California adds 30,000 new jobs last month

Funny, obviously you aren't payin' the bills. It is a myth that high corporate taxes are stifling, corporations don't pay taxes, their obligations/costs are always passed down to the consumer.

You're the one paying the tax increases, not them.
Wrong. Corporations can also pass the tax cost to the shareholder. How much the cost burden is shared between the customer and the shareholder depends on market economics.

Also, depending on the tax law, not all companies face the same tax burden. When a competitor doesn't pay the tax, the taxed corporation can't simply pass the cost on to the consumer and remain competitive. In this case, most of the tax cost will pass on to the shareholder in the form of reduced dividends or lower share price. In Oregon, the corporate sales tax initiative currently on the ballot would only impose the 2.5% sales tax on corporations with sales above $25 million. This provides a small bias towards smaller in-state businesses and creates pressure on the taxed company to pass the cost on to the shareholder.
corporations don't pay taxes, their obligations/costs are always passed down to the consumer.

You're the one paying the tax increases, not them.

not true, especially in the case of competing goods, like coke and pepsi. they either pass down the lowest amount of taxes possible to the consumer, or perish.

your right wing talking points have no basis in reality, unlike your remarkably tiny penis.
not true, especially in the case of competing goods, like coke and pepsi. they either pass down the lowest amount of taxes possible to the consumer, or perish.

your right wing talking points have no basis in reality, unlike your remarkably tiny penis.

Though they get only pennies for their days as toiling wage slaves, they still vigorously defend their master's right to rape them.
Funny, obviously you aren't payin' the bills. It is a myth that high corporate taxes are stifling, corporations don't pay taxes, their obligations/costs are always passed down to the consumer.

You're the one paying the tax increases, not them.

This is drivel. Are you seriously saying that corporations shouldn't pay tax? How convenient; I'll incorporate myself and suddenly I can be exempt too!

...and if everyone does it, then no one gets the benefits of the services those taxes provide.
This is drivel. Are you seriously saying that corporations shouldn't pay tax? How convenient; I'll incorporate myself and suddenly I can be exempt too!

...and if everyone does it, then no one gets the benefits of the services those taxes provide.

Really are some ignorant motherfuckers on this forum, the stupid is strong in this jedi. Did I ever state corporations shouldn't pay taxes? I wrote they pass the tax burden to the consumer.

In the coke and pepsi example, if the federal government imposed a dollar per liter soda tax on softdrink manufacturers do you think for a second that the price you pay for your bottle of soda will remain unchanged? No? Why the fuck not? Ooh, thats right, the tax is passed on to the consumer.

The little guy pays more, the corporation, jack shit. Go ahead raise the fuck out of taxes, by taxing yourselves, pure genius.
Really are some ignorant motherfuckers on this forum, the stupid is strong in this jedi. Did I ever state corporations shouldn't pay taxes? I wrote they pass the tax burden to the consumer.

In the coke and pepsi example, if the federal government imposed a dollar per liter soda tax on softdrink manufacturers do you think for a second that the price you pay for your bottle of soda will remain unchanged? No? Why the fuck not? Ooh, thats right, the tax is passed on to the consumer.

The little guy pays more, the corporation, jack shit. Go ahead raise the fuck out of taxes, by taxing yourselves, pure genius.

I don't drink soda
Really are some ignorant motherfuckers on this forum, the stupid is strong in this jedi. Did I ever state corporations shouldn't pay taxes? I wrote they pass the tax burden to the consumer.

In the coke and pepsi example, if the federal government imposed a dollar per liter soda tax on softdrink manufacturers do you think for a second that the price you pay for your bottle of soda will remain unchanged? No? Why the fuck not? Ooh, thats right, the tax is passed on to the consumer.

The little guy pays more, the corporation, jack shit. Go ahead raise the fuck out of taxes, by taxing yourselves, pure genius.

One of them is the mug starting back at you in the mirror.

How do you suppose America got into the mess of debt, anyway?

By voting for exemptions and paying corporations instead of taxing them.

Same goes for the wealthy; why aren't capital gains taxes at least as high as payroll taxes?

Because politicians have been bribed to do it.
We did not get into this debt problem by not charging corporations enough. Not taking from someone doesn't mean you gave them something. Have you ever owed someone because you didn't take from someone? You go into debt by spending.

You can look at the federal budget and see where your money is going. Does this mean corporation's shouldn't pay taxes? Fuck no, but by no means are they the root cause of debt.

With the abject corruption, ineptitude, and flagrant misuse of funds do you really want the federal government to have more of your money? Of course all politicians are lying beholden money whores, whom do you believe hillary represents, goldman sachs that paid her half a million dollars for a 20 minute speech or you.

Not everyone that pays capital gains tax is wealthy btw. Nor are all corporate shareholders. Those with money in a retirement account, pension, mutual fund, etc. Are all shareholders. Prolly your parents, grandparents, neighbors etc. Do you believe your grandparents should give the government more of their money? Who will spend it more wisely?

I'd be more worried about why social security is not a "lock box" account, and why it is put in the general fund for politicians to raid, waste and squander. You do understand the ss unfunded liabilities make the national debt look like pocket change.
We did not get into this debt problem by not charging corporations enough. Not taking from someone doesn't mean you gave them something. Have you ever owed someone because you didn't take from someone? You go into debt by spending.

You can look at the federal budget and see where your money is going. Does this mean corporation's shouldn't pay taxes? Fuck no, but by no means are they the root cause of debt.

With the abject corruption, ineptitude, and flagrant misuse of funds do you really want the federal government to have more of your money? Of course all politicians are lying beholden money whores, whom do you believe hillary represents, goldman sachs that paid her half a million dollars for a 20 minute speech or you.

Not everyone that pays capital gains tax is wealthy btw. Nor are all corporate shareholders. Those with money in a retirement account, pension, mutual fund, etc. Are all shareholders. Prolly your parents, grandparents, neighbors etc. Do you believe your grandparents should give the government more of their money? Who will spend it more wisely?

I'd be more worried about why social security is not a "lock box" account, and why it is put in the general fund for politicians to raid, waste and squander. You do understand the ss unfunded liabilities make the national debt look like pocket change.

Raise the $118,500 cap and SS is solvent forever.

Anything else I can help you with? It's all relatively simple. The money is out there.
We did not get into this debt problem by not charging corporations enough. Not taking from someone doesn't mean you gave them something. Have you ever owed someone because you didn't take from someone? You go into debt by spending.

You can look at the federal budget and see where your money is going. Does this mean corporation's shouldn't pay taxes? Fuck no, but by no means are they the root cause of debt.

With the abject corruption, ineptitude, and flagrant misuse of funds do you really want the federal government to have more of your money? Of course all politicians are lying beholden money whores, whom do you believe hillary represents, goldman sachs that paid her half a million dollars for a 20 minute speech or you.

Not everyone that pays capital gains tax is wealthy btw. Nor are all corporate shareholders. Those with money in a retirement account, pension, mutual fund, etc. Are all shareholders. Prolly your parents, grandparents, neighbors etc. Do you believe your grandparents should give the government more of their money? Who will spend it more wisely?

I'd be more worried about why social security is not a "lock box" account, and why it is put in the general fund for politicians to raid, waste and squander. You do understand the ss unfunded liabilities make the national debt look like pocket change.

We did not get into this debt problem by not charging corporations enough. Yes we did. Not taking from someone doesn't mean you gave them something. Um, yes actually it does. Have you ever owed someone because you didn't take from someone? False analogy. DERP.You go into debt by spending. Or, failing to cover expenses.

If your first paragraph is riddled with more falsehoods and misleading premises than a Chump stump speech, I'm not even going to bother with the rest.

You've been pseudo educated, also known as brainwashed by right wing propaganda.

It's roughly as bad as paying too much money for water bottled nutrients at the hydro store and every bit as expensive.
We did not get into this debt problem by not charging corporations enough. Yes we did. Not taking from someone doesn't mean you gave them something. Um, yes actually it does. Have you ever owed someone because you didn't take from someone? False analogy. DERP.You go into debt by spending. Or, failing to cover expenses.

If your first paragraph is riddled with more falsehoods and misleading premises than a Chump stump speech, I'm not even going to bother with the rest.

You've been pseudo educated, also known as brainwashed by right wing propaganda.

It's roughly as bad as paying too much money for water bottled nutrients at the hydro store and every bit as expensive.

You're funny as hell, I guess since I didn't steal your car, I gave it to you, now you owe me. You're right it's about not taxing corporations enough, yes we all should give the government all our money, as they will use it so judiciously, to benefit it citizens.

Let me simplify this and provide you with an analogy that perhaps even you could understand. All i hear about on this site is how bad rippers are, well the bane of any outdoor grower is rippers and LEO. The consensus in pretty unanimous concerning them. Most feel they should be shot, beaten, left for dead, buried alive etc. Why are they so resoundingly hated? What makes them so horrid? Why do people think they should be shot, killed, and left for dead in the woods?

Oh yes, they're worthless pieces of shit, intent on stealing weed? How is this so bad?
They want to take from others what they did not create, they want to take what another worked so hard to make, they lost not a drop of sweat, but somehow feel entitled to what another had to work for? They want a piece of something they played no hand in growing, laboring, toiling over, or providing any sweat equity? But after the work has been done they feel as though they are "entitled" to what another man has worked for, but they have not. I could simply replace you, or illegals, or any descriptor in place of ripper, and it would describe you to a tee.

What the fuck you bring to the potluck? Didn't think so. But you somehow feel you're entitled to the fruits of anothers labor. Its not about political affiliation, its about being a fucking parasite with an overblown sense of entitlement. How could you, much like the ripper, not feel like a piece of shit, knowing that you want something you have no sweat equity in? Why would you want something you never earned, sacrificed, or worked for?

So if someone makes more money than I, I am somehow entitled to what they have? You're right, why should I have to hustle, when someone else can do it and I can just take from them...because I have no self respect, initiative, integrity or dignity. I'll just stand there with my outstretched arm waiting for my handout.

If ALL corporations are so evil and vile, why not be happy when they leave the country? Come to Detroit and see how things look once the corporations left. See what happened to the schools, the neighborhoods, the average workers salary. Ask the people here if it were better before or after they left. It has become a festering shithole, and guess what, the corporations aint here to blame.