GWPharms in black, tattered old faded blue mongrel in blue.
Blue text that must mean your at def con 4 already. Sorry to keep you waiting
Blue text means it shows up when placed in the middle of your writing, so as to keep the reply in perspective.
Your speaking of cooking drugs in your garage to get your friends high.
You must be thinking of some other dawg! It is a matter of public record, that Skunk Pharm Research is not about getting friends high, except those who survived because of our pro bono meds and are high on life.
Im sure they are ok with a few ppm refined petroleum in their end product. My people are not.
"They" ("my people") are biotechs, engineers, and licensed pharmacists. The people we quote are US government hygienists. Did "your people", just take your word for it, or arrive there through research?
Why will you not try say, 20cc butane in your mouth? Cover the nozel with a towel release the gas and inhale?
Just once per week.
Not sure how that hyperbole remotely relates to Parts Per Billionth residual solvents. You've demonstrated you don't know the significance, and are now leading the readership to believe you don't know the difference.
Make a clinical study out of yourself if your so confident in what the oil company and narrow sighted data tells you.
I have for over a decade and I think I see where your thinking process may have gotten led astray. Are you aware that the Federal Food and Drug Administration is not an oil company?
And perhaps the paranoid conspiracy theorist in me fear retaliation from some oil company thugs. Not reslly but perhaps. Could happen right?
How did we get from FDA residual solvent standards, to paranoid conspiracy theorist fearful of oil company thugs?
I do not have the time or paid staff like yourself to compile data and copy paste and attach it to defend my brand and its interest. Dont really need to. Thats your 9-5 not mine. You have counterparts doing the same job in many industries.
I have no 9-5 job, or financial interests in any systems, because I'm retired. Skunk Pharm Research is a public information blog, which I do pro bono.
The fact that you think we can debate whats safe and how much for who and why in a few paragraphs and a couple attached references in a forum is absolutley ridiculous.
The fact you think you are debating with me, as opposed to the hygienist at FDA, is the absolutely ridiculous part.
Thats your cookie cutter boiler plate response to anyone from the scientific community that questions gas pharms. "Well show us your evidence of where we are wrong, weres your data copy past attach copy paste attach"
The evidence has already been presented by FDA, and while you may be feeling omnipotent, I believe the onus is actually on you to show where they are wrong.
From what i seen butane is the root of all your tech sorry but i truley am concerned about the health and well being of all my fellow humans. Im inharantly empathetic. I come from a line of various type of healers.maybe its learned i dont know I truley cannot stand to see human suffering. Empathy may be my downfall.
Had you done one of our "exhaustive scientific Google and U-Tube searches", you would have noted we offer techs from dry sieve and bubble, vegetable oil and glycerine extracts, through alcohols, CO2, and into hydrocarbon extractions.
Ignorance and ego, not empathy, are ostensibly more likely to orchestrate your downfall.
So many compounds out there in mother nature that do nothing on their own but our brains and bodies have the pass codes to unlock their potential. That can only mean they were put here for us. Dont destroy them[/QUOTE]
Thank you for your parent to child “racist” response putting me, "my people", "you people", etc. down for supporting professional pharmaceutical standards, as opposed to buying into your conspiracy theory.
Since you did so without any supporting data beyond platitudes and arm waves, I rest my case! If you had data to support your opinions, you would have presented it, instead of trying to discredit the messenger.
Sooooo, now that we've exchanged pleasantries, and you've demonstrated precisely what you are to the readership, may we move on to again exchanging factual data?