What's your time worth?

Seems pretty cut and dry, but you can't teach logic/tact, unfortunately....

"You should apologize for that terrible thing you did!"

"It's OK, I'm not mad..."


LOL, wtf ?
OK I must know. I read that "Flerp!" in a very specific way. I would like to know how close I am. How does that "Flerp!" unpack?
@UncleBuck you have a lot more access to this site then you let us know. There is no way around it, how did you even know it was me to begin with? You can't just look at one picture of some random basement and know whose grow it is. The two period shit doesn't explain anything.

Makes me ask myself what really happened way back then.
Actually he/we can, It's used everyday in analysis/pattern recognition. Certain habits/characteristics are ingrained; say patterns of speech, patterns writing etc that are easily recognized by the observer. The successful sock must actually think and become a whole new person with new characteristics that must be maintained as the sock gets comfortable. However most socks revert to the true identity as they get comfy.
Actually he/we can, It's used everyday in analysis/pattern recognition. Certain habits/characteristics are ingrained; say patterns of speech, patterns writing etc that are easily recognized by the observer. The successful sock must actually think and become a whole new person with new characteristics that must be maintained as the sock gets comfortable. However most socks revert to the true identity as they get comfy.

I didn't think that this required an explanation, but thank you all the same.

The noun pattern could refer to a design or to customary behavior. Your patterns of behavior might include your morning cup of coffee and exercise. The word pattern can also be used as a verb form meaning "to model." For example, your art might be patterned after the artwork of a famous artist.
pattern - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com


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