So, anyone else think they're making a BIG mistake by bringing the war into Pakistan?


Well-Known Member
If you don't know what I'm talking about goto google news and type in "pakistan us attacks"...

Their government is NOT happy about the 20+ citizens killed because the US crossed over the Pakistan border..

Seriously, what the fuck are these idiots in charge thinking?!

This shyt seriously needs to stop, I really hope the military stops stepping on Pakistan's land before they fight back.
They have the bomb...though I don't know if they have the technology to send it here. Bush is just a war monger. I hope they teach us a lesson.
The commander of Pakistan’s armed forces understood that and promises to fight back:
"The sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country will be defended at all cost and no external force is allowed to conduct operations inside Pakistan," [Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani] said.

We have a lot of Karmic debt to pay off here. This is not going to be good for a lot of people.

I don't think they do have the tech to send it here.. but they sure could retaliate on the troops over there.. ugh.. and the American sheeple would think the poor US was attacked out of no where.. this could seriously get messy- they keep pushing Russia, keep pushing Iran, now they're fucking with Pakistan too... those 3 getting together=bad news..
Well we still have Israel. They of course have the best everything in the middle east which is probably why Bush is not worried.
Either way PEOPLE WILL DIE on BOTH sides.. I'm sick of this carelessness for human life. These are people's sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters. One life ended over this crap is one too many.. I'm so sick of this 'if I don't see it, and if it doesn't directly effect my life who cares' mentality...
That is the perception of ego. We have to rise above it.
I love my country and I have friends in the military a couple in Afghanistan so I know they could very easily be killed. But they traded their freedom in for like a $10,000 sign on bonus. They are killing innocent people whether they are doing it for their country or not. They karma will still be on their hands and that is something that they will have to deal with. As far as us on the stateside we can only pray and meditate for a change. It can only get so bad before it gets good. Remember there are cycles that we must go through. We are on the upswing to another if not the last Golden Age.
guys dont forget about india, pakistan is in no position to do jack shit.

they are lucky we did not invade after 9/11
I hear you- but I'm afraid this effects our karma as well- we allow them to kill innocent people in our name, torture in our name, we must each individually take responsibility and work to change it.

Pointless murder wrapped in the flag doesn't make it right- I'm sorry but our military today is nothing but high paid mercenaries.
I hear you- but I'm afraid this effects our karma as well- we allow them to kill innocent people in our name, torture in our name, we must each individually take responsibility and work to change it.

Pointless murder wrapped in the flag doesn't make it right- I'm sorry but our military today is nothing but high paid mercenaries.

The best you and I can do is grow. We haven't killed anyone so we can't be held responsible as far as Karma goes.

I wouldn't say they are "high paid" my best friend signed up for four years with the National Guard and only got a $10,000 sign on bonus. However I think it is up to $20,000 now.
Imperialistic aren't we Big P?

well I like to think If i was dictator I would be firm but kind:bigjoint:

its impossible to eliminate pain and suffering, specially because the only way to reduce pain and suffering is by inflicting it in one way or another.

we are all just children that are older now. u may not spank you kid but damn well be sure every parent will provide insentives and scold them depending on thier actions

i think thats how the world is. I mean u cant pick your events like u cant pick your child, one may be harder to raise than the other, but its all in how you do your punishments and rewards that will say how your kid will turn out. plus a bunch of other things like what you let them be exposed to and stuff

so i mean to say if the "parent" at the time, IE the country with the most power is a good parent then things go well,

but it the Parent at the time is a bad "parent" IE hitler, impirial japan, then the child suffers and turns out with many problems which inturn he or she passes to thier kids,

so the more good parent countries we have over the years the better. everntually the sun gonna take over anyway,.
yeah but where do we go? my quick escape is down to mexico.
this country is going to kill itself

war is profitable that statement just feels like an oxymoron.
"There will be wars and rumors of wars". How big is anyones guess. I guess it really isn't war untill it comes to your own back yard, coming soon I predict.
Out of sight out of mind huh? Fucked up...
I kind of think most people see it that way. The war is over there, not much of a concern unless you have a relative or good friend involved. But let them start a draft, and young people everywhere would be marching in the streets. So being long past draft age and having had to endure the draft for Nam, I say the way to end the wars is the draft, anyone else agree? Worked for Nam. Had a million people in the streets. Even that dickhead "Dick" Nixon had to pull the plug.