Can you find my treetop grow? Pictures


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I know I promised you some pictures of my Treetop grow, so here it is. But in return for showing you these I need some help obviosuly. Not sure what is wrong with the transplant but after I transplanted him from the ground into this pot hes doing aweful. he was doing wonderful in the ground, but he was in middle of my yard So i had to transplant. First treetop grow I put him in, broke when I was up there. Luckily I held on to him the whole way down, and cushioned him with my body so he didnt get hurt, this is the new spot hes in. Also Ill throw in some pictures of my white widow and purple widow plants from my grow journal : ) Enjoy, and please help me with this transplant, I have killed two already by transplanting, and im hopin to save this one atleast. Soil is mg moisture control, with some extra perlite that I added. Hope you guys can help I really want atleast one baby plant.

First picture is a wheres waldo type, can you see where he is? the pot is what you should be looking for its a darker green, about 18 inches, by 18 inches. Its very hard to find though, its close to the middle of the picture, that should help you out a bit.

If you found it, your really good lol. Next ones are just pictures of the seedling, and I know it looks really bad, thats why I need your help.

There you guys go, hope you can help. Now here is a picture of the white and purple widow plants, zoomed in from the treefort grow.

Now some close ups of it, just took these pictures 10 minutes ago : )
I should Have took one of there stalks.. The base of the white widows stem
is thicker then a quarter, easily. its massive. i think there may be a picture
of it in my grow journal on my sig. I will post these pictures on there soon.

This next one is probably my favorite picture of the plants iv ever taken
It makes me so proud : ) !!!!!

Thats all folks! I will continue to update my grow journal if you want to see pictures later. But More importantly I need help with that transplant, Im really aweful at transplanting. Thanks everyone, grow on : )


Well-Known Member
I'm a nood, so not much help with your problem. However, I can't see a damn thing in that tree...nice job. I want your plants! How far are they from harvest?


Well-Known Member
that purple widow is sooooo . . . . .purple!!!!!! what is white widow crossed with to make it - i want some!!!


Well-Known Member
Gstatus, I will deff let you know how they smoke, the purple is a week or two from harvest, the purple stil has a while. The purple widow is a ...
White widow x purple haze I believe, I could be wrong, but im pretty sure thats what it is. And the plants are White Widow, and Purple Widow firsttimegrow. Thanks for the comments, anyone know whats wrong with my seedling though? Grow on growers... grow on : )


Well-Known Member
Not sure about the moisture level... I flooded it after transplanting, and havent really watered it since. That was about 3 days ago. So I dont think its to wet. Yeh that seedling gets so much sun. Perfect spot.


Well-Known Member
Gstatus, I will deff let you know how they smoke, the purple is a week or two from harvest, the purple stil has a while. The purple widow is a ...
White widow x purple haze I believe, I could be wrong, but im pretty sure thats what it is. And the plants are White Widow, and Purple Widow firsttimegrow. Thanks for the comments, anyone know whats wrong with my seedling though? Grow on growers... grow on : )
im doin blue widow - (white Widow x Blueberry) hope it turns out half as good as u'rs


Well-Known Member
Alright guys I am so confused. My purple widow is tripping me out, and so is my white. This first picture, I need to know if this is a seed or not. It looks and feels like one, and strangly it is on the only bud on the plant, that had bird shit on it. You can see the bird shit in the picture, its the white stuff. Could the bird shit have pollenated a bud ?? enough words, heres the picture

Ok now the next picture is freaking me out just as much. This white widow came from a clone so I know its not a male, so only other option is, is it a hermie?? god I hope not. But it isnt growing pallen sacks, more just like 1 ball on each node. These have been there for a while and dont appear to be opening. They arent on every node, there are about 6 of them total. Most of them are near the top of the plant. here ya go
ps. The ball is covered with trichomes.

heres another picture of a different one, a bit smaller.

Ok the next picture is of the purple widow. The white hairs on the purple widow turned orange about a week or two ago. However the trichomes are still not ready for harvest. Now a whole new wave or white hairs is coming out of the bud. Heres a close up. If you look close you can see the old orange ones, they blend in kinda well though, but look close

Heres another picture close up, so you can see the old white hairs that have already turned orange.

I need help answering all of these questions, so please if you know even one, help me out. I will be researching in the mean time to find answers. Also I have been finding these white bugs on my plants. They are not very small, and they produce some sort of white cloth material. not a web, they weave this cloth over the stems for the most part. The bug blends in with the cloth very well. I tried to get a close up but it was very hard. They can jump very far as well. I killed 2, but the 3rd one hopped incredibly far away.

Heres a close up of the white widow, kinda messed up but you can see crystals forming pretty well. It still has along time to go tho : )

Thanks guys : )
check out my grow journal for more pictures :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
it looks like balls and since your plants are budded till hell freezes shut already i would cut those balls simply of before they may burst and pollinated your entire grow. i guess you don't need a pound of seed or do you?;)


Active Member
My opinion is that alot of the problems you are experiencing is down to pests, perhaps including the hermie change. They could be stressing your plants and causing them to turn.
And i am still pretty certain that the critter you described is a mealie/mealy bug and they are notorious cannabis killers.
A clear picture would help me confirm this.


Well-Known Member
"green_nobodyit looks like balls and since your plants are budded till hell freezes shut already i would cut those balls simply of before they may burst and pollinated your entire grow. i guess you don't need a pound of seed or do you?:wink:

What do you mean by your plants budded till hell freezes shut already lol? Not sure what your saying. So you do think that those balls contain pollen? Becuase it seems that in other places on the plant, they are opening up into bud. Not quite sure however, I have been watching some of them, and they dont seem to change that much. Could I perhaps, save some pollen for about a week or two. then harvest most of the big colas, then pollinate the smaller ones? I would like so seeds from this plant, as it has been very nice to me so far.

Toke I think you may be right, and I would like to give you a clear picture but I cant seem to get one, they flee when I get close to them, and I cant zoom in clearly for some reason. But as I said its a white bug, and it appears to have 2 shells on both sides. Almost like sheilds. And the actual bug is in the middle. I found one today on my white widow, he was just hanging out, didnt have my camera so I went for the kill, but the damn thing is fast, like a flea, he just hops far away. Do you guys think I should get some
" dont bug me "? I didnt want to use any pesticides but I fear that I may have to. I check plants everyday so I dont allow these pests to make my plants their homes, so everything seems to be good.

Does anyone have any advice for my seedling? It still looks like shit, but it seems to have developed some new top growth, very very slow however. I am going to give it a very weak nute feed today. The soil dried up pretty well. I think I may have packed the soil a bit to tight for the roots to get air possibly. I tried to loosen it up a bit, hopefully it pulls threw.

Thanks for all the help so far guys : )


Well-Known Member
if hairs, two to be exact, stick out of those ball you are right that these are female budding places and i should get my eyes checked and you a learn to handle that cam;)

sure if those have hairs its female and can stay, if not those balls contain pollen and you got hermies for some reason, then those balls have to go for sure and good. figure me now?


Well-Known Member
Yeh man I understand, They do seem to have hairs coming out, very small, but they are there. I will watch them just to make sure. If I get my plant pollinated right now, would I still get the same potentcy level from the bud, I would just have to get the seeds all out? Or would the seeded buds somehow lose part of the THC? Also would my yeild in actual bud decrease? Becuase some of it would be turned to seed? Thanks alot green you have been most helpful : )


Well-Known Member
well the buds then focus on seeds not on haze, that they produce to get pollen to stick on them by all needs. in general if only 1 or 2 lower buds are pollinated it won't harm a thing but if the pollen is spread all-over the babies, well shit :/


Well-Known Member
lol damn, you think I should just cut one of them off and open it to see if its pollen inside or not? But if its not pollen, would this harm the plant? Because the other ones appear to be opening into buds. I will try and get some close ups of other ones that have opened, but im not sure if they are the same thing. Thanks for the help green, I would give you some +rep but It seems I have already gave you some recently. : (

Thanks though : )