Silica/Neem in Veg for spider mites and Silica/Spinosad in Flower???

hey lets see some pics of your herb man, I bet yours are mindboggling awesome.
oh, and it's "you're"
as in "you're a douchebag"
View attachment 3809090
Lmao that's right I'm a douche and I've been sent here to clean up all the smelly stinky PUSSIES like you so go on and continue correcting my Grammer it's not making me one bit upset I see I've got you by the tongue and your impulse to correct me seems so automatic so thanks dad your the best
See I knew that last your would cause such a rise out of you lol its too easy pushing a toddlers buttons and I don't show first ladies first
Lol auto correct inserted insure Dick face sorry if I didn't proof read before I posted and I've grown in and out I just prefer to grow inside and EVERYTHING is preventable and able to be maintained your just one of those excuse type of people I have kids and 3 dogs and I maintain perfection call me a liar but it is what it is and my end product ALWAYS gets 400$ plus an Oz so maybe it's time to take up a new hobby and buy from someone who knows what the fuck they are doing as far as preventable maintenance is concerned so the product is a superior smoke not bombarded with pesticides and whatever your doing
Listen dude. I'm fucking anal about shit.

I'm ex military with a job if I made a mistake people died. They beat attention to detail into my head. I guarantee you my shit is always squared away. I don't make excuses. Fact of the matter shit happens and anyone claiming to have grown for ten years without mites is a liar. a2.JPG
Now lets hear your excuse for not showing a finished pic.

If you get that much show me a finished bud pic.
See I knew that last your would cause such a rise out of you lol its too easy pushing a toddlers buttons and I don't show first ladies first
the irony of it all is that you are clueless.
you actually think it's upsetting to me that your writing prowess needs as much attention as your growing advice?
I'm at work man, and i am bored, and you took the bait.
sooo wheres those pics man?
oh, you said me first? (being a kind gentlemen allowing a lady to go first)
my bad.

I mean I hate when people say they been growing x amount of time and never a pest or mistake.

Hell as anal as I am I still make mistakes. I'm human.

I grew up growing food every year. Been at it since I could walk and in the last year I screwed a whole crop up with a new soil base. I knocked the whole side of a plant off when my variac fell on a plant.
Beautiful flowers guys, but back to the subject of this thread. I've had great results with using spinosad as a preventative both foliar and drench (as whiteebb2727 advises) and I regularly use silica also, which makes the plants much stronger and able tor resist disease and pests. I have yet to find a use for neem although I've heard it works for some.
the way that the magic of neem is reaaaally realized, is as a nutrient.
neem meal is a MUST HAVE
if only it didn't smell like cheap shitty beef flavored top ramen..

I mean I hate when people say they been growing x amount of time and never a pest or mistake.

Hell as anal as I am I still make mistakes. I'm human.

I grew up growing food every year. Been at it since I could walk and in the last year I screwed a whole crop up with a new soil base. I knocked the whole side of a plant off when my variac fell on a plant.
success doesn't teach ya much, where we all learn the best is when we fuck up..
like a kid that touches a hot pan.
you LEARN when you get burned...
my worst one was thinking BSM was a good source of nutrients...
man... those plants looked all sorts of fugly...
but hey, i learned.
same thing with automechanics...
hey, i learned that 120 THOUSAND volts out of a DIS ignition pack can easily arc RIGHT through latex glove...
especially if it's hot and the glove is sweaty inside...
man i didn't feel "right" for about 48 hours..
success doesn't teach ya much, where we all learn the best is when we fuck up..
like a kid that touches a hot pan.
you LEARN when you get burned...
my worst one was thinking BSM was a good source of nutrients...
man... those plants looked all sorts of fugly...
but hey, i learned.
same thing with automechanics...
hey, i learned that 120 THOUSAND volts out of a DIS ignition pack can easily arc RIGHT through latex glove...
especially if it's hot and the glove is sweaty inside...
man i didn't feel "right" for about 48 hours..
Lol, I've done that before wit with hei ignitions. Its got a lot of volts but not enough amperage. You hurt yourself worse trying to get away from it.
the way that the magic of neem is reaaaally realized, is as a nutrient.
neem meal is a MUST HAVE
if only it didn't smell like cheap shitty beef flavored top ramen..
I will have to try the neem meal. I tried the oil for thrips and pm on some veg plants one time and it did nothing but make the plants stink. Maybe I didn't do it right. Will definitely try the meal.
Lol auto correct inserted insure Dick face sorry if I didn't proof read before I posted and I've grown in and out I just prefer to grow inside and EVERYTHING is preventable and able to be maintained your just one of those excuse type of people I have kids and 3 dogs and I maintain perfection call me a liar but it is what it is and my end product ALWAYS gets 400$ plus an Oz so maybe it's time to take up a new hobby and buy from someone who knows what the fuck they are doing as far as preventable maintenance is concerned so the product is a superior smoke not bombarded with pesticides and whatever your doing
Nice sentence.
I brought four medium-sized plants inside & they had a few spider mites & fungus gnats. Not the end of the world because the plants are so healthy and strong. I pulled all of em out yesterday to check for hermies and the spider mites have not gotten any farther than the lowest leaves & are having a hard time just surviving. A dusting of DE & six yellow bug cards (laying on the floor) got rid of the gnats.
Gonna chop em tomorrow.
I will say that they do make chemicals that kill mites. Your talking organophosphates. Fuck that. I'm not using any product like that or any pesticide that kills for a year near my plants.

That is asking for health problems.

Sure I could spray with a highly toxic synthetic pesticide and prevent mites but I wont spray my grow with poison.