The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
No man it's all about that PAR and efficiency.

There's a research place down south that runs green houses with computer controlled LED's.

The guy there has managed to manipulate the active chemicals in herbs and micro greens with custom wave lengths so he can make rocket really really peppery to taste for example.

He can actually change the taste and smell of stuff with the wave lengths of light they get while growing.

Watched a documentary one time and found the website.

Forgot the name.

I'm of the firm belief that LEDs/custom wave length's are the future but not till they're dialed in and they come right down in price.
That's what I'm saying the par is the photosynthetically activate rediation but then say ppfd is photosynthetic photon flux density of said par which is the number of photons in (400-700nm) a waveband incident on a unit time on unit surface so yeah pars awesome the ppffr (photosynthetical photon flux fluence rate )on par which is like the integral of photon flux radiance at a point of all directions. so kinda cool aye ? radiation is awesome


Well-Known Member
That's like my very first ballast that. It used to get scary hot. You couldn't touch it once it had been on for an hour. I had it sat on an upturned wire shopping basket. That was a 600w though
Hahaha, I used to have mine sat on bricks so shit wouldn't burn, like the house.... Brought back memories that ballast.. ;-)

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Hahahaha, and that's just the crap I throw away.... Damn, I'm wasted in this life you know..... :-)

And it's quite obviously what I throw away too, it's clearly a bin bag full of chopped up fan leaves and stems with a little popcorn you fucking goon.

If you'd have paid attention to the general flow of the thread before that post and noticed that the post had a quote attached to it you'd see it was a sarcastic piss take aimed at a noob.

"Wasted in this life" my arse, you're lack of common sense leaves much to be desired.

Get yourself off silly sod.


Well-Known Member
And it's quite obviously what I throw away too, it's clearly a bin bag full of chopped up fan leaves and stems with a little popcorn you fucking goon.

If you'd have paid attention to the general flow of the thread before that post and noticed that the post had a quote attached to it you'd see it was a sarcastic piss take aimed at a noob.

"Wasted in this life" my arse, you're lack of common sense leaves much to be desired.

Get yourself off silly sod.
Ah well, I suppose we all come across at least one northern twat in our life that can't seem to sense a sense of humour, what a real NORTHERN TWAT YOU ARE ??? YOU NORTHERN CUNT.....!! ;-)


Well-Known Member
Think iv burnt them a tad lol shud be ok tho ye?
The new growth looks good so they'll be fine.
Mixing up a weak nutrient solution and pouring it in the top until it pisses out the bottom wouldn't do you any harm. They look just about big enough and in small enough pots to not be overwatered by doing that. If it's cold in there when your lights are off though it could be an issue. But the cold would be an issue anyway. Also let them dry right out before watering again. So dry the pot feels empty


Well-Known Member
The new growth looks good so they'll be fine.
Mixing up a weak nutrient solution and pouring it in the top until it pisses out the bottom wouldn't do you any harm. They look just about big enough and in small enough pots to not be overwatered by doing that. If it's cold in there when your lights are off though it could be an issue. But the cold would be an issue anyway. Also let them dry right out before watering again. So dry the pot feels empty
I over fed them stupid really the soil has nuts in and a I shud not of fed them