Holy fuck, meth as well? Wow lol.
Oh man, me too hey, I remember trying to have a conversation with my dad after smoking a cone of mango, I fell onto my fireplace and then proceeded to tell.my dad about some fuckin newspaper that didn't exist ha ha. Sooooo damn high, geez I'd love to get that high again!!
Yeah screwed up my life with the meth.
I quit like 15 yrs ago and went full into the gym.
Went from 160lbs sucked up looking to 200 lbs of muscle in 5 yrs, and then to 230 by age 36 at 18%bf (natural)
My body wanted to gain weight so bad from the meth all those yrs I guess.
After age 36 I started to get constant injuries and now I weigh 222 at 25%bf and cant lift anymore.
Mos ppl say I worked out too hard and destroyed my body. I would train 3hrs a day with iron, and run 2x daily for a few miles with my dog. I would play tennis whenever I had the chance.
Only 43 now not sure what happened, but meth didnt help for sure. Degenerative disc disease and several other spine issues.
I would give almost anything to be able to go to the gym again
I just smoke weed now and a single beer at night.
I was a BAD alcoholic, but with bud I can control it, and never drink more than 3 beers even at parties.
Self control is a nice thing!