Black Lives Matter "Thugs"???

Burn down helpless business owners buildings,attack & brutally beat innocent citizens walking down the street,attack & brutally beat all who disagree ,destroy working peoples cars where they aren't able to provide for themselves,cause riots looting & burn entire city's & scream because they live in a burned out shithole,assassinate police officers ,and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Meanwhile the leaders of BLM now are millionaires after dividing up the $24 million George Soros gave them,living in $5 million dollar mansions while telling ordinary folks to burn their neighborhood to the ground.

You'll have to excuse me for not buying into the sadistic bullshit spewed by a pack of predators ,yes predators ,BLM is a fake Soros funded terrorist group just like the Black panthers who are now deemed a terrorist group by the government,also funded by Soros in the 1970's,your entire front is a fraud .
Black Lives in Chicago do not matter much to blacks and the liberals who have run Shit-Cago for 80 years.

Burn down helpless business owners buildings,attack & brutally beat innocent citizens walking down the street,attack & brutally beat all who disagree ,destroy working peoples cars where they aren't able to provide for themselves,cause riots looting & burn entire city's & scream because they live in a burned out shithole,assassinate police officers ,and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Meanwhile the leaders of BLM now are millionaires after dividing up the $24 million George Soros gave them,living in $5 million dollar mansions while telling ordinary folks to burn their neighborhood to the ground.

You'll have to excuse me for not buying into the sadistic bullshit spewed by a pack of predators ,yes predators ,BLM is a fake Soros funded terrorist group just like the Black panthers who are now deemed a terrorist group by the government,also funded by Soros in the 1970's,your entire front is a fraud .

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I know you have & was just writing a post to fi Sunni in on what the real riu history is,yes potroast was here but he was useless & nobody knew who he was,fdd2blk ran this site by himself with zero help from potroast for 2 years,then one day in staff forum FDD blew up on potroast & asked why he unbanned unclebuck after FDD permabanned him,it was only at that point the person behind potroast admitted he was thesame person as rollie & was every mods boss,shit started going down hill then .

Day after day all of us would get dozens of complaints about buck,even the great Al B Fuct waspm'ing me begging me to ban buck to get him the fuck away from the membership,all mods voted in staff forum to perma ban unclebuckincluding myself when I was themod of hydroponics,sunni was in charge of cooking with cannabis & low man on the list of mods so sheabstained from the vote to banbuck,older mods like FDD,widdomaker,myself,skunkkushyhybrid & gardengnome ( I love you ) lol all voted to perma ban .

At that point potroast jumped in & took over,he declared he would beresponsible for modding buck & all others were to leave buck alone,a week later buck was made moderator of politics & the fighting started,shortly after buck resigned as politics mod & potroast/rolliedeclared politics a non moderated forum,not long after buck started leaving politics to troll the entiresite,again hundreds of complaintswith members who complained were driven off site,keep in mind for 6 years this site had no advertisersto pay the $3,000 a month server bills & we started questioning who was really funding the site.

Not long after all mods were demoted,including myself & riu'spolitical footprint increased 10 fold,surfing the web a few of us ranacross where a radical left wing group calling themselves Media Matters announced they were sponsoring websites & paying members who'd be willing to really push the far left narrative inexchange for server fees & hourly pay,buck stopped working around that time & began spending 18 hours a day on site,then FogDog popped out of nowhere doing the same,now the sites reason to exist is no lionger to be a pot site,its here to push the radical left ideology on young weed smokers who haven't became politically active yet,its also here to challenge all moderate political views & drive off all conservative views .

This is my 3rd account,me & potpimp came from overgrow & lost our 1st year here when the sitecrashed,we rejoined as potpimp & panhead,the rest is history,Sunni & the gang have no idea of the rollitup you me & others now long gonehelped create,potroast & buck can't stand having us here because we know thetrue deal.
you forget how they also supply free weed and edibles along with paying.