Clinton Campaign caught planning election crimes.

Pretty sure setting a trap that may injure a person is a crime in most places. Not likely but someone with a heart condition could die from a shock.
Yes, Trump supporters aren't very smart. Not good at understanding how their actions have consequences. But will cry like a baby when the consequences come.

21 days before the real wailing begins.
pretty dam funny. But really, do you think that the vandal would do so in broad daylight? Trump supporters like you are so gullible.

I should do the same for my Clinton sign that keeps getting torn down. But the entitled wimpy Trump supporter will cry and claim that I did violence on his body.

21 days until Trump gives his concession speech. It's going to be yuuuuuge, the best concession speech ever, Trump gives the greatest concession speeches, believe me.
I have put up about a hundred yard signs. I have put up one in the same place four times in ten days. Now I put Dolan TRUMP! cartoons underneath them just for fun.

A booby trapped Trump sign. How apropos.
We don't need to. The fact that it came from you is all we need to know. Truth eludes you.


weak weak weak,if any of you socialites had a single shred of evidence " debunking " you'd post it like lightning,even a Huffington post hit piece you'd post to cover up the ongoing Clinton crimes,beneath the online smiles & memes all of you are running scared as hell,because when u take away the silly likes u pass each other & the faked TV polls you know Hillary is losing not only the popular vote,but now even the electoral vote.

FYI its a fact that both of the latest "truly independent " polls show Trump leading Hillary in the popular vote as well as the electoral vote,watch CNN & believe those lies if you want but don't even think any MSM nonsense you adore holds an ounce of credibility .
Hillary is losing not only the popular vote,but now even the electoral vote.

FYI its a fact that both of the latest "truly independent " polls show Trump leading Hillary in the popular vote as well as the electoral vote

if you're not too busy gay-raping men and gargling cum, please post those "truly independent" polls.

thanks, rapist.

- Nasty guy Scott Foval, National Field Director at Americans United for Change, is recorded on camera discussing a number of unethical (and perhaps illegal) activities conducted by the liberal advocacy group Americans United for Change, in conjuction with various PACs and the DNC
- Seems to be evidence of Democrat organizers sending instigators to Trump rallies in efforts to make Trump supporters look bad.
- Pretty evident that there is collusion between super PACs and the DNC. He describes having middlemen who circumvent the law in order to collude.
- Discusses strategy for "initiating conflict by having leading conversations with people who are naturally psychotic" - Foval is referring to paying agitators to instigate trouble at Trump events here, calling Trump supporters "naturally psychotic."
- Aaron Black, DNC Rapid Response Coordinator, boasts about coordinating a Chicago protest at a Trump event. Two Chicago police reporters were injured and this event got a lot of news coverage.
- Scott Foval admits to instigating an event where a "supporter" (friend of Foval) gets roughed up at a Scott Walker event. He also staged other people in the crowd there for a "reaction."
- The 69-year old women who was "sucker punched at a Trump rally" was a hired activist (a "birddog") sent to the rally by Foval. Disgusting!
- Scott Foval brags about hiring homeless people, and mentally ill people, to protest and agitate at various Trump events.
- Foval calls half of the state of Iowa "racist as ****." Wisconsin too.

I'm glad you posted those facts because it saved me from posting them,we've all sat by & watched while thousands of illegals & sissy ass social justice warriors attack & beat women,attack minor children,chase down & beat teenage children,spit on people & scream rape when police touch them,we even watched as a fucking mob of illegals with a few token white sjw's surrounded a family's car,threatened & terrorized them,then wanted to light their fucking car on fire & burn an entire family alive !

Since america has been awakened to the true biracial filth that is Social Justice warriors the " movement" has been forced to create lies & stage paid fake attacks,like the " poor little old lady on fake oxygen" who staged an attack by fake Trump supporters,they do that so they can use their tag line of " they do it too" about everything ,notice that not a single sjw at riu is able to produce a shred of evidence to debunk any of the Clinton & DNC crimes I've posted in my threads.

So far the sjw responses are to claim we had a meltdown,a grammar Nazi with spell check chimed in to divert attention with no facts,and the rest telling us how stupid we are,smells exactly like victory,I've been at this site a decade now & know each n every sjw here,if there was any evidence anywhere to discredit these topics they'd post it quicker than a bum picking up a CIG off the ground :lol:

We have them beat n they know it :hump:
I'm glad you posted those facts because it saved me from posting them,we've all sat by & watched while thousands of illegals & sissy ass social justice warriors attack & beat women,attack minor children,chase down & beat teenage children,spit on people & scream rape when police touch them,we even watched as a fucking mob of illegals with a few token white sjw's surrounded a family's car,threatened & terrorized them,then wanted to light their fucking car on fire & burn an entire family alive !

Since america has been awakened to the true biracial filth that is Social Justice warriors the " movement" has been forced to create lies & stage paid fake attacks,like the " poor little old lady on fake oxygen" who staged an attack by fake Trump supporters,they do that so they can use their tag line of " they do it too" about everything ,notice that not a single sjw at riu is able to produce a shred of evidence to debunk any of the Clinton & DNC crimes I've posted in my threads.

So far the sjw responses are to claim we had a meltdown,a grammar Nazi with spell check chimed in to divert attention with no facts,and the rest telling us how stupid we are,smells exactly like victory,I've been at this site a decade now & know each n every sjw here,if there was any evidence anywhere to discredit these topics they'd post it quicker than a bum picking up a CIG off the ground :lol:

We have them beat n they know it :hump:

if you're not too busy gay-raping men and gargling cum, please post those "truly independent" polls.

thanks, rapist.
if you're not too busy gay-raping men and gargling cum, please post those "truly independent" polls.

thanks, rapist.

aw what's da madder,did widdle bucky gets angry the staff didn't pull down the threads showing the Clinton's 30 yrs long crime spree to millennials who honestly weren't aware before ?

Me thinks him mad ,u still get paiid the same either way so cheer up buck,every pro Hillary post you make earns you shill bucks,with shill boiler rooms paying over $20 an hour for trolls like u to post pro Hillary rhetoric being uncovered & reported on daily I'd say your days posing as just a regular guy are finished here,the dozen or so brand new accounts who entered the politics forum & began posting hundreds of pro Hillary memes and trolling the fuck out of Trump supporters are exposed as well,all the brand new fake accounts like your alter ego uncle Lou lmfao,you couldn't resist but to use the same name as yours but the extra accounts earn you extra Hillary shill bucks.
aw what's da madder,did widdle bucky gets angry the staff didn't pull down the threads showing the Clinton's 30 yrs long crime spree to millennials who honestly weren't aware before ?

Me thinks him mad ,u still get paiid the same either way so cheer up buck,every pro Hillary post you make earns you shill bucks,with shill boiler rooms paying over $20 an hour for trolls like u to post pro Hillary rhetoric being uncovered & reported on daily I'd say your days posing as just a regular guy are finished here,the dozen or so brand new accounts who entered the politics forum & began posting hundreds of pro Hillary memes and trolling the fuck out of Trump supporters are exposed as well,all the brand new fake accounts like your alter ego uncle Lou lmfao,you couldn't resist but to use the same name as yours but the extra accounts earn you extra Hillary shill bucks.

if you're not too busy gay-raping men and gargling cum, please post those "truly independent" polls.

thanks, rapist.
Why do democrat supporters support slavery lets not forget the democratic clowns voting against black freedom.. you know there not allowed to eat at same restaurants ????not allowed to own a gun ??? or how about pissing in a public place ..

Racism at its finest

Good point,the democratic party was created by racists to fuel racist ideologies,the same democratic party created the only political party military wing & named it the Ku Klux Klan.

Funny how nearly every democratic stronghold inner city has been turned into a 3rd world shithole,these white suburbanite social justice warriors think Hillary's extended Obama policies will somehow help the millions of blacks trapped in perpetual poverty democrat city's,they've watched black Americans jibs be awarded to illegal immigrants & they scream for more .

These SJW's are the worst racists in america,their every move helps keep blacks impoverished & now they want blacks to not have the ability to defend themselves,every democratic shithole has 1,000x more gun violence than rep strongholds yet they demand its " all our problem " & america should be disarmed.

All the sjw's here are racist frauds who exist through hypocrisy .
Good point,the democratic party was created by racists to fuel racist ideologies,the same democratic party created the only political party military wing & named it the Ku Klux Klan.

Funny how nearly every democratic stronghold inner city has been turned into a 3rd world shithole,these white suburbanite social justice warriors think Hillary's extended Obama policies will somehow help the millions of blacks trapped in perpetual poverty democrat city's,they've watched black Americans jibs be awarded to illegal immigrants & they scream for more .

These SJW's are the worst racists in america,their every move helps keep blacks impoverished & now they want blacks to not have the ability to defend themselves,every democratic shithole has 1,000x more gun violence than rep strongholds yet they demand its " all our problem " & america should be disarmed.

All the sjw's here are racist frauds who exist through hypocrisy .

if you're not too busy gay-raping men and gargling cum, please post those "truly independent" polls.

thanks, rapist.
thats seriously fucked up..
today i did a plumbing job for a buddy i went to high school with.. he has a trump sign in his yard. i asked him if he was serious.. he just goes "dude im not retarded, all my neighbors have hillary signs and i just want to piss them off" had me lol'ing.

I can't buy that one bro,your buddy just didn't want to hear a bunch of pro Hillary stuff,having a Trump sign in your yard means 1 of 2 things,#1 you ordered it,paid $25 for it then waited for it to be shipped,or #2 you spent hours in line at a pro Trump rally .

Seems to me if Hillary honestly had entire neighborhoods flooded with pro Hillary signs her staff wouldn't have been caught planning felony crimes .
if you're not too busy gay-raping men and gargling cum, please post those "truly independent" polls.

thanks, rapist.
typical answer from you , Your starting to bore me really ..
polls are nothing its like saying which Country is more likely to start a war USA or Canada lol i bet you would pick Canada right