Club 600

If you buy Ruck fans with the bulit in step controller you can turn it down, I have 2 Ruck 125LS fans (I will only use Ruck)

It says on the Ruck box/instructions that they are not designed to be used with external speed controllers as it fucks the motor.
thanks for the heads up on that, i was just checking out the accoustic/insulated ducting, think ill get both! It is the niose from the air flow throught the ducting Yorkie, from where it's connected at the fan end and not the actual fan moter.
Anyone use ona gel ? My mate swears by it :-)
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thanks for the heads up on that, i was just checking out the accoustic/insulated ducting, think ill get both! It is the niose from the air flow throught the ducting Yorkie, from where it's connected at the fan end and not the actual fan moter.

Ruck don't sell fans to the hydro market under the 'Ruck' name any more, they re-branded as 'Can-Fan' for the hydro market.

So you need to buy a Can-Fan, it'll come in a Can-Fan box but the sticker on the actual fan will say "Manufactured by Ruck gmbh" in small writing, they're exactly the same units as they've always been they just come in a different box with a slightly different sticker on the unit.

the model letters after the numbers that designate size indicate if the fan compensates for the pressure drop when a carbon filter is fitted and also if it has a 4 step controller built in.

For example.......

A Ruck/Can-Fan 125 ............... is just a regular 125mm fan.

A Ruck/Can-Fan 125L ............. means it is a 125mm fan that is slightly higher powered (L) and has an internal circuit that will compensate for the pressure drop when a filter is fitted (stick a filter on the end and the fan auto spins up harder, it's quite cool to see).

A Ruck/Can-Fan 125LS ............. means it is a 125mm fan that is slightly higher powered designed to be used with a filter (L) but it also has a built in 4 speed step controller (S) fitted.

So you want to make sure that whatever size Ruck/Can-Fan you buy it has LS after the numbers.

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Ruck don't sell fans to the hydro market under the 'Ruck' name any more, they re-branded as 'Can-Fan' for the hydro market.

So you need to buy a Can-Fan, it'll come in a Can-Fan box but the sticker on the actual fan will say "Manufactured by Ruck gmbh" in small writing, they're exactly the same units as they've always been they just come in a different box with a slightly different sticker on the unit.

the model letters after the numbers that designate size indicate if the fan compensates for the pressure drop when a carbon filter is fitted and also if it has a 4 step controller built in.

For example.......

A Ruck/Can-Fan 125 ............... is just a regular 125mm fan.

A Ruck/Can-Fan 125L ............. means it is a 125mm fan that is slightly higher powered (L) and has an internal circuit that will compensate for the pressure drop when a filter is fitted (stick a filter on the end and the fan auto spins up harder, it's quite cool to see).

A Ruck/Can-Fan 125LS ............. means it is a 125mm fan that is slightly higher powered designed to be used with a filter (L) but it also has a built in 4 speed step controller (S) fitted.

So you want to make sure that whatever size Ruck/Can-Fan you buy it has LS after the numbers.


Great info drop ! If i ever have to get a new one i will for sure take your advice and get one i can control. I bought 2 a while ago and had this sitting new for years, messed up and got a size too big for my tent. It makes a huge difference connected to the filter inside, and yes it does take a little wind out it. When i set up my first tent i had the fan outside !!!! That was LOUD, Its just me being paranoid with the noise to be honest, wellsafe i suppose.
Sweet PORN night in the 600 Okay Im in too. My knee pain medicine - I love you guys for directing me to it really! knees stopped aching after 3 hits just wonderful.
JB x Engineers Dream, I abused it a bit, cut it for clones and threw it outside, it had two weeks to veg before flowering for 8 weeks on the dot. MD
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Presenting Neon Creep.
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Hello 600! Hope you are all well.

I have a special appointment on Tuesday to assess how much Medical Cannabis I am to be prescribed. Under the new MMJ regulations here I will be allowed to grow 5 plants indoors or 2 plants outdoors for every gram per day I am prescribed. Or, a combination of the two. I will be letting them know that I currently smoke 5 to 7 grams per day. That will allow me a plant count of 25-35 plants total. I believe that include vegging. My wife has her appointment a week later and she'll be asking for 5g/day. I will once and for all be legal and for privacy and security reasons, I'm not even obligated to tell my landlord. I will now be protected by human rights. Police aren't even informed unless they request the information in the event of an investigation and even then, the information given is limited. I am liberated and I am a very happy man!

So, needless to say, I've got a bit of a head start thanks to a certain fairy that helped a poor guy out. I give you Dippy Elsy, Psycho Killer X Jack the Ripper, Jake's Dream and Jake Blues X Jack the Ripper. I'm so fucking stoked!!!_MG_2857-8.jpg _MG_2850-2.jpg _MG_2849-1.jpg _MG_2853-5.jpg _MG_2851-3.jpg _MG_2854-6.jpg _MG_2855-7.jpg _MG_2852-4.jpg