Well-Known Member
thanksI spotted your talent right away.
thanksI spotted your talent right away.
Trump Throws A Tantrum And Goes Total Birther After Obama Tells Him To Strop Whining
Donald Trump was so outraged by President Obama telling him to stop whining that he has invited Obama’s Kenyan half brother to be one of his guests at the final presidential debate.
After President Obama had told the Republican nominee to stop whining about rigged elections,Trump decided to teach the President Of The United States a lesson by inviting Obama’s Kenyan half-brother to the third presidential debate.
Trump’s idea of revenge is to use a presidential debate to revive a birther conspiracy that he disavowed a little more than two months ago by saying that President Obama was born in the United States.
The invitation to Obama’s half-brother was the latest in a series of bad decisions that are driven by the petty and thin-skinned nature of the Republican nominee.
Inviting Malik Obama to the debate doesn’t help Donald Trump or the Republican Party.
Trump has been thrown completely off his game, which is exactly what President Obama was trying to do.
real talkFull article: http://bit.ly/2eqDDPU
"US President Barack Obama has told Donald Trump to "stop whining" as he rejected his claim that next month's White House election will be rigged.
He said Mr Trump's attempt to discredit a poll before it has even taken place was "unprecedented" for a US presidential candidate."
you want sumthing?
you want sumthing?
Full article: http://bit.ly/2eqDDPU
"US President Barack Obama has told Donald Trump to "stop whining" as he rejected his claim that next month's White House election will be rigged.
He said Mr Trump's attempt to discredit a poll before it has even taken place was "unprecedented" for a US presidential candidate."
considering the primary comitty has taken another look at newly discovered voter fraud concerning Obamas 2nd election,proving 40% of his votes needed to qualify were either bought from homeless people at $25 a vote,or forged votes and dead voters,the election commity has said had they seen that info previously Obama wouldn't of even qualified to compete in the primary,with that said & the decades of dnc voter fraud now exposed Obama should stfu,every time he opens his mouth he wins trump votes,had Obama not scolded & threatened the British the UK would still be in the EU .
FYI sjw's I realize The UK is currently in the EU,but not after article 50 is enacted,thank Obama for the brexit camp winning,his meddling pissed off voters just as his shit talking is doing to Americans .