I Early Voted..

You say that she will be president and that it is unavoidable, does that mean embrace it? Defend it? Like it? Stop voicing genuine opposition to it? Delay the revolution against it because of the minority of bigots who threaten to have a voice? My guess is that this election will have record low voter turnout.

I don't see the word violent anywhere..^^^
I considered voting early, as early voting has started in my state (Maryland). I've ultimately decided against it though, because there's no way that I am going to miss out on the opportunity to potentially be intimidated by some "patriotic" trump poll watchers. :fire:
I considered voting early, as early voting has started in my state (Maryland). I've ultimately decided against it though, because there's no way that I am going to miss out on the opportunity to potentially be intimidated by some "patriotic" trump poll watchers. :fire:
I'm trying to think of the best way I can make fun of these clowns on election day.
I wasn't go to vote cuz I don't care for either Drumf or Hillary but my mom keeps pushing me we usually go vote together. So I'm not sure.who do you vote for when you hate both of them?
I'm trying to think of the best way I can make fun of these clowns on election day.
I have a few elderly neighbors that I'm driving to the polls. I plan to maker several different trips throughout the day, so they'll see me more than once. Hopefully that will arouse their suspicion, and maybe even one will confront me. This may turn out to be the most fun I've ever had on election day! :hump:
I considered voting early, as early voting has started in my state (Maryland). I've ultimately decided against it though, because there's no way that I am going to miss out on the opportunity to potentially be intimidated by some "patriotic" trump poll watchers. :fire:

The poll watchers were there. Seated as far as possible away, obese, and in desperate need of the tailgate chairs their fat asses were firmly planted in..I think I saw them popping a can of beer and eating sammiches from the huge cooler their feet were on.
I wasn't go to vote cuz I don't care for either Drumf or Hillary but my mom keeps pushing me we usually go vote together. So I'm not sure.who do you vote for when you hate both of them?
I will never not vote, because people literally died for my right to do so, but as a black man I've faced your dilemma a few times. I also have issues with both candidates. trump because he's trump, and clinton because of the 90's. I don't live in a toss-up state and she's going to win Maryland with or without my vote, but I see the down ballot races as far more important to my life personally in these cases so I try to focus on those. I'll just going to write in a candidate at the top of the ticket, as I can not see myself casting a vote for either of them.
The poll watchers were there. Seated as far as possible away, obese, and in desperate need of the tailgate chairs their fat asses were firmly planted in..I think I saw them popping a can of beer and eating sammiches from the huge cooler their feet were on.
And that's exactly how I pictured them.
I have a few elderly neighbors that I'm driving to the polls. I plan to maker several different trips throughout the day, so they'll see me more than once. Hopefully that will arouse their suspicion, and maybe even one will confront me. This may turn out to be the most fun I've ever had on election day! :hump:
Great minds think alike. I have rented 3 vans ( might have to get one more ) and have made arrangements with senior living homes and three churches to pick up voters. My daughter is a senior in high school and wants to skip school just so she can drive people to vote. So proud of her !!!!!!
Great minds think alike. I have rented 3 vans ( might have to get one more ) and have made arrangements with senior living homes and three churches to pick up voters. My daughter is a senior in high school and wants skip school just so she can drive people to vote. So proud of her !!!!!!
That's awesome. This is my daughter's first election, and she's pretty excited. Also a bit disappointed because she's away in college and has to vote via absentee ballot.
I will never not vote, because people literally died for my right to do so, but as a black man I've faced your dilemma a few times. I also have issues with both candidates. trump because he's trump, and clinton because of the 90's. I don't live in a toss-up state and she's going to win Maryland with or without my vote, but I see the down ballot races as far more important to my life personally in these cases so I try to focus on those. I'll just going to write in a candidate at the top of the ticket, as I can not see myself casting a vote for either of them.
voting is very important. When you don't vote, your voice is not heard. Even if it is just on the local level...hell especially on the local level.
I will never not vote, because people literally died for my right to do so, but as a black man I've faced your dilemma a few times. I also have issues with both candidates. trump because he's trump, and clinton because of the 90's. I don't live in a toss-up state and she's going to win Maryland with or without my vote, but I see the down ballot races as far more important to my life personally in these cases so I try to focus on those. I'll just going to write in a candidate at the top of the ticket, as I can not see myself casting a vote for either of them.
I voted in every election local and federal since 18. I use to vote for the lesser of 2 evils, but when both are evil why choose evil at all? And I agree many have died for this right. I served in Iraq I know. I just think the whole system especially at the federal level is rigged. I like my state Governor and Rep's. Federal not so much. But I will choose because I must. I took an oath. So you are right good sir