If you're making small batches of SS what ratios would you use? I'm not trying to make 210lbs of the shit and that's really all I can find. I'm taking your advice and adding crab meal and also oyster shells. Pretty much every Down to Earth product on monster gardens
well, the issue is I don't like most of the stuff that the SS uses.
nor do I like the technique of layering.
for nitrogen I like
fish meal, crab meal, alfalfa meal, shrimp meal, steer manure
for phosphorus I like fish bone meal, and crab and shrimp meals
for potassium and micros I like comfrey, kelp meal..langbeinite
the ratios are all predicated on the overall mix
a normal 33/33/33 is desired with 33% of your mix being fresh compost or castings, this is crucial for organic grows as they have the micro-life there to cycle the nutrients. the other 66% being equal parts aeration and coco/peat (I prefer peat if I had to choose)
My mix has lil to no peat in it, lil to no coco in it either, it's all compost and aeration.
for ph control (assuming you are using peat) you'll want oyster flour, and the aforementioned shrimp or crab meals
also biochar can help there too.
for a base mix (one that's empty)
you want 3-4 cups of nutrients
and 1-2 cups of minerals per cubic foot.
NOTE- it is absolutely
imperative to choose your microbe source wisely, if you can source worm castings from craigslist or a real "finished" compost (one that is devoid of wood products)
that'll work too.