different thread of conversation. It's kind of unusual, though for people to think the thread was all about them. In this case, it wasn't. I don't care what you think about Lewinsky and such. Never did, in fact until you brought it up.


Well-Known Member
OK so your an extremely young person who became politically aware under Obama I see,we both know how the link game plays out,I post a link,you claim irreputabke source,even though its a 60 minutes source video you call the link a " you tube vid",then proclaim a fake victory & post sillyness .

let me know if I left anything out,if your too young to have lived it it'll just be another game you play,funny shit you guys think your "winning " by denying history.

I'm half drunk & have to be at hospital early so I'm bowing out for the night ,I'm not up for games tonight .
man, that's heavy shit.

much love

good luck


Well-Known Member
Umm, well it's completly OK to break into a different thread of conversation. It's kind of unusual, though for people to think the thread was all about them. In this case, it wasn't. I don't care what you think about Lewinsky and such. Never did, in fact until you brought it up.
get over yourself you prick


Well-Known Member
OK so your an extremely young person who became politically aware under Obama I see,we both know how the link game plays out,I post a link,you claim irreputabke source,even though its a 60 minutes source video you call the link a " you tube vid",then proclaim a fake victory & post sillyness .

let me know if I left anything out,if your too young to have lived it it'll just be another game you play,funny shit you guys think your "winning " by denying history.

I'm half drunk & have to be at hospital early so I'm bowing out for the night ,I'm not up for games tonight .
Nobody cares. Must have something to do with your personality.
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