Vero-29 3Kw Big Build (copied across from other forum)


Well-Known Member
Hi folks, first post here, if nothin else but to stop everyone bitchin at me for NOT postin on rolitup:wall:
so here it is, drum roll please........
my next build will be 5 pairs of extruded heatsinks each with 3 vero29's driven by a pair of 300w dimmable drivers hopefully incorporating thermistor thermal protection. 2 of these pairs of units will be actively cooled using a trinity of 80mm pc case fans from a small buck converter in the lighting circuit. The other 3 pairs will be run fully passive at first to assess the effectiveness of our standard extrusion against these 70w monsters, esp as we are gonna overdrive em by around 50% if the temps will allow. I'll do my best to make a build video but sadly I often build these suckers then slap meself hard when i realise i fergot to video the events, so 'after build' vids are more my style!
'ere's me work to date, or at least as much s i could be arsed to video, edit and upload;
don't hotbox the kitchen, you will set off the smoke alarm:fire:
Video now completed and uploaded, bring yer shades fer the money shot last few mins!
Please rate share and comment, more to follow on thermal protection using the 10v dimmer circuit and a thermistor and drilling/tapping jig for pillar drill use.
Thanks a lot, some great builds en videos. What are the advantages to the power supply's you use in comparison to the meanwells?
Thanks a lot, some great builds en videos. What are the advantages to the power supply's you use in comparison to the meanwells?
Quite simply, cost. Meanwell will be made from entirely mass produced components produced in the far east, brightstar led are a shengzhen province manufacturers who will customise drivers to order, publish all the individual component manufacturers they use and have market leading efficiency ratings, all for half the price! Plus, I am a great believer in having a personal connection to my suppliers and Glen Wong at brightstar has gone above and beyond to help me in every driver choice I have made (even to asking for spec sheets of each CoB to ensure no possible mismatch) These 300w drivers shipped to me with all fees and shipping @ £572.40 for 10 units, the exchange rates are killing us too, if you are stateside it was around $440 plus shipping!
heres Glen's direct email; [email protected] please tell him jack sent you, he will be so happy! he even found a way to proxy past the chinese firewall to watch my vid his drivers featured in!
About what effi% we talking ?
The price sounds pretty good for a 300W Driver.

Btw I like your youtube channel much of good info. Can we get a peak at your garden :D
Video now completed and uploaded, bring yer shades fer the money shot last few mins!
Please rate share and comment, more to follow on thermal protection using the 10v dimmer circuit and a thermistor and drilling/tapping jig for pillar drill use.
if you are gunna do a vid dont monotone thru the whole vid
Video now completed and uploaded, bring yer shades fer the money shot last few mins!
Please rate share and comment, more to follow on thermal protection using the 10v dimmer circuit and a thermistor and drilling/tapping jig for pillar drill use.
bloody mr mumbles over here nice vid tho dude
Dude goes to great lengths to make vids and all you can come up with in not 1 but double posts is crap on his voice? Come on man,why dont you show us how its done lmao.
@freemanjack ignore him,i enjoyed listening to you talk shop while showing us how its done in both the videos i watched.
Ditto :joint:
i liked how quick Jack bounced Bob the builder out the door:arrow:
it was like he heard him coming.
About what effi% we talking ?
The price sounds pretty good for a 300W Driver.

Btw I like your youtube channel much of good info. Can we get a peak at your garden :D
<90% tho we haven't done the power factor measurements on these 300w units, the 240w ones were over claimed spec on measured input/output.
Dude goes to great lengths to make vids and all you can come up with in not 1 but double posts is crap on his voice? Come on man,why dont you show us how its done lmao.
@freemanjack ignore him,i enjoyed listening to you talk shop while showing us how its done in both the videos i watched.
Thanks fer the vote of confidence but I don't need any, is quite appropriate criticism, and I wasn't mumbling, its just the wind noise had crept up and I never noticed the audio auto-levelling down. I would have done an overdub after the first few minutes but I'm busy an everyone was wanting to see the rig. Rush job, shit quality, accept my apologies.
Dude goes to great lengths to make vids and all you can come up with in not 1 but double posts is crap on his voice? Come on man,why dont you show us how its done lmao.
@freemanjack ignore him,i enjoyed listening to you talk shop while showing us how its done in both the videos i watched.
have a cry you fucking sook i was taking the piss why you gotta be so up tight for ???
Dude goes to great lengths to make vids and all you can come up with in not 1 but double posts is crap on his voice? Come on man,why dont you show us how its done lmao.
@freemanjack ignore him,i enjoyed listening to you talk shop while showing us how its done in both the videos i watched.
just so it sticks to your brain ill double post it nice vid dude
Should have the thermistors coming tomorrow, will make a new vid covering basic thermistor thermal protection utilising the 10v dimming circuit. Also worth mentioning, 4 of the 5 of these 600w monsters are going into a single veg room, I've been in touch with a chinese supplier discussing a 1000w driver for this array, initial thermal soak tests would suggest 850w is not excessive for the total capacity of these CoB's given adequate heat dissipation. So I might do a kilowatt test on this rig before it ships to the client.
Quite simply, cost. Meanwell will be made from entirely mass produced components produced in the far east, brightstar led are a shengzhen province manufacturers who will customise drivers to order, publish all the individual component manufacturers they use and have market leading efficiency ratings, all for half the price! Plus, I am a great believer in having a personal connection to my suppliers and Glen Wong at brightstar has gone above and beyond to help me in every driver choice I have made (even to asking for spec sheets of each CoB to ensure no possible mismatch) These 300w drivers shipped to me with all fees and shipping @ £572.40 for 10 units, the exchange rates are killing us too, if you are stateside it was around $440 plus shipping!
heres Glen's direct email; [email protected] please tell him jack sent you, he will be so happy! he even found a way to proxy past the chinese firewall to watch my vid his drivers featured in!
Thats a killer deal. Will give him a message and see whats up.
Will be testing some 800w drivers that are even cheaper per watt in a few weeks, I will post the results soon as I have any.
That is quite good. I quite enjoy working with good honesy Chinese suppliers.
Meanwell is quite pricey and if we can find large wattage drivers shipped and import charges = significantly less than meanwells with good efficiency. Well that is what we need around here.
Look forward to the results.
Glen is really nice and helpfull. Will be putting in an order with him for 5 drivers and potentiometers. I will let you know how his service is, so you can check if it is something for you.