How long do you think conservative politicians will stand up for social positions?


Well-Known Member
Things like abortion and the defense of marriage act? I think by now it's clear to most Americans that both of those positions are lost to history. There is really no way that I can see for conservatives to convince a majority of Americans that they're right when it comes to social issues. But one of the largest republican constituents is evangelicals, who vehemently support overturning Roe v. Wade, defunding Planned Parenthood and overturning Obergefell v. Hodges. So we know these are losing positions, we know that if members of the republican party continue to espouse these positions, they will likely have a better chance of being defeated during their reelection bids.

So how long do you think they will stand by "conservative values" if it might actually cost them their job? When do you think they'll begin to turn? Into "more pragmatic solutions"? How will it affect their support with evangelicals? Do you think they'll still just give republicans a pass, kind of like this pastor I know did, justifying it by basically saying he doesn't like Trump, but Clinton is so much worse, he's essentially forced to vote for Trump?

My guess is whenever the highest bidder comes along and Benjamin Franklin reminds them how much they like their job..

I think it's way past time to enact that 28th amendment and remove the influence special interests hold over our elected representatives
Government should be out of the marriage business. No license requirement, etc.

Gay people being "allowed" to get married is a hollow victory. All it means is they can now be as oppressed as straight people.
They will continue as long as it continues to win them elections. The current election cycle has shown us that many of these "christian" conservative politicians are complete frauds. There could not be a candidate more at odds with their supposed "core beliefs" than trump. Not only do they continue to support and even endorse him, but they go as far as both defending and making excuses for his abhorrent behavior. trump is literally a national joke, but even funnier to me is all of the "Christian" support he still seems to have even after he's freely admitted that he "grabs them by the pussy". There's nothing more "Christian" than that. :rolleyes:
Government should be out of the marriage business. No license requirement, etc.

Gay people being "allowed" to get married is a hollow victory. All it means is they can now be as oppressed as straight people.
Hate to have to tell you, but you lost already. Your team pawl verbatim tactic to delay equal rights failed. So shut the fuck up, pedophile. Thanks.
Hate to have to tell you, but you lost already. Your team pawl verbatim tactic to delay equal rights failed. So shut the fuck up, pedophile. Thanks.

Except rights don't from government, since if they did they wouldn't remain as rights.

So there's that, Poopy Pants.

What you seem to be claiming as an equal right regarding marriage, is in reality equal access to government oppression. Sort of like when people think "the weed is free" cuz the nanny state lets 'em have a couple plants in their back yard.
Except rights don't from government, since if they did they wouldn't remain as rights.

So there's that, Poopy Pants.

What you seem to be claiming as an equal right regarding marriage, is in reality equal access to government oppression. Sort of like when people think "the weed is free" cuz the nanny state lets 'em have a couple plants in their back yard.

what part of "you already lost" do you not understand, pedo?
Things like abortion and the defense of marriage act? I think by now it's clear to most Americans that both of those positions are lost to history. There is really no way that I can see for conservatives to convince a majority of Americans that they're right when it comes to social issues. But one of the largest republican constituents is evangelicals, who vehemently support overturning Roe v. Wade, defunding Planned Parenthood and overturning Obergefell v. Hodges. So we know these are losing positions, we know that if members of the republican party continue to espouse these positions, they will likely have a better chance of being defeated during their reelection bids.

So how long do you think they will stand by "conservative values" if it might actually cost them their job? When do you think they'll begin to turn? Into "more pragmatic solutions"? How will it affect their support with evangelicals? Do you think they'll still just give republicans a pass, kind of like this pastor I know did, justifying it by basically saying he doesn't like Trump, but Clinton is so much worse, he's essentially forced to vote for Trump?

My guess is whenever the highest bidder comes along and Benjamin Franklin reminds them how much they like their job..

I think it's way past time to enact that 28th amendment and remove the influence special interests hold over our elected representatives

IDK, fuckem. It's time we had real elections with the real principles everyone is actually holding. Libertarian vs Socialist.

This bullshit we have now is just theater.
Eric Cantor isn't in power anymore, I'd call that progress and a warning to other 'social conservatives'.
Government should be out of the marriage business. No license requirement, etc.

Gay people being "allowed" to get married is a hollow victory. All it means is they can now be as oppressed as straight people.

I would actually agree with you. But I have a feeling there is more to it for you than just this statement regarding government out of marriage.
IDK, fuckem. It's time we had real elections with the real principles everyone is actually holding. Libertarian vs Socialist.

This bullshit we have now is just theater.

Why not a democracy mute of political affiliation but rather guidelines based on reason and logic, for the greater good of society? Why the bucket labels?

Why not the Centrist and Independent parties if we're stuck on labels?
Why not a democracy mute of political affiliation but rather guidelines based on reason and logic, for the greater good of society? Why the bucket labels?

Why not the Centrist and Independent parties if we're stuck on labels?

I'm down. We can call them the Keepers and the Takers for all it really matters.