trump: first one ever to get booed at al smith dinner


Well-Known Member
The Statue of Liberty joke Hillary did was sublime tho.

Poor Donald, even Dolan was shocked and his kind fuck kids!


Well-Known Member
But sooooooo much fun, lol. It was a beautiful, Karmic cocktail: You could really tell that Hill was getting hers after all of these months of obnoxious bullshit and bully tactics, and at the SAME time Drumpf was getting mocked and d-e-v-o-u-r-e-d by actual NY businessmen.
He's so fucking cooked, LOL.

They should do these a couple times per week until election time!



Well-Known Member
Attracting swing voters is not part of Donald's natural personality.

He only attracts the 'all in' crowd, and significant numbers of them are now turning off.

It's impossible to win when you're always in uncivilized attack mode, with hot mic vids and new women coming forward daily. I'm sure many won't come forward as they don't want news trucks parking in front of their homes.

Kellyanne Conway is pretty slick, but you can't turn a crow into a nightingale.


Well-Known Member
Attracting swing voters is not part of Donald's natural personality.

He only attracts the 'all in' crowd, and significant numbers of them are now turning off.

It's impossible to win when you're always in uncivilized attack mode, with hot mic vids and new women coming forward daily. I'm sure many won't come forward as they don't want news trucks parking in front of their homes.

Kellyanne Conway is pretty slick, but you can't turn a crow into a nightingale.
Not only "news trucks", how about their personal safety? The Drumpf has long been linked with organized crime. Not the major crime families, mind, but plenty of lower-ranking hitters and associates. (IE: pond scum, but semi-dangerous pond scum nonetheless.)

"Crow into a nightingale" reminded me of one you don't hear of much these days: You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.