One week from Harvest


This is my first grow, I noticed this at about week 6 of flower, and it's only gotten a little worse since then. Trying to keep it from happening on my next grow. I started to use calimagic, and seemed to fix it. But IDK.
3 gallon DWC
35 Watt Air, looks like a Jacuzzi.
1000 watt LED, about 3ft from top of plant. No heat at all
complete water change every week
Use fox farm hydro grow big at 1/2 recommended.

Any ideas??
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Well-Known Member
This is my first grow, I noticed this at about week 6 of flower, and it's only gotten a little worse since then. Trying to keep it from happening on my next grow. I started to use calimagic, and seemed to fix it. But IDK.
3 gallon DWC
35 Watt Air, looks like a Jacuzzi.
1000 watt LED, about 3ft from top of plant. No heat at all
complete water change every week
Use fox farm hydro grow big at 1/2 recommended.

Any ideas??
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No way your one week from harvest. What's your ph?


Ph 6.3
And I'm guessing on the one week. Just based on 11 weeks of flower. This is my first grow, so I'm just doing the best I can.


Well-Known Member
Ph 6.3
And I'm guessing on the one week. Just based on 11 weeks of flower. This is my first grow, so I'm just doing the best I can.
Looking at the pistils it's got a way to go. 6.3 is a bit high for hydro. You have a loop to check trichromes? Also what kind of led you got looks like 3 ft is too far. My led is about 12 inches from mine



I have a 1000 watt led king. Maybe 3 ft it too much, I originally thought I might be burning her. I have a 50 magnifying loupe. I see a few cloudy, no amber yet. I'll drop my light a bit.


Well-Known Member
I have a 1000 watt led king. Maybe 3 ft it too much, I originally thought I might be burning her. I have a 50 magnifying loupe. I see a few cloudy, no amber yet. I'll drop my light a bit.
Yah right now I'm using my kind xl1000 and I keep her low. Mine will bleach leafs when they first go in and stays at 36" then drop it daily. If it's clear and cloudy you have a couple of weeks


High ph, I guess. Next run, I'll try to keep it around 5.8. I find it tough to get it below 6. Goes from 8.4 down to 6.5 quick, then it's tough to get it the rest of the way. This is still usable though, right?


Well-Known Member
High ph, I guess. Next run, I'll try to keep it around 5.8. I find it tough to get it below 6. Goes from 8.4 down to 6.5 quick, then it's tough to get it the rest of the way. This is still usable though, right?
What do you use to knock your ph down? It's still smokable just won't yield a lot from her it seems.


Well-Known Member
What do you use to knock your ph down? It's still smokable just won't yield a lot from her it seems.
I run soil and use organic apple cider vinegar. I use to do hydro but like doing soil better. Both are great i just prefer soil anymore you have a very small window to fix things before death takes hold where as soil you have a bigger buffer.


Well-Known Member
I use general hydroponic ph down. Do u recommend apple cider for hydro too?
No not really. Are you running a single bucket setup with no reservoir? I mean you should be able to get it down to were it should be. I've used apple cider vinegar in my bubble buckets when I ran them but that's me. It's not a bad thing to have a slight ph swing. For soil I only ph my feed/ water the soil buffers the rest as needed. Next round you know at least what you need to do. Also you have city water or well water? If it's city do you gas off the chorine before adding it?


Well-Known Member
How do you gas it off? Is well water better? Aye run soil next time sir may have better results... Hydro does yield more if done correctly but its way more complex and hard to fix imbalances sometimes... Just looking out! Seems like a nice strain though, sucks its got deficiencies...


Well-Known Member
How do you gas it off? Is well water better? Aye run soil next time sir may have better results... Hydro does yield more if done correctly but its way more complex and hard to fix imbalances sometimes... Just looking out! Seems like a nice strain though, sucks its got deficiencies...
Let it sit for 24 hrs. My well water has calcium and minerals in it naturally and taste very good. Rarely do I need cal/ mag for my plants. Yah I loved hydro but prefer soil now.