Low stress training???

I got one bulk smash, and one ak49, both are on day 3 of week 3, i want to try low stress training on atleast one of them b7t im skeptical, everywhere says autos are extremely fragile, which i know, but any slight mistake could set you back extremely, which discourages, many guides ive seen just explain what it and what to do, but not how to do it or for how long, im trying yo get as much as i can, any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Once my plants are stable in their final pot I top the main stem and LST the whole plant horizontal. Usually get 3-4 main colas that way.

Not autos though
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Well-Known Member
Its a Northern Light auto and it seemed to take it just fine. i started another plant at the same time and it was similar in size. As far as i could tell it didnt really slow it down. Here is the untrained plant.20161011_193304.jpg20161011_193301.jpg