Hi folks, first post here, if nothin else but to stop everyone bitchin at me for NOT postin on rolitup

so here it is, drum roll please........
my next build will be 5 pairs of extruded heatsinks each with 3 vero29's driven by a pair of 300w dimmable drivers hopefully incorporating thermistor thermal protection. 2 of these pairs of units will be actively cooled using a trinity of 80mm pc case fans from a small buck converter in the lighting circuit. The other 3 pairs will be run fully passive at first to assess the effectiveness of our standard extrusion against these 70w monsters, esp as we are gonna overdrive em by around 50% if the temps will allow. I'll do my best to make a build video but sadly I often build these suckers then slap meself hard when i realise i fergot to video the events, so 'after build' vids are more my style!
'ere's me work to date, or at least as much s i could be arsed to video, edit and upload;
don't hotbox the kitchen, you will set off the smoke alarm