FFOF and Nutrients

Big Z

I just transplanted my 3 week old plants into 1 gallon containers with FFOF 4 days ago. To this day I have not fed them any nutrients. Even though they are in FFOF now which i have heard is a nutrient rich should I start feeding them my liquid nutrients?


Well-Known Member
HI how are you today? I would say if they look like they need to be fed then maybe but your only 4 days in with new soil and the FFOF does have some hotness to it I have herd as well, so you shouldn't need any yet I would think. I grow in ProMix hp, but someone who does grow in the FFOF should be along shortly to help you out and let you know for sure. MD


Well-Known Member
I just transplanted my 3 week old plants into 1 gallon containers with FFOF 4 days ago. To this day I have not fed them any nutrients. Even though they are in FFOF now which i have heard is a nutrient rich should I start feeding them my liquid nutrients?
a 3 week old plant in 1 gal of OF should have plenty of food for at least a few weeks to a month maybe more.


Well-Known Member
now that i think of it ive had a mom in a little over a gallon of OF for like 3 months and its just now looking hungry, but its kept quite small and doesnt get much light
This is a huge factor that I don't think is talked about enough. So many factors play into when and how much nutrients are needed. And every grow is different. A CFL grow compared to a multi lamp HID grow for example. Temp. Humidity. Strain. Medium. It just goes on and on.

Is the mom in a low light environment?

I get about 4 weeks after transplant before I see any need for nutes under t5's. But in the flower room if they go in a week after transplant they may need food before 2 weeks in there. And there are 2 600w HPS in there. And it is a few degrees hotter usually so they transpire more anyway.

I'm real high. Sorry for the babble.


Well-Known Member
I use ffof and happy frog, for my seedlings I take the peat pellet that I started in and up pot to one gal ( happy frog and ffof at 1:1/2 ratio ) because ffhf has a lot of peat, then 3/4 weeks up pot to five gal of ffof because it has a lot of kelp. I do this because someone recemended it to. And it worked great for me, they probably knew what they were talking about I'm just repeating it. Anyway that's what I do and it works for me.
So I've been useing this method for three years, and I think at this point you don't need liquid nutes ,but you might want to scratch in a little dolemite lime. You could try it on one to see if it likes it . Ohh and when you do start to feed with liquid nutes go easy at first 1/4 strength and slow ramp up, if your real aggressive with the nutes to early it will not help in long run. With the ffof you might never need full strength , its already loaded with goodies. Good luck happy growing bla bla bla lol. I love ffof btw.
That is a cool avatar what's it from.


Well-Known Member
They're going to need calmag and calmag alone in the near future (if anything). Once that current nitrogen rich regiment runs out, you're going to have to feed quite strongly (40-50%?). Biggest problem with FFOF is that at a certain point your soil loses a ton of nutrients... it falls off a cliff. Catches people off guard.


Well-Known Member
They're going to need calmag and calmag alone in the near future (if anything). Once that current nitrogen rich regiment runs out, you're going to have to feed quite strongly (40-50%?). Biggest problem with FFOF is that at a certain point your soil loses a ton of nutrients... it falls off a cliff. Catches people off guard.
That's so true it happened to me


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks. When I was growing bag seeds it wasn't a problem but I got some blue dream and one week after flip boom I'm chasing my tail.