RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

funny, you said birtherism started with hillary's campaign but you adopted that one like it was your own cuck child.

What? You don't like addressing answers to your posts when they prove what a liberal zombie you are?
I especially like the photo of the business address of the Center for American Progress.
You'd think Soros could afford better.

Oooo! Look over there! Dumphs talking to a Kenyan!
(that it happens to be Barry's brother shouldn't concern you)
how cowardly of you.

Just as cowardly as you not being able to furnish the proof. That the Buckold labeled me w/ a liberal smear is not exactly proof.

you don't even realize how easily you are playing into my game.

you're simply that stupid.

Yup, seems theguardian.com and whyisrael.org picked up that Oct. 8th story claiming that unrest in Iraq and Syria make it an easy target to extend routes used to supply Iraqis all the way to the coast. Not any others though.
How convenient that for the past 16 years American policy has been bankrupting the US populace to furnish that destabilization.
Just as cowardly as you not being able to furnish the proof.

yeah, me refusing to re-establish what this whole forum knows is already true is almost as cowardly as you running away from your racist conspiracies.

Yup, seems theguardian.com and whyisrael.org picked up that Oct. 8th story claiming that unrest in Iraq and Syria make it an easy target to extend routes used to supply Iraqis all the way to the coast. Not any others though.
How convenient that for the past 16 years American policy has been bankrupting the US populace to furnish that destabilization.

obama is deficit cutting us into fiscal insolvency. that gay kenyan muslim homo.
yeah, me refusing to re-establish what this whole forum knows is already true is almost as cowardly as you running away from your racist conspiracies.

Cowardly like not being able to answer an asked question?
That is you Buckold.

obama is deficit cutting us into fiscal insolvency. that gay kenyan muslim homo.

That last one must have bothered you as either "gay" or "homo" would have been sufficient in your last sputterance.
I find it interesting that you are using that story as back in 2012 when Mitt Hominy was spewing the same rhetoric liberals used it to skewer him for his geographical knowledge.

Let's use the BBC for this one too.

Democratic creativity at its best, eh?
Cowardly like not being able to answer an asked question?
That is you Buckold.

That last one must have bothered you as either "gay" or "homo" would have been sufficient in your last sputterance.
I find it interesting that you are using that story as back in 2012 when Mitt Hominy was spewing the same rhetoric liberals used it to skewer him for his geographical knowledge.

Let's use the BBC for this one too.

Democratic creativity at its best, eh?

have you ever had sexual intercourse?
have you ever had sexual intercourse?
Why? Jealous? :D

Have you ever answered a question or provided proof to back your accusations?

BTW, the Assange pederasty story seems to have come from <gasp> the Center for American Progress founded by Clinton campaign chair John Podesta and funded by billionaire and pro-Clintonite George Soros.

and here are their offices:
so that's a no on the sexual intercourse then.

The offspring were created via osmosis.

But then, I have offspring (one of the natural side effects of heterosetchual relations).

My proof walks and talks. Your proof that your bearded marital arrangement can boast the same is........?

Oh, sorry. That's a question and you don't do well with those.
The offspring were created via osmosis.

But then, I have offspring (one of the natural side effects of heterosetchual relations).

My proof walks and talks. Your proof that your bearded marital arrangement can boast the same is........?

Oh, sorry. That's a question and you don't do well with those.

if you raise offspring, i'm gonna have to guess it was through cuckoldry rather than osmosis.
The offspring were created via osmosis.

But then, I have offspring (one of the natural side effects of heterosetchual relations).

My proof walks and talks. Your proof that your bearded marital arrangement can boast the same is........?

Oh, sorry. That's a question and you don't do well with those.

nobody calls their kids " offspring " fucking weirdo pedo
you know its bad when bill oreilly isnt even going for the republican

Now your on to something ,do you honestly believe Fox news #1 "newsman" switches his allegiance at the last minute of his own will ?

As an obvious FYI newsmen & women are supposed to report the news objectively & allow Americans to make our minds up on the issues,now your seeing that Fox news is exactly what I said they were,which is the same as CNN ,MSNBC or even the BBC ,all corrupt opinionated biased programs disguised as news to benefit the oligarchs who love to control US policy,Fox is a sham exactly like the rest,Bill O'Riley says what he's told to say just as CNN's #1 anchor Don lemon is paid to skew .
Hahaha so far Trump has wiped his ass with Hillary Clinton in debate #3 into the final segment of the debate,Trumps smashed Hillary's worthless rhetoric with common sense every step of the way & once again the moderator has to scold the audience to keep them from applauding & cheering for Trumps comments.
Debate #3 is finished & Donald Trump owned Hillary's ass like a boss,President Donald Trump on deck,ten hut ! Trump calling out Clinton's team being caught in election fraud in 16 states so far was dropping a nuke on her ass :clap:

I love it,Hillary's finished,she spoke like a wall street owned tool who dodged her pay to play scams so badly even the moderators are calling her out for it,so far Trumps won debate #2 strongly & debate #3 like a mother fuckin boss ! President Trump was spectacular no matter how much the oligarch owned pundints try to clean up her being smashed by Trump on all fronts:lol:

Say goodbye to Hillary because she's toast .

Social justice warriors at team rolllitup applying anal ointment while awaiting MSM commentary to get marching orders before commenting :bigjoint:

I had a blast watching Hillary get exposed for her lack of competence ,let the social justice warrior crying begin :bigjoint:
Hahaha so far Trump has wiped his ass with Hillary Clinton in debate #3 into the final segment of the debate,Trumps smashed Hillary's worthless rhetoric with common sense every step of the way & once again the moderator has to scold the audience to keep them from applauding & cheering for Trumps comments.

they laughed when he said that no one has more respect for women than him.
except for the fact that every single poll said otherwise.

lmfao,you fevereshly quoted me 6 times in 5 minutes making excuses for Hillary getting her ass handed to her again tonight,haha :bigjoint:

This calls for a fat bowl of hash before bed to welcome in President Donald Trump prosecuting Hillary Clinton & her bought corrupt establishment pals :bigjoint: