Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Assuming that the women's claims are true, why is it worse than what Bill did and Hillary defended?

If my husband was sexually assaulting people, I certainly would not stay with him. Hillary not only stayed, she defended him and slandered the women.
Speaking of sexual assault and your husband, why was your husband kicked out of the service ? Trump said that it could be drugs, rape or murder, but some are good people.
I don't think it is murder nor is he a good person, so it has to be either rape or drugs selling. Was he raping women and selling heroin. Was he grabbing pussy and selling cocaine? Is your child safe around her father ?

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Zero significance? Quite a bit of significant evidence showing their corruption in this thread. You are just too blind.

You can lead a horse to water..
Don't let em bullshit you pie,they know damn well Hillary Clinton has been proven to be the most corrupt politician ever to be elected or appointed.

Richard Nixon was impeached & forced to abdicate the presidency for keeping files on his political opononents,Hillarys crimes are 100,000 x more corrupt than Nixon,shit Hillary was even fired from her job working on the legal team impeaching Nixon for making bad ethical choices .

Hillary Clinton is a Treasonous bitch who sells any US intelligence she gets to the highest bidder & these yahoos know it,is only their radicalization that won't allow them to admit Hillary is corrupt ,believe me they know but will lie instead of owning it .
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Well-Known Member
Zero significance? Quite a bit of significant evidence showing their corruption in this thread. You are just too blind.

You can lead a horse to water..
So you're saying that a wife defending her husband against a woman's allegations is "corruption". I didnt't think so.

My point is that, in your view, the failings of others excuses all of trumps, blunders, crimes and appalling epiphanies

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Most millennials don't know the full scope of Hillary & Bill Clinton's 40 years of Treason,starting with running a massive cocaine smuggling racket where 22 witnesses were assassinated while he was governor of Arkansas,their crimes turned into espionage once they hit the white house .

A massive Clinton scandal known as CHINA GATE where Bill Clinton gave our nuclear technology to China in exchange for donations ,meanwhile Hillary was personally bringing Chinese spy's into classified meetings,one of her Chinese guests was convicted of espionage & sent to federal prison .

A quick quote below explaining bill & Hillarys treason in China Gate.
Back in 1996, when Bill Clinton was running for re-election, he authorized the transfer of highly sensitive technology to China. This technology had military applications and allowed China to close the gap in missile performance with the United States. The transfers were opposed and severely criticized by the Defense Department.

At the same time Bill Clinton was transferring this technology to China, huge donations began to pour into his re-election campaign from the US companies allowed to sell the technology to China, and from American citizens of Chinese descent. The fact that they were US citizens allowed them to donate to political campaigns, but it later emerged that they were acting as conduits for cash coming in from Asian sources, including Chinese Intelligence Agencies! The scandal eventually became known as China-gate!HILLARY THE SPY? - UPDATED INFO! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/hillarythespy.php#ixzz4OEosJiT5

Team troll @rollitup fails to convince anybody with a working brain that " grab em by the pussy " tops high treason ,Hillary cannot be trusted,she's proven her untrustworthiness time & time again,at huge expense to america .


Well-Known Member
2016 Election

Senate Update: GOP Candidates Are Doing Better Than Trump — And May Still Lose
By Harry Enten
In 2012, in contrast, Mitt Romney did considerably better than Republican Senate candidates. In the 32 Senate races that pitted a Democrat against a Republican,2 GOP candidates lost by about 8 percentage points, on average. Romney lost by about 3 points in these same states.3 And again, it’s not one outlier causing this difference. Romney did better than Republican candidates in 21 of the 32 races.

Trump is doing between 4 and 5 percentage points worse than down-ballot Republicans, on average. Romney did 5 points better.
His rallies were bigger than Trump's are too. Fine lot of good that did him.


Well-Known Member
Most millennials don't know the full scope of Hillary & Bill Clinton's 40 years of Treason,starting with running a massive cocaine smuggling racket where 22 witnesses were assassinated while he was governor of Arkansas,their crimes turned into espionage once they hit the white house .

A massive Clinton scandal known as CHINA GATE where Bill Clinton gave our nuclear technology to China in exchange for donations ,meanwhile Hillary was personally bringing Chinese spy's into classified meetings,one of her Chinese guests was convicted of espionage & sent to federal prison .

A quick quote below explaining bill & Hillarys treason in China Gate.
Back in 1996, when Bill Clinton was running for re-election, he authorized the transfer of highly sensitive technology to China. This technology had military applications and allowed China to close the gap in missile performance with the United States. The transfers were opposed and severely criticized by the Defense Department.

At the same time Bill Clinton was transferring this technology to China, huge donations began to pour into his re-election campaign from the US companies allowed to sell the technology to China, and from American citizens of Chinese descent. The fact that they were US citizens allowed them to donate to political campaigns, but it later emerged that they were acting as conduits for cash coming in from Asian sources, including Chinese Intelligence Agencies! The scandal eventually became known as China-gate!HILLARY THE SPY? - UPDATED INFO! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/hillarythespy.php#ixzz4OEosJiT5

Team troll @rollitup fails to convince anybody with a working brain that " grab em by the pussy " tops high treason ,Hillary cannot be trusted,she's proven her untrustworthiness time & time again,at huge expense to america .

Bro you could drain the fetid cesspool you call home by attending to kalonji's wisdom.


Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Excuse me while I post some more " bullshit " everybody hates,AKA Clinton high crimes .

Clinton associate ( Chinese spy ) John Huang .
A close associate of Indonesian industrialist James Riady, Huang initially was appointed deputy secretary of commerce in 1993. By 1995, however, he moved to the Democratic National Committee where he generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal contributions from foreign sources. Huang later pleaded guilty to one felony count of campaign finance violations.HILLARY THE SPY? - UPDATED INFO! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/hillarythespy.php#ixzz4OEuN8rZe

Yet another "donation " scandal in the Clinton's portfolio of treason,Grab em by the pussy is much worse than high Treason though .

As shown above america cannot afford to trust Hillary Clinton again ,every office a Clinton holds they've proven to exploit .

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Here's another case of espionage and assassination in the 4 decades long list of Clinton crimes.

Like John Huang, Trie raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal contributions from foreign sources to Democratic campaign entities. He was a regular White House visitor and arranged meetings of foreign operators with Clinton, including one who was a Chinese arms dealer. His $450,000 contribution to Clinton's legal defense fund was returned after it was found to have been largely funded by Asian interests. Trie was convicted of violating campaign finance laws in 1998.

One of Trie's main sources of cash was Chinese billionaire Ng Lap Seng, according to a Senate Report. Ng Lap Seng had connections to the Chinese government. Seng was arrested in 2015 over an unrelated bribery case, but this gave investigators the opportunity to question Seng about the Chinagate scandal. Former United Nations General Assembly President John Ashe was also caught in the bribery case and was about to testify to the links between the Clintons and Seng when he was found dead that very morning. Initially reported as having died from a heart attack, John's throat had obviously been crushed. At that point the official story changed to him accidentally dropping a barbell on his own throat.
Read more: HILLARY THE SPY? - UPDATED INFO! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/hillarythespy.php#ixzz4OEwCMZ4e

Direct evidence showing Hillary Clinton has sold america out at every opportunity & assassinated all who would testify against them,Hillary can't be trusted .


Well-Known Member
Disgraced Democratic operative Robert Creamer participated in daily calls with the Hillary Clinton campaign, and worked directly with President Barack Obama to organize “issue campaigns.”
Pie, remember that you saw nothing wrong with the kind of shit these neo-nazis are posting. You are permanently disgraced and will end up in the same FEMA camp as Panhead. None of us will be putting money into your commissary account.


Well-Known Member
he won't do that because he knows it discovery alone would sink him. cut him so deep.

he is lying to you again, and you are eating it up. you will then throw it up and eat it again. like a dog.

only difference is that dogs are lovable and cute.
@Flaming Pie is the type whose husband will come home drunk at 6 AM, smelling like straight tuna fish on his breath and women's perfume on his clothes, telling her he fell asleep in the club after he ate a tuna fish sandwich and someone sprayed some perfume on him...and she will believe him.

WAKE UP WOMAN your husband been out eating pussy all night. Stop believing stupid shit.


Well-Known Member
Yes I am. Hillary has been smearing people her entire political career and the women came forward on the day wikileaks started releasing podesta emails.

Anyone can make an accusation. Trump is within his legal rights to take them to court to clear his name.

Hillary can't be trusted.
Trump will also face revelatory depositions should he follow through on threats to sue the 11 women who have recently accused him of sexual transgressions. He might remember his deposition during his 1990 divorce from Ivana, when he is said to have taken the Fifth Amendment 97 times, largely in response to questions about other women. And, unlike matrimonial cases in New York, civil cases are public record.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
@Flaming Pie is the type whose husband will come home drunk at 6 AM, smelling like straight tuna fish on his breath and women's perfume on his clothes, telling her he fell asleep in the club after he ate a tuna fish sandwich and someone sprayed some perfume on him...and she will believe him.

WAKE UP WOMAN your husband been out eating pussy all night. Stop believing stupid shit.
Hillary can't be trusted.
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