Need help with harvest

Just wondering if anyone could help me I've got one plant under 125w lamp all the pistols have gone brown just not sure if to Harvest yet because the buds r still small and unsure if they will grow any more any help appreciated
Just wondering if anyone could help me I've got one plant under 125w lamp all the pistols have gone brown just not sure if to Harvest yet because the buds r still small and unsure if they will grow any more any help appreciated
Yup cant answer without pictures. Plus pistol hair color Is not a very good way to judge get a jewelers loupe and go bye trichs on a bud
Hi how are you do you have a jewlers loop or small microscope thing by chance. They do not look done to me at all, get the light closer if you can too, or add some side cfl lighting if possible, give it more time you will be happy.
Hi how are you do you have a jewlers loop or small microscope thing by chance. They do not look done to me at all, get the light closer if you can too, or add some side cfl lighting if possible, give it more time you will be happy.
Sorry not got a microscope or anything like that and I just wasn't sure if the brown pistols means I need to Harvest it is didn't want it to ruin my buds if I leave it to long this is the first time I've tried to grow my own thanks for your replys I also chopped off some other branch's at the bottom the buds on the bottom ones was very small so I took them off to try help the big ones keep growing I am also only feeding water at the min as I thought I was going to Harvest it thank
Sorry not got a microscope or anything like that and I just wasn't sure if the brown pistols means I need to Harvest it is didn't want it to ruin my buds if I leave it to long this is the first time I've tried to grow my own thanks for your replys I also chopped off some other branch's at the bottom the buds on the bottom ones was very small so I took them off to try help the big ones keep growing I am also only feeding water at the min as I thought I was going to Harvest it thank
Cool, did you smoke um up for a test, i do that all the time lol. I would say give them 2 more weeks like Lio Lacidem stated.
Cool, did you smoke um up for a test, i do that all the time lol. I would say give them 2 more weeks like Lio Lacidem stated.
haha yeah I did well I tried I tried to dry them fast and failed it didn't smoke well Tbf just don't want these buds to start dieing or something if I leave them too long I was told if 70% are brown to leave harvest them I got the seed out a bag I got
haha yeah I did well I tried I tried to dry them fast and failed it didn't smoke well Tbf just don't want these buds to start dieing or something if I leave them too long I was told if 70% are brown to leave harvest them I got the seed out a bag I got
Do you think I should keep feeding water or not I've been using coco a and coco b
Yeah most definatly keep feeding it untill the end, like others have said the last few weeks can pack weight on, The Swell is Real! LOL I have seen brown hairs at like 4 weeks in before they all mature at their own rates, if you weree closer your sugar leaves would start curling inward, your fans leaves would be yellowing as the bitche sucks them dry and gets all the goodies she can out of her food storage bins. You got a little time, Lots to read here!
Yeah most definatly keep feeding it untill the end, like others have said the last few weeks can pack weight on, The Swell is Real! LOL I have seen brown hairs at like 4 weeks in before they all mature at their own rates, if you weree closer your sugar leaves would start curling inward, your fans leaves would be yellowing as the bitche sucks them dry and gets all the goodies she can out of her food storage bins. You got a little time, Lots to read here!
I meant keep feeding them just plain water or use the coco a and b what I've been using it been using plain water for about a week now
I meant keep feeding them just plain water or use the coco a and b what I've been using it been using plain water for about a week now
Feed them food. if u only get to flush once or not at all, it's not the end of the world. Watch this plant closely (with some sort of lens), what it teaches, will make you a lot better harvest timer in the future.
Feed them food. if u only get to flush once or not at all, it's not the end of the world. Watch this plant closely (with some sort of lens), what it teaches, will make you a lot better harvest timer in the future.
I'm going to try and get a lens would it still pack on weight if I just use plain water
Yeah most definatly keep feeding it untill the end, like others have said the last few weeks can pack weight on, The Swell is Real! LOL I have seen brown hairs at like 4 weeks in before they all mature at their own rates, if you weree closer your sugar leaves would start curling inward, your fans leaves would be yellowing as the bitche sucks them dry and gets all the goodies she can out of her food storage bins. You got a little time, Lots to read here!
The Jamaican RedGum I have the hairs turn red right at week 5 Its done done til week 12.