Thanks for the replies
I'm slowly going through the full 255 pages here.
Sometimes I get a little excited and ask a Allready asked ( but not read yet by me) question.
I asked about the 220 because I saw a vid with frenchy Makeing morrocan hash useing a 220 screen and a bowl they banged like a drum.
I grind my meds (I know I know it's not gentle, but it's what I got) for vapeing they go in a pollen box with a 220 screen.
The pollen collected is way better than what was collected in my old 4 peice space case grinder.
A light golden color with nice smells.
Since it's only a small amount a ice wash/washing machine is not practical.
I think I am understanding the hand press tech, and want to understand the pressing.
Useing a wine bottle
@220. (F or C? ) do you have to refill with hot water dureing the 20 min press??
Any word on those frenchy. Custom presses??
Thanh you frenchy.
I have dabbled in bho, aicohol washes, rosin oils, and none really worked for me, I'm sure mostly cuz of the small amounts I have to process.
Hopefully I'll have a nice bit of Keith (errrrr KEIF...dang auto correct) by octobers end to do a press run, let it sit for a bit and give away as "stocking Stuffers" come holiday time