deficiency of excess?

Soilless: 1:1 peat perlite mix with 1oz lime per gallon
Nutes: 1/2 tsp 20-20-20, 1 tsp epsom salt per gallon ppm runoff = 600
PH in: 5.5 out: 6
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Well-Known Member
High Green4Ganja

What kind of lime did you use? Dolomitic lime works the best and supplies both Mg and Ca but if chunky style breaks down very slowly tho the acidity of of the root zone will help it dissolve a bit faster. I grind mine up with a mortar and pestle if and when I use it.

The ferts you're using aren't the best ratio for vegging pot. 20-10-10 would be better as too much P and K can block the uptake of some nutrients like Mg, Ca, Zn ,Fe etc. 10-15-20 for flowering after the stretch.

pH isn't bad as with a soilless mix like you're using it should lean toward a lower pH than with soil tho maybe watering with pH 7 once or twice might have a positive effect for the plant and it wouldn't hurt to try. Won't hurt much anyway cause if the symptoms start getting worse you'll know it's not a pH problem and likely a nutrient imbalance.

Before taking any corrective measures I like to remove all badly damaged leaves and cut away, with clean scissors, any damaged bits so I can tell much easier whether it's getting worse or stopping. Dead spots in the middle of good leaves get coloured with a marker so you can tell if the spots are getting bigger or not.

I wouldn't feed it while trying this as you'll know if it's having the desired effect in a few days. Repotting, as Backtracker says, could help too if it's getting rootbound. I can't tell how big that plant is in relation to the pot without a full shot of both.

Good luck.


PS: What kind of lighting are you using and how tall is the plant?
High Green4Ganja

What kind of lime did you use? Dolomitic lime works the best and supplies both Mg and Ca but if chunky style breaks down very slowly tho the acidity of of the root zone will help it dissolve a bit faster. I grind mine up with a mortar and pestle if and when I use it.

The ferts you're using aren't the best ratio for vegging pot. 20-10-10 would be better as too much P and K can block the uptake of some nutrients like Mg, Ca, Zn ,Fe etc. 10-15-20 for flowering after the stretch.

pH isn't bad as with a soilless mix like you're using it should lean toward a lower pH than with soil tho maybe watering with pH 7 once or twice might have a positive effect for the plant and it wouldn't hurt to try. Won't hurt much anyway cause if the symptoms start getting worse you'll know it's not a pH problem and likely a nutrient imbalance.

Before taking any corrective measures I like to remove all badly damaged leaves and cut away, with clean scissors, any damaged bits so I can tell much easier whether it's getting worse or stopping. Dead spots in the middle of good leaves get coloured with a marker so you can tell if the spots are getting bigger or not.

I wouldn't feed it while trying this as you'll know if it's having the desired effect in a few days. Repotting, as Backtracker says, could help too if it's getting rootbound. I can't tell how big that plant is in relation to the pot without a full shot of both.

Good luck.


PS: What kind of lighting are you using and how tall is the plant?
Thank you for your reply,
well shes really root bound that i know but im keeping her like a bonzai mother plant i chop her every month or so. now shes maybe 1foot tall with 12 clones ready to cut off. havent had a problem with her before ill maybe need to chop her roots and add new soil im using dolomitic lime but i know ill have a calcium deficiency but usually get it in flowering not in veg. using epsom salt because my nutes dosnt have magnesium or calcium at all. I just dont have cal mag where i live or the money to buy it online right now. my nutrient line up has a sections for growing cannabis and they say use the formula 15 - 15 - 30

Medical Plant
A good nutritional program begins with a good growing media. Start with a well-aerated and porous soil with a pH between 6-6.2 and an EC between 1-1.5 ms/cm. Routine monitoring of the pH and EC is highly recommended. Adjustments to fertilizer rates will be based on plant age, growth, weather, pH/EC monitoring, and other factors.

Fertilization of medical marijuana, as with all crops, is dependent upon the quality of the irrigation water being used. A water test should be done to determine the bicarbonate level and general water nutrient levels. Based on your water analysis, MPPI can determine which fertilizer program will work best for you.

To Start Off – Plant-Prod® 10-52-10 Starter
Applied at 1 g/L (100 ppm N) once or twice, will ensure adequate phosphorus levels to give a good boost to the roots.

For Growth – Plant-Prod® 15-15-30 High K / Plant-Prod® Solutions 17-5-17 Complete
Fertilize at 150-200 ppm N on a constant feeding schedule. If EC levels drop below 1, increase the feed to 300 ppm N. Monitor EC and pH during the full crop cycle.

Alternatively, Plant-Prod Solutions 17-5-17 can be used as an all-in-one nutrient source for growth. For optimal use of this product, it is recommended that you consult with a Plant-Prod sales representative following water and soil testing.

Bud Set and Bud Sizing – Plant-Prod® 15-30-15 High P
In order to help the plants set bud, or when the buds are pea sized, begin feeding with Plant-Prod 15-30-15 at 150-200 ppm N. This will encourage good bud set and enhance bud filling.

Plant-Prod 15-15-30 will help with plant finishing when applied at 1.34 g/L (200 ppm N). The higher potassium will benefit the plants in their reproductive stage through to finishing. Switch to clear water 7-10 days before harvest.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your reply,
well shes really root bound that i know but im keeping her like a bonzai mother plant i chop her every month or so. now shes maybe 1foot tall with 12 clones ready to cut off. havent had a problem with her before ill maybe need to chop her roots and add new soil im using dolomitic lime but i know ill have a calcium deficiency but usually get it in flowering not in veg. using epsom salt because my nutes dosnt have magnesium or calcium at all. I just dont have cal mag where i live or the money to buy it online right now. my nutrient line up has a sections for growing cannabis and they say use the formula 15 - 15 - 30

Medical Plant
A good nutritional program begins with a good growing media. Start with a well-aerated and porous soil with a pH between 6-6.2 and an EC between 1-1.5 ms/cm. Routine monitoring of the pH and EC is highly recommended. Adjustments to fertilizer rates will be based on plant age, growth, weather, pH/EC monitoring, and other factors.

Fertilization of medical marijuana, as with all crops, is dependent upon the quality of the irrigation water being used. A water test should be done to determine the bicarbonate level and general water nutrient levels. Based on your water analysis, MPPI can determine which fertilizer program will work best for you.
VERY IMPORTANT! If using tap water get a report from your supplier. Should be free. Send it to me or post it in here so I can have a look.

To Start Off – Plant-Prod® 10-52-10 Starter Too high P for my liking Very mild 10-10-10 would work fine.
Applied at 1 g/L (100 ppm N) once or twice, will ensure adequate phosphorus levels to give a good boost to the roots.

For Growth – Plant-Prod® 15-15-30 High K / Plant-Prod® Solutions 17-5-17 Complete Too much K here.
Fertilize at 150-200 ppm N on a constant feeding schedule. If EC levels drop below 1, increase the feed to 300 ppm N. Monitor EC and pH during the full crop cycle.

Alternatively, Plant-Prod Solutions 17-5-17 can be used as an all-in-one nutrient source for growth. For optimal use of this product, it is recommended that you consult with a Plant-Prod sales representative following water and soil testing.

Bud Set and Bud Sizing – Plant-Prod® 15-30-15 High P Not bad
In order to help the plants set bud, or when the buds are pea sized, begin feeding with Plant-Prod 15-30-15 at 150-200 ppm N. This will encourage good bud set and enhance bud filling.

Finishing Too much N for last stage of flowering. Crispy leaves a commin'. P:K ratio fine.
Plant-Prod 15-15-30 will help with plant finishing when applied at 1.34 g/L (200 ppm N). The higher potassium will benefit the plants in their reproductive stage through to finishing. Switch to clear water 7-10 days before harvest.
I kept a mom for a few years before mites took her down while I was away hauling water for rigs and the wife didn't have a clue. Lost everything and had to restart from seed. :(

Kept her in a 2 gal pot and every 6 months or so would cut off half the root ball, shave down the sides, toss fresh dirt/promix in the pot and water her back in.

Your tap water may have lots of Mg and Ca and too much can lock out other things or too much of one can lock out the other. Get water report and lets have a look.

I checked out that fertilizer website and none of that stuff is made specifically for pot and the ratios are all wrong for pot. I can't even pick out any that are particularly suited to either veg or flower stages without one or more of the NPK being way too much or too little.

Don't have any place you could get cheap ferts designed for tomatoes? They like most of what pot does better than ferts for pansies or ornamental flowers. Still not the best but way better than those I'm sorry to say.

It's tough to grow on a very limited budget I know. I've been doing that for the last 15 years and if I wasn't good
at DIY and improvising stuff I would have given up and crawled in a bottle long ago.
