315W CMH SIngle Plant DWC SCROG.


Well-Known Member
And a nightmare of a racist Soviet mod telling you what you can and cannot say! haha
A pleasure as always Calli, sweet dreams (:
Lol thankfully it wasn't so bad, but I did wake up to the thought of the owner of RIU being a fascist like others wake up to a puddle of puke in the morning.... I'm still grossed out - and ewww he touched my posts

Trying to go back to not-knowing-that, as I enjoy using besaid fascist's infrastructure alot haha!

I would tell them to fuck off & die in no particular order they are worried about what you say politicians & politics in general is just plain dirty business & breeds scumsuckers
haha thanks!
Yeah it's sick, reminded me of how critics within cults are treated.
At some point they're always approached by the "especially devoted" and "kindly warned" of negative consequences should they persist. It's just an intimidation technique (made to look as if those warning you are actually on your side, trying to protect you) - whether it was consciously or unconsciously done, it fits right into the patterns observed in cults, which are fascist by nature haha.
I guess that had I pushed it, I really would've gotten banned. The way sunni forwewarned me about it being in the TOS that they can do anything they like with the content w submit to this site made it clear to me - without anyone saying so explicitly. :(
I do hope my short term memory loss kicks in on this one soon :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I was once walking down the seafront eating me fish and chips, when I came across two Orca's laying on beach, called Steve and Patel. I said to em "what the fuck your doing in Skegness?" They said they were lost. Steve was only from up road, Scarborough I think, but Patel had come from far away. I hope that rascist mod doesn't see this, he'll delete this straight away for being multi cultural.
Anyways I took em home wi me and they've lived in the DWC bucket ever since.
Amazing what you find in Skegness


Well-Known Member
I've heard of the orca material. Secret jardin use it in their most expensive tents


Just thought I'd say... Don't mind me, I was enjoying the killer whale jokes :lol:

By all means carry on...:hump:
Apparently the best reflective stuff to use, I bought some when I got a new tent about a year ago and lined the walls with it, it is expensive though, it was around 70 quid for the roll.


Well-Known Member
I'm quite a lot behind on all the posts
but I got an urgent matter I need to attend to:
Any of you guys know what's wrong with my little one? It looks like necrosis starting from the middle of the leaves
Not sure on that one mate, not seen it before. I'll scour the tinterweb and see if I can find owt.


Well-Known Member
Not sure on that one mate, not seen it before. I'll scour the tinterweb and see if I can find owt.
I would say Calmag issue. What's ur PH GRAPE?
not sure, but calmag issues tend to look like that, no?
Sorry, I looked at this quickly on the iphone whilst stuck in traffic earlier, just zoomed in and saw the main leaves. Looks exactly like mine the other day. Like Calli and Matty said, Calcium or Magnesium deficiency. I live in a soft water area and the TDS is low, around 100 PPM. So I flushed and added some CalMag, it did the trick. Good luck! :grin:
What are they by the way?