Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Yuck indeed. People are waking up to the evils of the Clintons. I expect tomorrow's release will be even more of a yuck.
Bill Clinton wasn't working at the State Department. Also, not running for office. Did Bill do anything illegal? You guys ignore Trump's actual charges and actual court dates about really ugly shit. Yet get aghast at the actions of a former president. "The Bushes wouldn't do this" Laugh fucking out loud. I won't go in to all the favors owed them after those really strange contracts given to Bush and Cheney's friends.

This affects Hillary how?

What was the worst thing said about Hillary Clinton in that piece: "It looks bad".

Salacious and for weak minds. Remind me about it after Hillary's term is over.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
According to Hillary's aide John Podesta Hillary can be trusted to make the worst choice possible every time,even when advised not to take the bad choice.

Hillary needs to be wearing a helmet in a group home ,she can't be trusted to operate the stove let alone our country .


Well-Known Member
According to Hillary's aide John Podesta Hillary can be trusted to make the worst choice possible every time,even when advised not to take the bad choice.

Hillary needs to be wearing a helmet in a group home ,she can't be trusted to operate the stove let alone our country .
whistle past the graveyard much?


Well-Known Member
Bill Clinton wasn't working at the State Department. Also, not running for office. Did Bill do anything illegal? You guys ignore Trump's actual charges and actual court dates about really ugly shit. Yet get aghast at the actions of a former president. "The Bushes wouldn't do this" Laugh fucking out loud. I won't go in to all the favors owed them after those really strange contracts given to Bush and Cheney's friends.

This affects Hillary how?

What was the worst thing said about Hillary Clinton in that piece: "It looks bad".

Salacious and for weak minds. Remind me about it after Hillary's term is over.
Yeah but Bill will be walking around the White House:roll::dunce:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Pie quoting Mein Kampf. this thread has just jumped the shark.

just because hitler started the "national socialist german workers party" doesn't mean he was a socialist. he admired mussolini and his fascist ideals came mainly from him. and a really good rigatoni recipe too.
He was a fascist and a socialist. He used fascism to intimidate voters and other parties. He used socialism to nationalize everything. Executive order came in handy too.

That sounds an awful lot like Democrats and their tactics. Paying people to riot and intimidate voters. Nationalizing everything. Abusing executive orders.


Well-Known Member
He was a fascist and a socialist. He used fascism to intimidate voters and other parties. He used socialism to nationalize everything. Executive order came in handy too.

That sounds an awful lot like Democrats and their tactics. Paying people to riot and intimidate voters. Nationalizing everything. Abusing executive orders.
obama issued less executive orders than reagan, nationalized nothing, and made every effort to make voting easier, not harder.

you're fucking retarded, pie.


Well-Known Member
He was a fascist and a socialist. He used fascism to intimidate voters and other parties. He used socialism to nationalize everything. Executive order came in handy too.

That sounds an awful lot like Democrats and their tactics. Paying people to riot and intimidate voters. Nationalizing everything. Abusing executive orders.
What do you like about Trumps child care plan. How will it help your family ?


Well-Known Member
He was a fascist and a socialist. He used fascism to intimidate voters and other parties. He used socialism to nationalize everything. Executive order came in handy too.

That sounds an awful lot like Democrats and their tactics. Paying people to riot and intimidate voters. Nationalizing everything. Abusing executive orders.
Damn you are dumb.


Well-Known Member
He was a fascist and a socialist. He used fascism to intimidate voters and other parties. He used socialism to nationalize everything. Executive order came in handy too

so, so, so very wrong as usual Pie. he nationalized the railroads and a few other industries related to the war machine. socialism is a class struggle, nazism/fascism is a race based struggle.

Before 1934 some in the party did promote anti-capitalist and socialist ideas, such as profit-sharing, nationalization and old-age benefits, but these were merely tolerated by Hitler as he gathered support, dropped once he secured power and often later executed, such as Gregor Strasser. There was no socialist redistribution of wealth or land under Hitler – although some property changed hands thanks to looting and invasion - and while both industrialists and workers were courted, it was the former who benefitted and the latter who found themselves the target of empty rhetoric. Indeed, Hitler became convinced that socialism was intimately connected to his even more long standing hatred - the Jews – and thus hated it even more. Socialists were the first to be locked up in concentration camps
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