I would love to see this go through. I'm in Oklahoma, and a week ago the governor singed a bill legalizing the use of cannabis oil for medical use. In doing so, she reiterated how she is completely against legalizing the smoking of mj for either med or rec use. It's an hour and a half long drive for me to get to Texas, so I could make good use of a change of the laws down there. Good luck!
I'm older than you and maybe a little wiser as to politics. But if it makes you feel better you go right ahead and keep thinking that. Read more and not just about pot and fun things.
If you can overcome the scorching heat and rainless weeks on end then yes. When I've grown outside, especially now in July & August, the plants stressed despite attentive care. Yes they grew larger than anything indoor but miss a day or two and you're behind the 8 ball trying to recover drooping plants in cloudless 98 degree heat with suffering humidity. A commercial grow with full timers could make it happen but in SE Texas a part timer has a tough row to hoe.Interestingly, Texas is one of the few states which is far enough South to be able to grow decent Cannabis. It's Mexico, for all intents and purposes, climate-wise. Only Florida could rival it and it's probably too wet there. Texas would be much better than California, which is not on or below the 30th parallel.
Oh, I didn't know it was humid. Must be from the Gulf I guess. Humid is bad for potency, and of course 98 degree heat above optimal. In Lebanon the weed grown on the inland side of the mountains is usable for hash but on the ocean side it's not. The only difference is the humidity.If you can overcome the scorching heat and rainless weeks on end then yes. When I've grown outside, especially now in July & August, the plants stressed despite attentive care. Yes they grew larger than anything indoor but miss a day or two and you're behind the 8 ball trying to recover drooping plants in cloudless 98 degree heat with suffering humidity. A commercial grow with full timers could make it happen but in SE Texas a part timer has a tough row to hoe.
Don't mean to insult your state but Texas isn't known as the most progressive state around. That sounds rough though. A pan of brownies would be about a kilo, and it probably only has a few grams of oil in it. I wonder what their big gripe with edibles is. Must want people to screw their lungs up. Maybe it's because it's a lot easier to take too much and then you get people showing up at emergency rooms when there isn't a damn thing they can do. Just gotta ride it out.There is progress in Texas but you can really get screwed by possessing marijuana derivatives like edibles. The total weight of, say, brownies would count towards the weight of the seized illicit substance, which is already an unreasonable thing to do. It gets even worse though since hash oil or extracted THC is not treated as marijuana but as another controlled substance. It's considered an illegal substance of "penalty group 2" in Texas which is the second most serious category and will result in a felony for even the smallest weight range. See this article. It's a really impractical thing to try and outlaw.
Better with coconut oil. I have a shot of oil every morning, straight outta the fresh coconut oil "bottle"Try an oil shot sometime, just make sure you don't have to do anything for a while afterwards.
The oil would have to be decarbed of course.Better with coconut oil. I have a shot of oil every morning, straight outta the fresh coconut oil "bottle"
In order to what?The oil would have to be decarbed of course.
Yeah decarb the material before you infuse it into the oilThe oil would have to be decarbed of course.