what is bagseed???


Well-Known Member
I got some bagseed that is going really good. It is probably better than most stuff you can order online. It was found in some but from the co op so it was some danky kush or something. 2 seeds sprouted and they are like 14inches and they look the exact same.

Who knows it could be the same seed you just spent 10-12 bux on.


Well-Known Member
so you never once found a seed in a bag your whole life or had a frnd with seeds?????? i dont believe it

nope, never.
when i first joined rollitup i was ages wondering what bagseed was..
and if someone did try to give me a bag with seeds in it id tell him where to go.


Well-Known Member
Hey, i have'nt fopund seeds in my weed for a while,, until i found this 1 seed 8 week ago, planted it its now a 2' tall female, i aint got no complaints about bagseed, id rather use it and if it messes up no problem, but if id payed £10 a seed and it messed up i would be pissed off! nothing wrong with bag seed if your learning the ropes, ud be silly to try learn with ordered seeds