Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
what a bunch of I'll informed, conceited, self righteous pricks.

Can't debate

Know fuck all

Have opinions

Ignorant, thick useless cunts.

Now, same time tomorrow eh...and do some research, tonight was far too easy despite your numbers
Easy NO, it sounds like your struggling to make a bowel movement. Did you edge for 12 hours straight and end up dry? Flaccid fucker .


Well-Known Member
Will the conservative counter argument be "Trump was never a real republican!"?

"This election wasn't representative of American values!" when Clinton does better than Obama in the electoral college?

Why don't they ever say these things before the election, when it might actually have mattered?

@ republicans, that's why so many of them are disavowing him now, they know he won't win and don't want to be on that losing ship when it goes down. YOU need to hold them responsible for endorsing him in the first place, now. They did it for political gain, now they're retracting themselves for political gain. Those that retract are the worst of the worst with no principles to stand for


Well-Known Member
Will the conservative counter argument be "Trump was never a real republican!"?

"This election wasn't representative of American values!" when Clinton does better than Obama in the electoral college?

Why don't they ever say these things before the election, when it might actually have mattered?

@ republicans, that's why so many of them are disavowing him now, they know he won't win and don't want to be on that losing ship when it goes down. YOU need to hold them responsible for endorsing him in the first place, now. They did it for political gain, now they're retracting themselves for political gain. Those that retract are the worst of the worst with no principles to stand for

I'm sure it's painful for them...this is the 1st election I can remember (that didn't involve an incumbent) where you already know who is going to win 3 weeks out.

Trump and his low information supporters hijacked the party, and now there's hell to pay.

Like the analysts have been saying, a candidate has to 'know their baggage' in advance, discuss it with advisors, and be prepared to answer questions on it as they come up.

This very arrogant man was simply not prepared to run for president.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it's painful for them...this is the 1st election I can remember (that didn't involve an incumbent) where you already know who is going to win 3 weeks out.

Trump and his low information supporters hijacked the party, and now there's hell to pay.

Like the analysts have been saying, a candidate has to 'know their baggage' in advance, discuss it with advisors, and be prepared to answer questions on it as they come up.

This very arrogant man was simply not prepared to run for president.
I'm sitting here asking myself how he can genuinely concede? What could he possibly say to his supporters now to get them to believe anything other than "Stolen election!!! She stole it, TAKE IT BACK!!"


Well-Known Member
I'm sitting here asking myself how he can genuinely concede? What could he possibly say to his supporters now to get them to believe anything other than "Stolen election!!! She stole it, TAKE IT BACK!!"
Even if it was, his ego would not allow it. The man is a demagogue who sought the office for reasons of self promotion and ego - he has no desire to serve as a public servant.

One of my greatest concerns is that a campaign such as he has run will dissuade good people from running for high office for the next decade or two. We cannot afford that but I believe it is unavoidable.


Well-Known Member
She ran out of material and is sorting through 30,000 emails to find the one that will convince us she is right. Get ready, Late Mid-October Surprise is coming! (for real this time get ready for it this time it'll really knock your socks off not like the last time this time is different)
I think they are really holding their "Sunday Punches" for mid, early November. It will end Hillary's career.
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