Why are all of my seedlings dying?

Some didn't sprout at all and the ones that did ended up curling over. All of them seem to have a "thin spot" in the little stims and it looks as if they are folding down and breaking. I have a 300w led pretty far away from them. No nutrients please help.

I live in WA state and have a medical licenseIMG_0067.JPG IMG_0068.JPG


Active Member
Some didn't sprout at all and the ones that did ended up curling over. All of them seem to have a "thin spot" in the little stims and it looks as if they are folding down and breaking. I have a 300w led pretty far away from them. No nutrients please help.

I live in WA state and have a medical licenseView attachment 3817099 View attachment 3817100
looks like 'damping off'; coming from your dirt I suspect, what about drainage for those plastic drinking cups?? You realize that if you double the distance from the light you only get 1/4 of the light intensity, I understood the real advantage of LEDs was that because they were relatively cool compared to HIDs you could move the LEDs very close to the plants without burning them. Your plants look like they are trying to reach for the light, e.g. too tall for their stage in life.


Well-Known Member
Noob myself, but the seedlings seem really streched. Dont have alot of experience with grown plants, but seedlings i have some experince. Id say either damping off or just not enough light, stretching to much and falling over restricting nutrients. Id say someone with more experience will give you better advice. For now id lower that light a little bit. If you notice strecthing like that they arent getting enough light. Also you can add some soil to add support till they can support themselves.


Well-Known Member
Not enough light makes them go stretchy as they try to reach up to the light.
Then it thins the stem out too much and falls over under its own weight crushing the stem.

If thats a Chinese LED that they are calling 300W, Its more like its only a 60W led.
When I first went LED I got a Chinese 900W and it was only performing like a 200W. You need to get it down 1 foot away.


Well-Known Member
Have you got a fan on them, a lot of times seedlings will keel over in stagnant air because the leaves dont work with out ventilation and gas exchange....

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
looks like 'damping off'; coming from your dirt I suspect, what about drainage for those plastic drinking cups?? You realize that if you double the distance from the light you only get 1/4 of the light intensity, I understood the real advantage of LEDs was that because they were relatively cool compared to HIDs you could move the LEDs very close to the plants without burning them. Your plants look like they are trying to reach for the light, e.g. too tall for their stage in life.
I agree looks like damping off and light too far away LEDs should be close I legit have mine like 6" from my clones
Hey King!

I gave the new guy a *like* first......kinda nice to see a new guy know a little sump'in, sump'in eh?

Hey, @Billiam76 :hug:

To the OP.........try a nice CFL for seedlings for cpl a weeks - nice and close like a cpl a inch's off and move as needed...
Let the soil dry out more before watering. All that moisture is killing the little bebee plants,,Mon.


Well-Known Member
Looks like damping off of seedlings as another member posted above.
It happened to me a few times when i tried to reuse or recycle previous soil.
It can happen with contaminated soil , fungi and of course too much water and seedling basically drowns.

I just mist the soil only until sprout then once in 4-5 days . I am allowing new taproot to
"Look" for moisture and in turn it grows out.

But my BEST DEFENSE against this :
( if using solo cups to start )
Grab a rapid rooter plug - moisten it lightly
Fill cup with perlite and surround plug
Put her in the dark for a couple days until you see emerging seedling
Then add a CFL or similar to add light for it to grow to.


Then the clouds part and jesus smiles on my plants ...


Active Member
Hey King!

I gave the new guy a *like* first......kinda nice to see a new guy know a little sump'in, sump'in eh?

Hey, @Billiam76 :hug:

To the OP.........try a nice CFL for seedlings for cpl a weeks - nice and close like a cpl a inch's off and move as needed...
Let the soil dry out more before watering. All that moisture is killing the little bebee plants,,Mon.
From you, Dr. Who, l take that as a compliment:hump:
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