
Well-Known Member
I can see why everyone blocked you two lol and why is my nuclear warhead fixation rediculous when Russia is moving its nuclear capable missiles closer and closer to EU and US soil? Trump and hilary are both evil but trump is by far the lesser evil.
Hey! Idiot!

Nuclear missiles aren't useful for conquest. They are only good for glassifying territory that will never benefit anybody for generations thereafter. Not to mention the fallout that will blow back onto Russian soil. What's the benefit of doing this? Assuming he managed to use them against the US without getting blown up himself, he'd be destroying the very trading partner that he needs to pull his country out of a recession. Putin knows this. Dummy.

If you think people will actually believe that 3 people phisically stopped trump from raping a 13 year old girl and then he is allowed to walk free before trial and run for president then your mental defects are far more severe than I initially thought...
Actually, what he is charged with and will go on trial to face his accuser is that Trump raped that girl when she was 13 in front of people. Nobody stopped him. And they watched. Yuck.

And yes, like you, I'm pretty much amazed at what Trump has managed to do while keeping his minority block of voter support intact. It speaks volumes about the kind of people who are voting for him.
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I agree NO ONE should have the right to just walk on your private property and pick your tomatoes even if they were going to buy them..
But when you decide to open a business that is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, then everyone should have the right to pick and purchase your tomatoes.
There is a such thing as business property. One can be private and one can be open to the public. Which do you chose to run ?
Do you think they will even allow you to run a business when if you get released from the institution ?

The problem with your explanation is it attempts to redefine what owned property is and blesses a government invented redefinition of the meaning of the word "property" to a kind of pseudo property, when they mashed two opposing meanings of terms together; (private) property and "open to the public" property.

Property if it is owned, IS private property. It can't be both private and not private (open to everybody based on a nonowners determination) at the same time without negating the primary characteristic of what property implies...control of the property by the ostensible owner.

So, if an owner doesn't want somebody there due to race, gender, sexual preference etc, the property by the owners definition is not "open to the public", since the owner has declared some people are not welcome.

The "open to the public" part only comes into being, because a nonowner, (government) has usurped the power of determining the uses of the property.

I chose words to have a consistent meaning and that they not be subject to change just because government has attempted to redefine them.

What makes you think I couldn't run a business FROM an institution ? ;-)


Well-Known Member
The problem with your explanation is it attempts to redefine what owned property is and blesses a government invented redefinition of the meaning of the word "property" to a kind of pseudo property, when they mashed two opposing meanings of terms together; (private) property and "open to the public" property.

Property if it is owned, IS private property. It can't be both private and not private (open to everybody based on a nonowners determination) at the same time without negating the primary characteristic of what property implies...control of the property by the ostensible owner.

So, if an owner doesn't want somebody there due to race, gender, sexual preference etc, the property by the owners definition is not "open to the public", since the owner has declared some people are not welcome.

The "open to the public" part only comes into being, because a nonowner, (government) has usurped the power of determining the uses of the property.

I chose words to have a consistent meaning and that they not be subject to change just because government has attempted to redefine them.

What makes you think I couldn't run a business FROM an institution ? ;-)
It seems like you are set fit to be against the laws of this land. Learn to accept the rules for private and public property. It will help with you not supporting discrimination, bigotry, and racism. Just like laws and rules of the road. If everyone thought like you, we would have people just running lights and driving on which ever side they wanted. We have rules and regulation for a reason. Learn to accept that as a civilize society , it is much needed. Also will help with you getting released.

side note : Saving your hard boiled eggs from breakfast to trade for extra coffee is not running a business, nor blocking the dayroom and charging for entry.


Active Member
Hey! Idiot!

Nuclear missiles aren't useful for conquest. They are only good for glassifying territory that will never benefit anybody for generations thereafter. Not to mention the fallout that will blow back onto Russian soil. What's the benefit of doing this? Assuming he managed to use them against the US without getting blown up himself, he'd be destroying the very trading partner that he needs to pull his country out of a recession. Putin knows this. Dummy.

Actually, what he is charged with and will go on trial to face his accuser is that Trump raped that girl when she was 13 in front of people. Nobody stopped him. And they watched. Yuck.

And yes, like you, I'm pretty much amazed at what Trump has managed to do while keeping his minority block of voter support intact. It speaks volumes about the kind of people who are voting for him.
When we brought the beast down that morning (credit to several other fine members!), he went out on a 'high' note....."Jew conspiracies", "Potroast Jew bastard", etc.etc....it was semi-epic....
hi bluntmassa. time to start calling people kikes again, eh?
Here we go the corruption has been exposed from inside the Clinton campaign by the campaign manager.

The Clinton's are blatant criminals...
