Hillary can't be trusted

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I believe HC will win

But she's still a bullshitting bitch
I don't know, i think ?? many Hillary supporters will re think when the time comes to actually vote

This is a scandal in the makings as it is and many do not even see it .
you ever wonder why Obama endorsed Hillary ??? he is also on the chopping blocks

When you think about it FBI is run by the president Right ?? he appoints a director kinda obvious how Hillary got off ..

How important is it for Hillary to win well when trump goes into office in about a months time .

Obama will be investigated for handing Iran 141 million dollars not in US currency but in Euro and french funds what terrorists, ISIS , mafia and gangs prefer


Well-Known Member
I don't know, i think ?? many Hillary supporters will re think when the time comes to actually vote

This is a scandal in the makings as it is and many do not even see it .
you ever wonder why Obama endorsed Hillary ??? he is also on the chopping blocks

When you think about it FBI is run by the president Right ?? he appoints a director kinda obvious how Hillary got off ..

How important is it for Hillary to win well when trump goes into office in about a months time .

Obama will be investigated for handing Iran 141 million dollars not in US currency but in Euro and french funds what terrorists, ISIS , mafia and gangs prefer
also, the holocaust was a hoax.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, i think ?? many Hillary supporters will re think when the time comes to actually vote

This is a scandal in the makings as it is and many do not even see it .
you ever wonder why Obama endorsed Hillary ??? he is also on the chopping blocks

When you think about it FBI is run by the president Right ?? he appoints a director kinda obvious how Hillary got off ..

How important is it for Hillary to win well when trump goes into office in about a months time .

Obama will be investigated for handing Iran 141 million dollars not in US currency but in Euro and french funds what terrorists, ISIS , mafia and gangs prefer
the us has been funding Isis for years

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I'm more than willing to talk politics with anyone, shame the same can't be said for others.

If flaming pie asks me to stop posting on his thread I shall.

As for you Lou, when you apologised to me for being an old drunken fool, I wasn't aware that was your permanent state.

I'm sure weak, stupid, overly opinionated types don't want me in here as, along with others, you've been exposed for being exactly that.

I'm sad?...I'm only on here when I'm at work, being paid.

You do this in your spare time lolol
I'm not going to drive anyone off. I can disagree with people without throwing a tantrum.


Well-Known Member
I told you I had a business project. Lol.

I have been watching news and reading emails.

I'm not going to drive anyone off. I can disagree with people without throwing a tantrum.

The way perverts choose to spend their time.
Is this an attempt to make people uncomfortable or you showcasing your talent in paint?

Where do you find all these live models?
I imagine he spends more time painting Melania.

Also, "uncomfortable"? Not me. Are you?


How's Drumpf doing in this 'race' (LOL), anyhow? Make SURE that you keep your family AWAY from PUSSY GRABBERS, Pie - stay safe!
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