Anybody who kills someone is not of sound mind.
I disagree wholeheartedly. In defensive situations, especially those where my family/animals/friends might be concerned, I've got
no issue with dispatching the offender(s) in any number of potentially gruesome ways, followed by a hot shower and not a minute of lost sleep.
I certainly don't consider
myself insane or "not of sound mind", nor do the people in my life.
most of 'em don't, anyhow....
Neighborhood pedophile? Miserable sadist with a yard full of abused dogs? Incurable serial rapist? C'mon by, I'm
glad to help you on your way right off the mortal coil!
If it's 'not of sound mind/insane' to wipe dog shit and/or crusted vomit from the sole of your shoe and discard it in the trash, then call me Mr. Insane!