Clinton Foundations Money Laundering scams exposed in depth.

See above. You really want to silence the opposition, don't you?

no, i am daring you to put what little you have behind your words. you lie, you know you're lying, and you lie anyway.

and i am willing to wager my epic account against your worthless account to prove it.

i'd ask you to bet money but i know you are broke.
no, i am daring you to put what little you have behind your words. you lie, you know you're lying, and you lie anyway.

and i am willing to wager my epic account against your worthless account to prove it.

i'd ask you to bet money but i know you are broke.
Still not able to differentiate wishful thing from reality?
no, i am daring you to put what little you have behind your words. you lie, you know you're lying, and you lie anyway.

and i am willing to wager my epic account against your worthless account to prove it.

i'd ask you to bet money but i know you are broke.

Well, he's not completely broke, he could always pawn this vintage rifle and get $40 or so!

He's mentally ill. Evil, but still mentally ill. His life must be shit. This forum is where he spends 16 hours a day. I guess his incontinance problems are severely limiting to any kind of social life. He makes up lies about opponents and seems to get great joy pretending he has somehow affected them. We kind of feed his psychosis by replying to him. Apparently a year or so ago, some kids in his neighborhood stole his crop and he had it shoved in his face how little respect he gets. Hence he creates sock puppets here to like and agree with his posts to maintain a fantasy of respect.
Anything connected with the democratic party has became part of a RICO crime ring this election,rampant voter fraud in at least 17 states documented so far.

Today the Indiana state police raided a Hillary campaign site to gain more evidence of election fraud .by the Hillary campaign in at least 9 county's of Indiana , Donald Trump was 100% correct when he said Hillary has created mass election fraud,Hillary's staff registered dead voters,hijacked names & even made up 45,000 fake names to register for Hillary .
Anything connected with the democratic party has became part of a RICO crime ring this election,rampant voter fraud in at least 17 states documented so far.

Today the Indiana state police raided a Hillary campaign site to gain more evidence of election fraud .by the Hillary campaign in at least 9 county's of Indiana , Donald Trump was 100% correct when he said Hillary has created mass election fraud,Hillary's staff registered dead voters,hijacked names & even made up 45,000 fake names to register for Hillary .
I really like the irony of text at the beginning: "The Truth"

The story is pretty twisted. It starts with a bureaucrat noticing some incorrect information on some registration forms and ends with 40,000 black people with their voting rights imperiled. The reactionary right spins it as some massive fraud. The people doing the investigation are finding a few forms with mistakes on them but nothing fraudulent. The police, on the other hand, acted when they weren't legally authorized to do so - not that the law was something they need to follow. It's a big cluster fuck of a governmental over-reach. When the dust settles, we'll find that 40,000 people were denied the vote without due process. It's interesting how this state has Pence as governor.