Why is Donald Trump disliked by so many people?


Well-Known Member
Yeah but turning that $14 million to $3.7 billion is still impressive. Most people who are given that type of money would blow it all away easily. It takes a genius businessman to turn it into billions

You want to be impressed so you believe anything. This is your behavior. I thank any nearby deity that I'm not you.

It's shameful how you want to suck his dick so bad

Silence 208

Well-Known Member
Let's be very clear trump won't win, polls show he is way back with just days to go and if by some chance you Republican twats find a way to lie, cheat, and steal votes by not counting the other parties votes or by trying to TRASH mail in ballots like Rick Scott a HUGE CANCER LOOKING AIDS INFESTED SCUM BAG CROOK THAT SHOULD BE HUNG BY HIS SMALL INTESTINE FOR VOTE TAMPERING


New Member
His family bailed him out in the nineties, after years of poor buisness deals,. Genius........ I think not. But maybe to you " Trump tard "
And your parents never bailed you out ? or anyone else for that matter ?. last time i heard your living at your moms house .
i am not ashamed to say, yes my parents bailed me out at times . Yup broke my ankle they purchased me food before short term disability kicked in ..
Yup they helped me with down payment on my very first house @ 18 years old and i thank them for that i never asked ..
And i am 100 percent sure many people on this site there parents helped one way or another that is what families do.

But at this point i really do not care who gets into office, lets just get it over with.I cannot stomach it much more

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Well-Known Member
And your parents never bailed you out ? or anyone else for that matter ?. last time i heard your living at your moms house
At this point i really do not care who gets into office, lets just get it over with.I cannot stomach it much more

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hello, my name is unclebuck. but people call me zarabeth. i am bisexual. i am a yoga instructor. i am a bisexual yoga instructor.

welcome to rollitup.


Well-Known Member
And your parents never bailed you out ? or anyone else for that matter ?. last time i heard your living at your moms house .
i am not ashamed to say, yes my parents bailed me out at times . Yup broke my ankle they purchased me food before short term disability kicked in ..
Yup they helped me with down payment on my very first house @ 18 years old and i thank them for that i never asked ..
And i am 100 percent sure many people on this site there parents helped one way or another that is what families do.

But at this point i really do not care who gets into office, lets just get it over with.I cannot stomach it much more

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No and nope